nway..just wanna share my xperience..heh..so called my "first love" xperience laa..hurmm..the truth is..till today never found one..most of my past love story..is much more like 'temporary temptation' story..hehe..meaning..first u're truly madly deeply in love with him...then..u've got the chance to be with him..n then u dump him or vice versa..n then..nothing happen..the only thing will happen ..the cycle starts again..hahahah..enough with that crap..what can i share ere?? my first crush..maybe??heh..my first crush was in standard 6 during that time..me?? standard 5..heh..kecik2 sudah pandai main cinta....fyi..we were not in the same school..not in the same neighbourhood..but..then how come i met him?? hurm..actually my school n his school sharing the same buildings..meaning each year..my school n his school will take turns to be in morning session..n mase tu..for that current year..his school was in the morning session, while i was in the evening session..heh..we not only sharing the school buildings..we also sharing the same class n the same table..hehehe..how do i know arr?? coz..during that time i was a prefect..n kebetulan plak..tiap2 hari..1 hour before our school session starts..kena jaga certain2 area..yelaa..dun want the evening session student interrupt the morning session..n then..one day..suddenly..this question popped out of my mind..heh..who sit at my place during the morning session?? so..the next day..dgn menggunakan kuasa prefect..i'd make few rounds at my class corridor..hehe..n guess what..org yg duk kat my sit tu perasan..mane tak perasan..hehe..dekat 7-8 kali..duk round situ..n mase my last round..that guy were looking outside..heh..n dot dot dot..yea!! mission accomplish..not only i know who sit at my place..n i also realized that..omg..he's damn cute...la la la..i like him..i like him..feelin' like sleeping on bed of roses..hehe..so..what's next?? becoz of that..suddenly i started to active in extra curiculum activities..so that i had more reason to be at school during morning..n eventually..one day..he talked to me..hurmm..talked?? no laaa..it was more to asked + giving advices..heh..die tanya..why i'm wearing tudung on and off..siap bg nasihat..better kalo pakai tudung..though i was a lil bit down + malu pun ade jugak..but still i rase hepi..sbb die sedar..i'm exist..hehe..feelin like floating in the air...balloons of heartshape flying..hehe..nway..that was the first time i talked to him..the second time i talked to him..it was actually the last meeting for us..heh..why?? ermm..actually it was the last day of the school session, which is also the last day for him too..a lil bit sad during that time..as i dun have the chance to meet him again after this..but sumhow..as i was making my final round at my class corridor in order to see him for the last time..he suddenly came out n called me using my full name..hey..wait a minute..when did i told him my name?? nvm..heh..tekejut gaklaa..xcited ade..nervous ade..so..i asked him..what did he want?? heh..guess what?? he wanted my phone number..dem~..dem~..sgt malangnyeee..sbb mase tu..belum pasang phone kat umah agi..he seemed a bit disappointed..but he told me it's ok...n then gave me sum study tips + ucapan perpisahan..n just like that..i lost my first crush..heh..skang nie..dunno where he is..bile pk2 balik..napelaa aku tak mintak no phone die..pelikkan ?? but now..dah tak rase papepun..n if we ever managed to meet again later..i dun think that there will be balloons of heartshape..or bed of roses...etc..anymore..what left for us now..is just the memories...
hehe..n as what i've typed..now..i've start another cycle..hehe..nway..who's my new crush?? hehe..
samuel rizal..tak kenal?? mesti belum tgk Eiffel I'm in love..ermm this guy is another demn kewl guys with good potential in film industries..
aii.. sbl ni posting pasal panahan mata.. tapi in your latest article ni, bila ckp mcm "he's damn cute.." tu, mana pegi Masya-Allah kat depan? ke, Masya Allah tu kena ckp bila berdepan dgn org tu je? ..eheh.. saje je.. just a thought.. anyways, kisah yg menarik! -Kerr Inkson-
OMG.... He is sooo gorgeous and Just Oh SOo delish... SlluuRrpZz... Esp when he smiles. NyaMan!!! huh...:)
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