dah lame dirancang, tp sbb ongkos tiketnya mahal, kami tangguhkan dulu..smp air asia X announce their new route. so instead of paying almost RM2k for return ticket (naik MAS or Korean Air), we only have to pay RM850 for the return ticket to Air Asia X. So, why Seoul? 1. kami adalah big fan of Kdrama n Kpop 2. seoul is a beautiful city..
sblm cite panjang lebar, WE as mentioned above is consisting of 4 ex utpians, same batch..to be more illustrative..here is pix of each of us:
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taken in the seoul city tour bus |
Flight took about 6 hrs 30 min (quite a bumpy journey we had) we reached seoul sumwhere at 9++ pm (malaysia baru kul 8++) . that nite, kitorg tido at a hostel nearby the airport. the rate for 1 nite is KRW22,000 (RM66), bahagi 4 org, around RM15++..murah kan? Btw, from the airport, ade org dr hostel tu pick up kami. memule masa dlm airport rase biasa je, once dh kuar - kesejukan! (max temp 18 celcius, min 7 celcius). nielah rupe tpt kami tido mase 1st nite at seoul:
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sume nmpk comfy pas kepeningan naik flight |
the 2nd day, kami check out. our destination is the pencil guesthouse at hongdae (kami akan berkampung disini).kami naik mrt die incheon airport, dlm 50 minit perjalanan n smp ke stesen hong-ik univ. hostelnye senang je nk cari, tp 1st time, sah2laa kena bersesat2 dahulu. terkuar exit salah, nasib baik ade minah korea nie tolong tunjuk jalan, pencil guesthouse nie around 5-7 minutes je dr stesen.smp je kat sana kami disambut oleh staff disitu, his name is DJ, friendly n agak fluent in english (penting nie, senang nak communicate).
pas bayar remaining duit bilik (KRW 110,000 each) kami check in ke bilik. tak besar mana, tp comfy(comforter) n ade privacy! bilik airnye kena sharing, no problem, as the bathroom is clean, just a matter of queueing la..this our room:
dah check in, dah recharge energy, so kami memulakan pengembaraan di seoul. plan harinie adelah melawat istana Gyeongbokgung, nak tgk royal guard changing ceremony dan naik seoul tower. so for that kitorg decide nak naik seoul city tour bus, KRW10,000 each, bus nie jenis hop on hop off. cover around 20 tourist destination at seoul.
kat seoul, the main mode of transportation is the subway, buses and legs. (we did very extensive walking here). so mmg penting utk dptkan map subway considering ade lebih kurang 9 subway line overlapping each other! minimum fare is 1,000 won, tp kalo gune T Money (ala2 touch n go, can be purchased for 3,000 won(not refundable) at the vending machine) leh jimat 100 won. dr hongdae kami ke stesen gwanghamun, bus stop for the seoul city tour bus. pas byr tiket, kami dpt beberapa keping kupon dan juge map, bus tu gak equip with digital guide in 6 languages.
1st stop is itaewon. sini syurga makanan halal. kedai daging halal, masjid, restoran halal boleh jumpe kat sini. tujuan utama adelah nak solat jamak siap2, tp mmg jenuh gaklaa mendaki bukit ke masjid tu, pas solat kami makan tengahari, iaitu pilaf rice (KRW6,500 each), fyi that was the 1st and last meat dish kitorg makan kat seoul.(sbb mknn ruji diorg adelah nasi dan pork, so faham2 jelaa kesusahan mencari yg halal)
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in the bus, war memorial and itaewon |
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wpun x cukup masa, gamba still byk gak |
walaupun x puas jalan dlm palace, tp syukur dpt gak jejak kaki kat situ akhirnya. pas guard dah bising2, kami pun gerak laa balik, tp bukan balik ke umah, kami balik ke bus stand, sbb ade satu lagi destinasi; seoul tower atau lebih dikenali sbg namsan tower. timing agak ngam2 je; sempat naik bas n tggu bas tu pusing for the last trip of the day. by the time kami smp di kaki bukit, dah gelap n SEJUK!! pas ilek2 jap kami pun daki laa naik atas, n beratur beli tiket. selain drp tower, ade teddy bear museum gak. tp x perlu kot nak masuk, simpan utk trip ke cheju island nnt. b4 naik kami round2 dulu, amik 20-30 keping gamba dulu baru naik atas. mase tu laa terjumpe pokok mangga nie. bukan mangga yg boleh dimakan, tp mangga utk kunci umah tu..hehe.. kononnye diorg kunci cinta diorg kat situ.hehe..
n last but not least, gamba di namsan tower. mmg cantik view dr sini, korang yg lovey dovey pun leh anta love letter dr sini, cute heh? anta dr peti pos tertinggi dunia.. pas abis pusing2 kami balik naik cable car, tadeklaa best mane pun, baik jalan kaki turun bawah je, sbb masa kami naik penuh, so tak dpt menikmati night view, (yours truly igtkan cable car nie naik skit2, upenye ala2 tram) dr cable car station, kitorg menapak ke nearest subway station, seb baik cuaca nye nyaman je, kalo tghari panas terik, ampunlaaa...tak rela..
balik tu..sume pengsan..haha..kami recaj utk esoknye.so to be continued..
p/s: next entry on hanok village+changing guard ceremony+hi seoul festival
We want more! we want more! :D
hehehe cam baca karangan ;)
I guess Mawar forgot to send me her love letter from there.. :)
nina: yeah..me too want to write more..sbb too much to tell..smp tatau nak susun camne..hehe
mawar: hehe..karangan with visuals..2011 style
ikhwan: maybe she forgot hehe..sbb excited..but maybe there will be time when both of u can go there together..lg meaningful kan?
heh sweet gila reply :)
insyaAllah kalau ada jodoh n rezeki, leh pegi sana lagi..
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