1. aku hutang blog aku - entries on Everland , Nami Island dan Shopping Trip at Seoul
2. aku hutang diri sendri - a hair treatment and bedroom makeover
3. aku hutang bos aku - finalised audited financial statement
4. aku hutang dgn staff aku - belanja makan
tp hutang aku dgn Allah lg byk!! Ya Allah ..panjangkanlaa umur aku..semoga aku sempat langsaikan sume utang2 nie dulu..
Saturday, July 30, 2011
cramps n shiver
nie adelah persoalan mengenai kesihatan. pernahkah anda mengalami:
so bile aku surf sana sini..nie yg aku jumpe:
Punca2 biasa dan cara mengelakkannye
- kekurangan air aka dehydration . .so kena laa amik air at least 8 kali sehari
- kekurangan potassium n calcium . .so amik vitamin..or makan the source food; ubi keledek , ubi kentang (dgn kulit), kacang putih, kurma, tomato, milk
- berdiri lama sgt diatas permukaan yg keras..
2. menggigil tiba2 di waktu malam
p/s: kalo anda ade pape info berkaitan silelah sharing k!
1. kaki kejang tiba2 di tengah malam, bile korang stretch kan kaki anda? (kalo ibu mengandung..nie mmg agak biasa bg diorg)tp bg yg bukan..mcm pelik je kan? ape kes laa smp cramp2 nie..dlm kes aku..dlm sebulan mestilaa kena at least skali..bile dah terkena, takleh jalan for a while..pastu..pas 3-4 jam, dah boleh jln..tp cam tempang sebelah..kat betis terasa sakit lagi..
so bile aku surf sana sini..nie yg aku jumpe:
Punca2 biasa dan cara mengelakkannye
- kekurangan air aka dehydration . .so kena laa amik air at least 8 kali sehari
- kekurangan potassium n calcium . .so amik vitamin..or makan the source food; ubi keledek , ubi kentang (dgn kulit), kacang putih, kurma, tomato, milk
- berdiri lama sgt diatas permukaan yg keras..
2. menggigil tiba2 di waktu malam
nie baru je develop since last year. mungkin sbb terlalu sejuk, n aku plak lupe nak tarik selimut, tetibe cam menggigil gile satu badan. .adelah 2-3 kali jadi..yg nie still tatau...samada normal atau tak..maybe akan ditanye pada yg berkenaan nnt..
p/s: kalo anda ade pape info berkaitan silelah sharing k!
Friday, July 29, 2011
Love Saves The Empty
Terjumpe lagu yg best nie mase tgk vc solemnization of Nurul Syuhada n Raja Amir . .Anyway, kalo korang belum tgk..u shud watch it.. sweet ok~ n diorg tersangat2 laa padan! kudos to CST yg tak penah fail utk produce awesome wedding video..
Erin Mccarley - Love, Saves The Empty
Little girls don't know how to be sweet girls.
Mama didn't teach me.
Little boys don't know how to treat little girls.
Daddy didn't show me.
Face down, on top of your bed.
Oh why did I give it up to you?
Is this how I shoot myself up high,
Just high enough to get through?
Again, the false affection.
Again, we break down inside.
Love save the empty.
Love save the empty, and save me.
Sad boy, you stare up at the sky
When no one's looking back at you.
You wear your every last disguise;
You're flying, then you fall through.
Again, the false attention.
Again, you're breaking inside.
Love save the empty.
Love save the empty, save me.
Love save the empty.
Love save the empty.
Stars feel like knives,
They tell us why we're fighting.
Storm, wait outside.
Oh, love, hold us together.
Love, save the empty.
Love, save the empty.
Love, save the empty.
Love, save the empty, and save me.
And save me.
Erin Mccarley - Love, Saves The Empty
Little girls don't know how to be sweet girls.
Mama didn't teach me.
Little boys don't know how to treat little girls.
Daddy didn't show me.
Face down, on top of your bed.
Oh why did I give it up to you?
Is this how I shoot myself up high,
Just high enough to get through?
Again, the false affection.
Again, we break down inside.
Love save the empty.
Love save the empty, and save me.
Sad boy, you stare up at the sky
When no one's looking back at you.
You wear your every last disguise;
You're flying, then you fall through.
Again, the false attention.
Again, you're breaking inside.
Love save the empty.
Love save the empty, save me.
Love save the empty.
Love save the empty.
Stars feel like knives,
They tell us why we're fighting.
Storm, wait outside.
Oh, love, hold us together.
Love, save the empty.
Love, save the empty.
Love, save the empty.
Love, save the empty, and save me.
And save me.
last chance
sometimes i wish Mr.X read my blog. but the thought of him browsing thru some of the entries whereby i rant about other guys made me grateful that he didn't. :p
lately, i started to be in touch with Mr. X again. Why? Well, i dont have answer for that. It just happened that whenever i feel very sad or unhappy, i end up sharing it with him. though he's not that good with giving advices, but he is a good listener.
Btw, i noticed that Mr.X had changed. Maybe bcoz it had been like so many months we had not contacted each other.Now, he's bit jual mahal. haha.
Nway, I'm giving ourselves a last chance. If Allah permits, alhamdulillah. If not, it is ok. We can always be frens like last time.. :)
lately, i started to be in touch with Mr. X again. Why? Well, i dont have answer for that. It just happened that whenever i feel very sad or unhappy, i end up sharing it with him. though he's not that good with giving advices, but he is a good listener.
Btw, i noticed that Mr.X had changed. Maybe bcoz it had been like so many months we had not contacted each other.Now, he's bit jual mahal. haha.
Nway, I'm giving ourselves a last chance. If Allah permits, alhamdulillah. If not, it is ok. We can always be frens like last time.. :)
Monday, July 18, 2011
Was it because of the gravity ?
Sara Bareilles - Gravity
Something always brings me back to you.
It never takes too long.
No matter what I say or do I'll still feel you here 'til the moment I'm gone.
You hold me without touch.
You keep me without chains.
I never wanted anything so much than to drown in your love and not feel your rain.
Set me free, leave me be. I don't want to fall another moment into your gravity.
Here I am and I stand so tall, just the way I'm supposed to be.
But you're on to me and all over me.
You loved me 'cause I'm fragile.
When I thought that I was strong.
But you touch me for a little while and all my fragile strength is gone.
I live here on my knees as I try to make you see that you're everything I think I need here on the ground.
But you're neither friend nor foe though I can't seem to let you go.
The one thing that I still know is that you're keeping me down
You're on to me, on to me, and all over...
Something always brings me back to you.
It never takes too long.
p/s: it's the week. his last day would be in this week. heart would be missing him. but heart will be less in vain without him around.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Photos #1
Jalan2 Bakar Kalori Demi Jantung di Taman Botani
Aku dah puas dedicatekan hari Sabtu n Ahad aku utk keja2 yg tak penah nak siap2 tu. so utk minggu2 terakhir bulan 7 nie aku memberontak laa kejap. kuar dgn kawan2. berjoli . bergosip. bergelak ketawa.
so pada suatu pagi ahad, aku telah meluangkan masa join Jacob's Walk of Life 2011. Tahun nie diorg buat kat Taman Botani Negara @ Taman Pertanian Malaysia @ Bukit Cerakah @ Bukit Cahaya Shah Alam. Kalau tak silap JWOL 2008 pun diorg buat kat sana gak. Kali nie, katanye, registration mula pukul 6 am - 7.30 am. Makanye berkobar2 laa kami nak bangun awal. (kalo miss registration x dpt baju n goodies).
aku overnite umah Mawar; bff kat subang, dgn plan asal bangun kul 5.30 pagi. tp setelah berlaku peristiwa antara kami dan prince frog di kala lewat mlm, kami terlajak bangun kul 6 plak. siap2 segala, kul 7 baru gerak. igtkan sempat smp, tp masalah teknikal lain plak yg muncul. Mawar yg amik gamba map dah lupe nak caj hp. Aku plak tak amik gamba tu gak, sbb Mawar dah amik. Sah2 laa kami akhirnya sesat di Shah Alam. Dlm ketegangan mencari jalan, aku punye hp plak kredit dah abis, terpaksa *126*no-hp-bff-sorang-lg-Rina# nak tanye jalan (sorry babe. aku janji pas nie aku amik samsung galaxy S II atau xperia Arc siap dgn line tepon dan data plan- no more keabisan kredit lagi dan boleh fully utilised gps apps :p )
pelik bin ajaib, only after roundabout kat masjid shah alam tu baru nampak taman botani tu kat signboard. walhal tpt tu tpt perlancongan kot. sepatutnye kenalaa byk skit signboardnye (spy org asing spt kami senang nak mencari taman botani byk name tu) akhirnya pas sejam jalan2 pusing bkt jelutong n shah alam, kami berjaya smp. alhamdulillah. tp as usual menapak gak laa dr luar nak ke tpt berhimpun. tak kisah pun, anggap jelaa tu warming up session. smp kat registration counter, tgk dah tadek org beratur, tp kotak tshirt cam byk lg, so gamble sajelah mintak. unlike last year, takyah gaduh2, diorg bagi je. kan bagus camtuh! aku bg satu markah bonus utk itu.
next, operasi cari rina n clan yg duk jauh tp smp awal sejam lebih dr kami. - rina+azhar+fatin dan izma+kmie+farid. mmg mencabar laa nak cari dlm himpunan ribuan manusia berbaju kuning, tp kalo tak cari tak cukup korum n bosan laa jalan2 tadek geng gosip. mujur ade minah kenit duk atas bahu ayahnye, senang je nak mencari, x lame pastu bermulelaa operasi jalan2. memula steady je, gelak2. gosip2. usik2. dah masuk km ke bape tah, start jalan mendaki bukit, pastu turun bukit yg curam plak - muke memasing dah merah2, n berpeluh cam workout kaw2 kat gym. seriusli, mmg lebih mencabar dan jauh kalo nak compare to 2009 & 2010 punye. camnepun, pastinye kitorg berjaya abiskan. tahniah pada diri sendri :)
dah abis jln, kenala amik reward, iaitu goodies bag. walaupun terpaksa beratur panjang dikala panas terik, aku tgk ok gakla sistem diorg buat tu. dr bukak counter byk2 n then rebut2 cam tak makan 5 hari. cume awalnye cam lembap skit gerak sbb org yg q tak fully utilise tpt redemption yg ade. sume pakat berenti kat kaunter yg depan2 je. tp pastu dh ok. n paling penting tadek gaduh2 cam last year. i like! tp kurang like plak bile tgk biskut free dah x same cam last year.
Fatin - Duta kecil tak rasmi JWOL 2011.. |
Kmie - Tokey goodies bag Jacobs |
Peserta Sehati Berjalan JWOL 2011 |
Cam pernah tgk org ramai2 pakai baju kuning nie..tp bile yeee?? ;p |
oooo...kat sini upenye.. ;p |
Muke ceria di awal perjalanan |
Fatin - dgn pijama baru yg sgt menarik perhatian ramai peserta2 yg lain |
Sambil jalan sambil gosip. Itulah kami |
Gadis2 JWOL except yg tgh tolak stroller. Tu Mak Buyong yg dah 6 bulan tu, tp still steady je jln~ |
Farid - Peserta baru tahun nie. Baju warna lain sbb die pemerhati je. ;p |
Cik Ma yg tolong beratur nak amik goodies beg |
Daddy's Little Girl |
so in conclusion, the event had much improved than last year n prior year. registration n redemption tak kalut sgt. tshirt pun best! cume tapak eventnye je kureng skit (tak sesuai nak bawak anak kecik jalan skali+tpt berhimpun terhad). nevertheless, thanks to the organiser n sponsors for willing to spent time n money to hold such event. :)
p/s: thanx byk2 to rina n mawar n izma..u made my day~
Friday, July 15, 2011
i wish for you to just go . .
heard a bad news. bad news for me not him. hopefully it is just a rumor. i badly wanted him to blah from the firm. so that i can have peaceful mind while doing work at the office. so that i can forget him. yes. if he really stay, i think i can go crazy! he's driving me crazy. till the extend i feel like to avenge him.
well, if he really stay. i will do that. certainly. no second thought. so, to YOU..please just go! for my sake..i plead to you...
well, if he really stay. i will do that. certainly. no second thought. so, to YOU..please just go! for my sake..i plead to you...
Thursday, July 14, 2011
lafaz bukan mainan
aku mc semalam. sbb? combo selsema+batuk+migraine . sbb takleh nak konsentret wat keja, aku tgkla tv. ape yg menarik? adela..satu drama nie. sariyanti dgn fizz fairuz berlakon. tajuknye "lafaz bukan mainan" mmg baguslaaa jalan cite nie..
drama nie pasal rita n hakim yg dh kawen lame gak laa..dah ade sorang anak pun..but diorg still lovey dovey..n then one day masa tgh berkelah kat tepi pantai, si Hakim nie dlm gurau dah terlafaz talak 10(theoretically talak 3la) kat rita ..pastu both of them realised that sbnrnye talak tu dah jatuh, so keadaan jadi sgt intense la..sbb diorg mmg sgt2 sayang each other. tp talak 3 kot! mane leh rujuk balik.. rita n hakim mmg tak dpt nak terime kenyataan..so mmg sengsara laa diorg..smp rita nak bunuh diri, si hakim plak menangis depan pintu bilik rita.. so diorg pun cubelaa nak wat cina bute . bile parents rita tahu, mmg kena bantah laa..dhlaa main2 lafaz talak..pastu nak tambah lagi dosa wat cina bute plak.
tp akhirnya rita n hakim dpt terima hakikat. diorg move on with their life.
so, pengajarannye kepada lelaki yg bergelar 'suami' jgnlaa sesekali terpk n tercakap pasal talak. sbbnye mmg bukan benda mainan. sblm nak cakap /bergurau/sindir tu pk2 laa dulu. terlajak perahu boleh laa tarik balik..kalo terlajak kata..haihlaa...
Monday, July 11, 2011
lagu tema minggu ini
Mocca - I remember
I remember...The way you glanced at me, yes I remember
I remember...When we caught a shooting star, yes I remember
I remember.. All the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I
I remember.. All the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof at dawn
Do you remember..?
When we were dancing in the rain in that december
And I remember..When my father thought you were a burglar
I remember.. All the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I
I remember.. All the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof at dawn
I remember.. The way you read your books,
yes I remember
The way you tied your shoes,
yes I remember
The cake you loved the most,
yes I remember
The way you drank you coffee,
I remember
The way you glanced at me, yes I remember
When we caught a shooting star,
yes I remember
When we were dancing in the rain in that december
And the way you smile at me,
yes I remember
Sunday, July 10, 2011
entry utk budak comel
bile terlalu sibuk dgn keja, sampai tak sedar dah hari jumaat. smp tak sedar dah abis setengah tahun. smp tak sedar anak sedara sendri dah besar n jadi sgt talkative. sbb tu, mama long yg cantik comel nie wat aku janji, kalo si kecik tu datang, takyahlaa g keja.layankan aje si kecik yg bijak pandai nie. skang nie, die dah pandai mengenal binatang2. die skip ABC! haha. pantanglaa tgk cat. fish. bird. dragon. hahaha. so cute!
n then, die adelah menurut perangai mama long nye. iaitu pantang dpt baju baru. terus nak pakai. tak nnt nak mandi pagi terus. dgn baju tido lagi, main selambe je pakai. contohnye adelah skirt biru dr korea nie. letak atas kerusi, bile bangun je, die amik skirt nie n terus pakai. ok. bijak. tp bawak2 laa mandi dulu kot.
matching blue from toe to top..stylo betul |
adekah anda nampak seluar tido di sebalik skirt itu? |
gamba kat bawah nie plak, adelah hasil ajaran mummynye. memule ajar suh gelak manje. pastu dah jadi gelak besar plak, so mummynye suh tutup mulut skit. malu skit laa kan..anak dara..hahaha..cute gileee kot! sorry gamba goyang, sbb nak cepat amik..before die stop
shy shy..tutup mulut skit |
satu lagi tebiat kasih nie ske duk kat tpt2 yg tak patut die duduk. citenye mane2 pun die pegi wat cam umah sendri laa..
tepi kotak2 spritzer pun jadi |
walaucamnepun, minah nie susah gile nak diamik gamba. kena candid je sokmo. nie je kot cubaan paling berjaya buat takat nie..
tepi peti ais di dapur..her favourite hangout place |
nway..itulah kasih..die ske 'kemas' umah, lipat baju, tolong potong sayur, kaco org tido, tolong suapkan makanan..she's sooo adorable..luv u!!
thanx !!
persoalan hati #2
nak resign ke tanak?
sedar tak sedar dah nak 2 tahun keja kat co. nie. dlm 2 tahun nie, mcm2 benda aku lalui. outstation sana sini. peak period yg tak abis2 smp tak dpt focus nak amik exam (cubaan menyalahkan org lain, walhal salah sendri), gaduh dgn org bawah, gaduh dgn org atas. promotion jadi assistant manager. kena marah dgn client.
tp sejak promotion tu, sejak duk dekat tpt baru, aku rase moment x happy lg byk dr happy. moment happy mase dpt gaji akhir bulan je. adekah sbb aku dh kurang ikhlas buat keja? menyebabkan aku rase stress je? n lately sorang demi sorang pegi. seriously, slowly aku rase lonely diofis. sbb org2 yg aku kenal ramai dah blah.
jadi skang nie sambil aku surf job street, aku asyik bertanye kat diri sendiri. nak resign ke tanak? patut ke aku resign. tak ke kalo aku resign cam aku larikan diri drp masalah lagi? sampai bile aku nak larikan diri? aku dah nak masuk 30 kot. aku sepatutnye beranikan diri, cube selesaikan masalah nie.
tp sampai bile aku nak bertahan? aku penat gak hari2 dtg keja asik merungut je. dgr colleague menjerit2 marah2 org tak tentu pasal (walhal salah sendri, dah anta file lame gile, last minute baru nak review). pastu sesuke hati berbahasa dgn aku, mementanglaa aku bawah skit drp die. n tak pasal2 ade adhoc meeting kena ngadap bos yg ske meninggikan suara tak tentu pasal. tahulaa kami nie pompuan. senang2 je jerit kat kami. kalo kat laki tadek plak. ape igt kami ni hati batu?? tadek ego nak kena jaga? laki je ade ego? sume benda kat atas nie buat aku penat gile!
ke aku bertahan je sampai abis ACCA. cuba buat perubahan selagi daya. mungkin sbb yg lama dah malas n bz sgt nak buat perubahan, maybe aku n kawan aku yg masih muda remaja nie kena lebih outspoken n berani utk cube buat perubahan. sbbnye sebengang2 aku dkt management sini, tp aku nak try gak assist the partner. walaupun diorg tk dpt achieve 100% aspirasi diorg, at least kami leh tolong capaikan at least 50%. aku bagi masa kat diri sendri sampai june tahun depan. insya allah kalo tahun depan masih ada.
persoalan hati #1
i met sumone. he's exactly like me. love same kind of music genre. the way he do things same as me. both of us agreed that tomyam+telur dadar+nasi putih is best combo so far. but the only problem is he's leaving soon and he's younger than i. i have to start packing himself from my heart. so that it wont hurt me that much later.
Saturday, July 09, 2011
when i'm stress i did some shopping #2
went to office that sunday. felt very sleepy though. stayed back for 2-3 hours n then decide to go home. on the way home, dropped by at KLCC (2 nd time for this week) original plan is to buy a nokia hp for mum. (touch screen with 3g, summore) but cant find the shop which previously same floor as the tgv. so detour. went to maxis klcc, hurm torn between sony arc and samsung galaxy s 2 (that one for myself), couldnt decide, decide later la.
went back to KLCC, accidentally went inside uniqlo.grabbed a blue and green shirts, a black jacket, without knowing i had picked around 5 pieces of it. (planning to there again to grab workout tshirt n white jacket). for that 5 pcs spent around RM180.
then, to nose. thinking of a flats. but i ended up buying another handbag. nothing to regret! love the design. furthermore will be cleaning out the closet and just right time to update the handbag collection.
decided that i had enough, bought hot rotiboy and went home but dropped by at sogo first. looking for the loafer which i had been aiming for some times. it's a white loafer with bling2.tried it n comfy enough n made payment. RM103. :)
so. no more shopping for handbag and heels and loafers for this month. should i feel stressed again. i should aim for a flat, green and blue scarfs and green and blue kurung. when i'm stress i did some shopping and as i had did that much shopping for the month, its time to clean up the wardrobe to give room to new items in house.
when i'm stress i did some shopping #1
hari jumaat last week. aku sgt stress dgn tiba2 dan jadi sgt rimas duduk di ofis. so tak pasal2 waktu lunch, aku larikan diri ke KLCC. igt nak kaco rakan2 kat sana. tp too bad sumenye dah ade lunch date memasing. tak kisahla. aku dh puas ati gile sbb dpt lari ke one of my favorite shopping spot.
sampai je aku tapau seafood oolio kegemaran tekakku kat signature food court. then aku g bata. utk mengusha kasut baru marie claire disitu. byknyeee shooesss baru..rambang mata aku. sambil mencuba2, aku try contact kawan aku yg lain dgn harapan diorg dpt menyelamatkan aku drp terswipe lebih kat bata. seb baik kedai tu ramai org, last2 aku pilih heels nie. RM90.
![]() |
teka bape inch? |
puas hati dgn belian heels bulan nie, aku g tapau coffee bean pure double chocolate, heavennye dpt choc ice blended kala tgh stress. then dpt msg dr one of the gf, die tgh shopping kat watson. bagus tu. aku dah lame nak restock maybelline. dpt laa compact powder+bb cream+blusher+eye shadow..happy lagi!
![]() |
i love them all. easy to apply n make me prettier..huh? |
igtkan takat tu je hasil shopping kala stress aku..rupenye ahad tu aku telah tershopping lagi..haih~
Sunday, July 03, 2011
help me!
td aku berlegar2 di maxis klcc..mencari handphone baru.. memule tgk nokia..arghh bosan..pas tu tgk xperia arc..huuu..cantik2..pastu tgk plak samsung..graphic cantik gile kot. now aku dah tatau nak amik arc ke samsung galaxy s?? mengikut kate org kat situ, 3 minggu lagi baru smp stok baru..keliru~
p/s: beli jela samsung. kalo tak best, tolak amik arc
p/s: beli jela samsung. kalo tak best, tolak amik arc
Ku Menunggu
lagu tema minggu nie.
Rossa - Ku Menunggu
ku menunggu, ku menunggu kau putus dengan kekasihmu
tak akan ku ganggu kau dengan kekasihmu
ku kan selalu di sini untuk menunggumu
cinta itu ku berharap kau kelak kan cintai aku
saat kau telah tak bersama kekasihmu
ku lakukan semua agar kau cintaiku
haruskah ku bilang cinta
hati senang namun bimbang
ada cemburu juga rindu
ku tetap menunggu
haruskah ku bilang cinta
hati senang namun bimbang
dan kau sudah ada yang punya
ku tetap menunggu
datang padaku, ku tahu kelak kau kan datang kepadaku
saat kau sadar betapa ku cintaimu
ku akan selalu setia tuk menunggumu
repeat reff
haruskah ku bilang cinta
hati senang namun bimbang
ada cemburu dan juga rindu
dan aku tetap menunggu
haruskah ku bilang cinta
hati senang namun bimbang
dan kau sudah ada yang punya
ku tetap menunggu
(aku tetap menunggu) ku tetap menunggu
(aku tetap menunggu) ku tetap menunggu
ku tetap menunggu
Source: http://liriklaguindonesia.net/r/rossa/rossa-ku-menunggu/#ixzz1R34fG7E8
Rossa - Ku Menunggu
ku menunggu, ku menunggu kau putus dengan kekasihmu
tak akan ku ganggu kau dengan kekasihmu
ku kan selalu di sini untuk menunggumu
cinta itu ku berharap kau kelak kan cintai aku
saat kau telah tak bersama kekasihmu
ku lakukan semua agar kau cintaiku
haruskah ku bilang cinta
hati senang namun bimbang
ada cemburu juga rindu
ku tetap menunggu
haruskah ku bilang cinta
hati senang namun bimbang
dan kau sudah ada yang punya
ku tetap menunggu
datang padaku, ku tahu kelak kau kan datang kepadaku
saat kau sadar betapa ku cintaimu
ku akan selalu setia tuk menunggumu
repeat reff
haruskah ku bilang cinta
hati senang namun bimbang
ada cemburu dan juga rindu
dan aku tetap menunggu
haruskah ku bilang cinta
hati senang namun bimbang
dan kau sudah ada yang punya
ku tetap menunggu
(aku tetap menunggu) ku tetap menunggu
(aku tetap menunggu) ku tetap menunggu
ku tetap menunggu
Source: http://liriklaguindonesia.net/r/rossa/rossa-ku-menunggu/#ixzz1R34fG7E8
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