tup tap tup tap, dah tinggal 9 hari before aku n rakan3 ke seoul..part of me..am excited, whilst another part..am not..yelah dgn keja menimbun yg aku pasti tak dpt siapkan before departure, sape yg ske kan2? konfem akan ade berjuta miss call n email nnt..hauhlaaa
tp keja tu biarkan je dulu, sbb aku mmg dah mood nak bercuti..so harinie nak warming upkan diri dgn entri pasal 10 kdrama yg aku rasa patut ditonton oleh korang (list tak termasuk sungkyunkwan scandal and secret garden yg aku tk smpt tgk lagi)
mesti tonton = ost yg best + plot yg menarik (maybe cliche or stereotype dgn cara penceritaan yg berlainan) + hero n heroin with good chemistry + cite yg buat anda teringat2 sekurang2 nye selama seminggu and paling penting happy ending. (itu sbb utama aku prefer kdrama than jdrama)
1. Full House
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Young-jae teaching Ji-eun how to ride the bicycle during their 'honeymoon' at Phuket |
Aku terjumpe cite nie masa kat UTP, mase tgh mencari cite2 best utk ditorrent..bile dh tgk satu episode..berlanjutan ke episod seterusnya, tau2 aku dah marathon 16 episod dlm masa sehari setengah kot. Drama nie lakonan Rain, dan Song Hye Kyo (autumn in my heart). Plot utama pasal contract marriage between an actor and a writer. Awalnya bagai nak rak gaduh..lame2 jadi konflik cinta 4 segi plak. aku rasa pas cite nie kuar, dan2 cite cinta kontrak laa kawin kontrak laa kuar cam cendawan pas ujan..kebetulan??
Selain drp plot, lagu2 cite nie pun best. Recommended: Oon Myung - Why and Byul - I Think (both are my personal preferences too)
2. Princess Hours
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Chae Kyung being obsessed with the back of her husband, Crown Prince Lee-Shin |
Till todate, cite nie dah diulang tgk hampir 10 kali.Cite nie abit slow paced with 24 episodes, tp the story adelah sgt meninggalkan kesan. Still mcm perkahwinan kontrak, but this time more to perkahwinan diaturkan diantara kerabat diraja n org biasa. Main cast are Joon Ji Hoon (he's the crown prince) and Yoon Eun Hye (the commoner). Memandangkan both are still at college so both are immatured and most of the time when "they were together, ade je mcm2 jadi. But in the end, the unspoken love between both of them which had caused most of the problems to occur.
the story had a nice balance of sad and sweet moments. nevertheless, just have a box of tissue nearby, will be handy in case ..
Recommended ost; J&Howl - Perhaps Love and Nan Nul Saranghae Nuhman Saranghae II by Shim Tae Yoon
3. My Girl
first kdrama aku tgk dgn mak and adik2 aku sampai 3 pagi, semata2 nak abiskan sume 16 episod. dlm sehari. chemistry between Lee Da Hae (Yoo Rin) and Lee Dong Wook (Gong Chan) sgtlaa believable. jalan cite not too cliche. Main plot mengenai Gongchan upah Yoo rin jadik sepupu die yg kononnye dicari oleh datuk dia. Keadaan pada awalnye ok as sume masih terkawal, but then when love and ex lover come in, mcm2 jadi.Mmg menarik sbb buat penonton tertanye, ape jadi ek pas nie? tuh yg tak dpt nak tangguh terpaksa abiskan sume.
Recommended ost: Never Say Goodbye by Mario &Nesty and Lim Jae Wan - Alone
4.CoFFee PrinCe
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Main cast at the 1st floor of the coffee shop |
the main reasons why i loved this kdrama? 1. Gong Yoo 2. Eun Hye 3. Superb OST Story revolves around Eun chan (Eun Hye) yg berpura2 jadi lelaki semata2 sebab nak kerja di cafe milik Han kyul (Gong Yoo) and as their relationships develop dr kawan jadi cinta, keadaan jadi tak terkawal as Han kyul totally believed that he had fall in love with a guy and as his rationally thinking that this is totally wrong, his heart said otherwise. hahaha. so who wins? the heart or the brain?
Recommended - BELLE EPOQUE - May, Casker - Mocha, The Melody - Goodbye, As One - White Love Story
5. Que Sera Sera
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"i'm getting married" - credit to Hancinema.net |
As claimed by Dramafever.com:
Que Sera Sera is one of the most passionate, violent and twisted dramas of all times. This series is about emotional abuse, the notion that love is a zero-sum game and that sometimes, you can even buy love
100% agreed. enuff said. but still i rewatch this becoz of eric mun and i just love the intensity of the drama.
recommended ost: Wolgwang ("Moonlight") - W & Whale and Night Time - Alex of Clazziquai
(p/s: i had a migraine after marathon this drama within 2 days. thus to avoid one, stay at one/two episodes per day)
that's all for now.. another 5 coming soon...
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