Saturday, June 25, 2011


sejak dua tiga menjak nie, chaotic betul personal and working life aku. huru hara smp tahap personal dah tercampur dlm working life. and bile benda tu terjadi..the impact adelah sgt menyiksakan jiwa raga nie. 

mungkin Allah yg aturkan. mungkin Dia mahu aku belajar lebih byk ttg perihal hidup dan bagaimana mahu jadi pemimpin yg baik. kekadang, kite tak boleh jangka macamana jantung nie boleh tetibe berdegup luar biasa pantasnye bile berdepan dgn seseorg. walhal, dh lebih setahun kerja bersama dan ada unacceptable age gap plak tu. when things getting a bit serious, aku jadi sedar dgn yg ape yg tgh berlaku nie tak sepatutnye took place and dibiarkan berterusan. 

this had affected my objectivity. i had soften up a bit too much, cepat emo bile die tak follow arahan, and byk lagi la which all of this mmg sgt mempengaruhi completion of assignment. so, bile benda nie dah mula jadi out of control last week, aku pujuk diri sendri, to back off, to stop and to avoid which was the hardest thing to do.

rite now, things are not siding both of us. i was feeling hopeless.and with the backlogs to be cleared by him, he's seems like want to give up. nak pecah kepala memikirkan the best solutions so that leh win win. nevertheless, hopefully things will get better..amin~

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