Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Mum is 48..
yesterday..21st june..was my mum b'day..she's 48 now..Selamat Hari Lahir mak..actually..planning on to make a surprise party..tp tak bes plak..coz ana tadek skali..i decided to do the celebration this saturday..insya allah..kesian kat mak..sbb die jd pegawai bertugas utk ari tu..thanx to an irresponsible person who purposely arrange this!! ape laa manusia skang..sampai bilelaa PHD(perasaan hasad dengki) tu nak ilang..sbb tulaa Melayu susah nak maju agaknye..:(..so..sbg peg. bertugas..my mum kena sampai awal..n kuar ofis kul 6.30 ptg(sampai umah 8.45 mlm)..n sbb adik tinggal sorang jek..i decided to take half day..lantaklaa kalo ade sesape nak marah..lgpun leh gie tailor skali..sampai kat umah kul 3.30 ptg..n guess what..aput's gf ade kat umah aku..haha..masuk yg nie..dah 3 org awek die yg aku dah kenal..tak campur agi..yg keliling pinggang die tu..sempat gak laa aku borak2 ngan awek die tu b4 adik aku anta die balik umah..pastu aku ngan alia..melangut ngadap tv..for dinner..i cooked my mum's favourite..spiral with tuna version pedas gile..hahah..actually ari tu..adik aku komen aku masak tak pedas..so..kali nie aku masak arr pedas2..my mum was happy..hehe..:)gud..gud..tp yg tak bagusnye..aku jugak yg nak kena kemas + basuh pinggan pas tu..hampeh tul adik aku..makan tau basuh tak reti!!
Friday - Sunday
-it was raining when i was in the bus..luckily..when i reached SOGO..ade sorang aunty nie kasi tumpang payung mase nak lintas jln..thanx!!
-actually..planning to take half day..but tetibe Jivan nak belanje lunch ari nie..so ere we go..mkn lunch kat chakri palace..hurm..tak teruk..but tak sedap sgt..tp tak kisahlaa..asalkan duit ku selamat..sempat jumpe mawar..n borak2 kejap
-tak pegi pasar malam..coz..the bus sampai lambat sgt kat CM..dem laa
-mum cuti..tp tu bukanlaa alasan utk aku tak yah memasak utk lunch..actually..bukannye tak nak masak..tp aku lg ske kalo aku sorang je kat dapur..takyah ade sesape tolong..
-for today's lunch..i cooked sambal udang ngan petai..sayur campur n ikan goreng..ermm..simple huh??
-my dad..buat hal lagi..tah pape tah..ade ke patut?? dahlah tak reti2 nak hulur duit..bile mintak tolong anta..pandai2 lak wat alasan..hurmm..nasib baik my sis punye bf leh tolong antakan..
-wahoo..bile euro nak abis?? aku nak tgk cite OTH !!!
-ari nie ari bapa..my mum suh wish my dad..but actually..pas pk2 balik..did my father really deserved it?? ermm..nope..so..instead of wishing my dad..i opt to wish my mum..:P
-pak lang n family datang..coz my mum nak bincang ngan my kazen pasal nak beli keta..hehe..lame gak arr bincang..either wira or iswara..then..my kazen..told my mum..ade org nak jual iswara terpakai..ok laa tu..takyah bayar banyak2..
-my sis?? Liyana dah selamat sampai ke Uitm..thanx to her bf..n to my dad..he didn't even care to call..at least tanyelaa..die boleh tinggalkan bulat2 kat my mum..sabar jelaa
-me?? having hard time to sleep..my bed tetibe menjadi sgt luas..n..my room was much more colder than before..dekat kul 2 pg baru leh lelap..
-it was raining when i was in the bus..luckily..when i reached SOGO..ade sorang aunty nie kasi tumpang payung mase nak lintas jln..thanx!!
-actually..planning to take half day..but tetibe Jivan nak belanje lunch ari nie..so ere we go..mkn lunch kat chakri palace..hurm..tak teruk..but tak sedap sgt..tp tak kisahlaa..asalkan duit ku selamat..sempat jumpe mawar..n borak2 kejap
-tak pegi pasar malam..coz..the bus sampai lambat sgt kat CM..dem laa
-mum cuti..tp tu bukanlaa alasan utk aku tak yah memasak utk lunch..actually..bukannye tak nak masak..tp aku lg ske kalo aku sorang je kat dapur..takyah ade sesape tolong..
-for today's lunch..i cooked sambal udang ngan petai..sayur campur n ikan goreng..ermm..simple huh??
-my dad..buat hal lagi..tah pape tah..ade ke patut?? dahlah tak reti2 nak hulur duit..bile mintak tolong anta..pandai2 lak wat alasan..hurmm..nasib baik my sis punye bf leh tolong antakan..
-wahoo..bile euro nak abis?? aku nak tgk cite OTH !!!
-ari nie ari bapa..my mum suh wish my dad..but actually..pas pk2 balik..did my father really deserved it?? ermm..nope..so..instead of wishing my dad..i opt to wish my mum..:P
-pak lang n family datang..coz my mum nak bincang ngan my kazen pasal nak beli keta..hehe..lame gak arr bincang..either wira or iswara..then..my kazen..told my mum..ade org nak jual iswara terpakai..ok laa tu..takyah bayar banyak2..
-my sis?? Liyana dah selamat sampai ke Uitm..thanx to her bf..n to my dad..he didn't even care to call..at least tanyelaa..die boleh tinggalkan bulat2 kat my mum..sabar jelaa
-me?? having hard time to sleep..my bed tetibe menjadi sgt luas..n..my room was much more colder than before..dekat kul 2 pg baru leh lelap..
Thursday, June 17, 2004
Today n Yesterday
i'll start with what had happened yesterday first..
-almost slipped mase tgh nak lintas jalan..kat stesen lrt cm..mase balik keja..
-then..tgk org DBKL beramai2..menembak burung gagak yg sgt byk di perkarangan langit CM..
-mase tgh tunggu bas..sempat tgk ade org yg tetibe mengamuk..mase tgh makan kat satu kedai mamak nie..cuak kejap..pastu teringat mak kate..takyah nak tgk2..pegi tpt lain..tp rasenye kejap je kot..pastu dah ok balik..
-my bus was crowded like sardine..luckilly..managed to get a seat..
-nway..bukannye aku tak ske tgk bola..but somehow..euro 2004 seems like dah amik alih sume cite febret aku kat 8tv..nak tak nak..aku masuk bilik..betul2kan antenna..sbb ch9..dlm bilik aku..br clear..n tgk cite twillight zone..ngan 8 pawn shop
-aku bengang ngan adik aku..sbb aku suh die beli abc..die pi beli abc kat kedai yg dekat ngan umah aku..bukannye die tatau..kedai tu punye abc tak sedap..iskkk..sabar jelaa
orite..tu cite semlm..nie cite ari nie:
-mase dlm bas..konduktor cek tiket halau sorang passenger nie turun..huhu..but..bukan salah konduktor tu..alkisahnye..mase trip kul 7 pg kot..org tu penah naik bas tu jugak..tp drivernye org lain..but the same konduktor..mase tu org tu tadek duit..n die kasi alasan die nak balik umah..jd nye..konduktor tu bagilaa..but then..die wat skali agi..kali nie kate nak gi kl..kali nie..konduktor tu halau laa..somehow..ade org nak bayarkan..tp konduktor tak bg..sbb die kate tak berbaloi..n org tu busuk gile..i mean..die cam tak mandi for a long time..nasib baik..aku duk tpt lain..aduh..bile die lalu tepi..sbb nak kuar..mak aii..tutup idung..:P
-mase dlm teksi..sempat dgr cite ragut lagi..kali nie ade pompuan nie tercedera pergelangan tgn die n leher die..sbb kena ragut mase tgh jogging..nie satu agi..tadek kesedaran langsung..kalo nak jogging buat ape laa nak pakai rantai laa..gelang laa..isk2..kalo bawak batang besi or kayu sbg perlindungan lg bagus..(cam makcik2 cine kat umah aku selalu buat..pg2 bute)..
-pelik laa..nape aku tak dpt surat drp petronas..pasal briefing akauntan..dahlaa aku minat sgt nak jd akauntan..nasib baik..ade mawar kat sane..leh arr die tolong setelkan benda nie..thanx a lot to mawar..
-almost slipped mase tgh nak lintas jalan..kat stesen lrt cm..mase balik keja..
-then..tgk org DBKL beramai2..menembak burung gagak yg sgt byk di perkarangan langit CM..
-mase tgh tunggu bas..sempat tgk ade org yg tetibe mengamuk..mase tgh makan kat satu kedai mamak nie..cuak kejap..pastu teringat mak kate..takyah nak tgk2..pegi tpt lain..tp rasenye kejap je kot..pastu dah ok balik..
-my bus was crowded like sardine..luckilly..managed to get a seat..
-nway..bukannye aku tak ske tgk bola..but somehow..euro 2004 seems like dah amik alih sume cite febret aku kat 8tv..nak tak nak..aku masuk bilik..betul2kan antenna..sbb ch9..dlm bilik aku..br clear..n tgk cite twillight zone..ngan 8 pawn shop
-aku bengang ngan adik aku..sbb aku suh die beli abc..die pi beli abc kat kedai yg dekat ngan umah aku..bukannye die tatau..kedai tu punye abc tak sedap..iskkk..sabar jelaa
orite..tu cite semlm..nie cite ari nie:
-mase dlm bas..konduktor cek tiket halau sorang passenger nie turun..huhu..but..bukan salah konduktor tu..alkisahnye..mase trip kul 7 pg kot..org tu penah naik bas tu jugak..tp drivernye org lain..but the same konduktor..mase tu org tu tadek duit..n die kasi alasan die nak balik umah..jd nye..konduktor tu bagilaa..but then..die wat skali agi..kali nie kate nak gi kl..kali nie..konduktor tu halau laa..somehow..ade org nak bayarkan..tp konduktor tak bg..sbb die kate tak berbaloi..n org tu busuk gile..i mean..die cam tak mandi for a long time..nasib baik..aku duk tpt lain..aduh..bile die lalu tepi..sbb nak kuar..mak aii..tutup idung..:P
-mase dlm teksi..sempat dgr cite ragut lagi..kali nie ade pompuan nie tercedera pergelangan tgn die n leher die..sbb kena ragut mase tgh jogging..nie satu agi..tadek kesedaran langsung..kalo nak jogging buat ape laa nak pakai rantai laa..gelang laa..isk2..kalo bawak batang besi or kayu sbg perlindungan lg bagus..(cam makcik2 cine kat umah aku selalu buat..pg2 bute)..
-pelik laa..nape aku tak dpt surat drp petronas..pasal briefing akauntan..dahlaa aku minat sgt nak jd akauntan..nasib baik..ade mawar kat sane..leh arr die tolong setelkan benda nie..thanx a lot to mawar..
The Sims 2
Rite now..i'm wondering..when will the sims 2 will be release in Malaysia..rasenye game nie dah release dah kat us..but..apsal sampai skang..still tak dgr pape agi update pasal mende nie..nway..nie ade skit cite pasal features baru utk the sims 2:
The Sims™ 2 is the first entirely-new generation of The Sims, the ground-breaking game that allowed players to create and control people.
The Sims 2 challenges you to direct the journey of your Sims' lives as they grow from infancy through childhood, teenage life and adulthood.
Starting with a personality that you give them (or that they inherit from their parents), your Sims will develop in unique ways based on your choices and influence.
As they progress through life, your Sims will collect memories which shape who they are, what options they have and how they behave. These experiences can have a short or long-term effect on relationships between family members and friends. Experiences between Sims when they are children can affect their relationships as teens and adults. Your Sims can have casual friendships or make life-long enemies.
Your Sims live in a realistic and vivid 3-D world of your own creation. When you build their homes, you'll have new options that will allow you to create decks, attics, and build on hillsides. You'll be able to choose from hundreds of new objects, many of which can be customized from within the game. And once you've built the perfect home, you'll be able to zoom in close to see every detail of Sim life, from the food in the refrigerator to the expression of moods and feelings on your Sims' faces.
Rounding out the experience, The Sims 2 delivers dozens of features requested from fans over the past four years. A new "Create-A-Sim" feature will allow you to easily make unique and detailed character faces with a variety of hair styles, facial hair, make-up and accessories. You'll also be able to choose from a wide selection of casual, formal, cool and crazy clothing styles. And carrying on the tradition of giving players the ability to customize their game, The Sims 2 is designed to allow players to easily integrate content created by players outside the game.
Prepare to experience the wild ride of life through the eyes of your Sims in 2004
>>sims wedding
anyway..to anybody..who knows..where can i get the installer..please tell me..
The Sims™ 2 is the first entirely-new generation of The Sims, the ground-breaking game that allowed players to create and control people.
The Sims 2 challenges you to direct the journey of your Sims' lives as they grow from infancy through childhood, teenage life and adulthood.
Starting with a personality that you give them (or that they inherit from their parents), your Sims will develop in unique ways based on your choices and influence.
As they progress through life, your Sims will collect memories which shape who they are, what options they have and how they behave. These experiences can have a short or long-term effect on relationships between family members and friends. Experiences between Sims when they are children can affect their relationships as teens and adults. Your Sims can have casual friendships or make life-long enemies.
Your Sims live in a realistic and vivid 3-D world of your own creation. When you build their homes, you'll have new options that will allow you to create decks, attics, and build on hillsides. You'll be able to choose from hundreds of new objects, many of which can be customized from within the game. And once you've built the perfect home, you'll be able to zoom in close to see every detail of Sim life, from the food in the refrigerator to the expression of moods and feelings on your Sims' faces.
Rounding out the experience, The Sims 2 delivers dozens of features requested from fans over the past four years. A new "Create-A-Sim" feature will allow you to easily make unique and detailed character faces with a variety of hair styles, facial hair, make-up and accessories. You'll also be able to choose from a wide selection of casual, formal, cool and crazy clothing styles. And carrying on the tradition of giving players the ability to customize their game, The Sims 2 is designed to allow players to easily integrate content created by players outside the game.
Prepare to experience the wild ride of life through the eyes of your Sims in 2004

>>sims wedding
anyway..to anybody..who knows..where can i get the installer..please tell me..
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
My Fair Lady
Last friday..aku sempat tgk cite korea baru kat 8tv..hurm..mule2 aku tgk..cite nie cam best jek..lame2 skit..cet..plot cite die exactly same cam cite Jepun yg penah aku tgk..Yamato Nadeshiko..kalo ade beza pun..maybe laa..ohsuke tu..die jual ikan..tp yg dlm cite korea nie..die jual kuih..hehe..memandangkan citenye lebih kurang..so nie ade skit description cite tu..
Matsushima Nanako grew up in a very poor family and is thus determined to marry a rich man so that she will never have to go through poverty ever again, and is named the "gokon queen" in her quest to find her man. Tsutsumi Shinichi is a brilliant academic (Fields prize winner - Nobel Prize equivalent in Mathematics) who gave up his studies to take over his deceased father's fish-shop. They meet through a doctor's "gokon" (group date) and she falls in love with him under the mistaken assumption that he is a very rich man...
>>screenshot from "Yamato Nadeshiko"
yg satu agi cite tu..aku tgh cari website die..n screenshot yg ok skit..tunggu..
Matsushima Nanako grew up in a very poor family and is thus determined to marry a rich man so that she will never have to go through poverty ever again, and is named the "gokon queen" in her quest to find her man. Tsutsumi Shinichi is a brilliant academic (Fields prize winner - Nobel Prize equivalent in Mathematics) who gave up his studies to take over his deceased father's fish-shop. They meet through a doctor's "gokon" (group date) and she falls in love with him under the mistaken assumption that he is a very rich man...

>>screenshot from "Yamato Nadeshiko"
yg satu agi cite tu..aku tgh cari website die..n screenshot yg ok skit..tunggu..
18 Days 2 Go...
Last nite i was sleeping like a baby..hahaha..penat gile..kaki lak lenguh..mane taknye..tunggu bas dekat sejam lebih..isk..sesedap ati diorg jek..dahlaa sedia letih coz sbb one whole day..sibuk jd office girl..nway..TODAY..my mum ade exam..exam nak naik pangkat..hopefully she will made it..so that bolehlaa dpt keta baru..without having to eat nasi+kicap+telur goreng everyday..:P..hurm..eventually..i woke up earlier than yesterday..sbb nak kuar umah awal skit..coz..the journey..usually took about 1 hour n 15 minute..tp..pagi2 jek..dah ade org wat hal ngan aku..my bro..die pasang cd kuat gile..mcm nak pecah telinge..mule2 i just asked him to decrease the volume..die wat2 tak dgr..ape lg..aku pun marah laa..die pun mule laa..cakap sesedap rase die..isk..ilang mood aku pepagi nie..then..aku sempat kejar bas kul 8..yg tak besnye..ari nie jam die luar biase skit..isk..soo..perjalanan yg biasanye 45 minit - 1 jam..dah jd 1 jam setengah..sampai jek kat PC..aku jln sampai ke bus stand kat depan sogo..tgh jln..tetibe cam terpijak something yg licin..n almost nak jatuh..tp tak jatuh plak..nasib baik..hehe..malu gak arr..kalo ade org pandang..:P then..naik teksi..n another things plak jd..the driver tu..die lalu jln jam..haiyaa..ingatkan die tau jln yg tak jam (ikut jln kepong)..skali tu die nak jugak lalu jln parlimen ..huh..sabar!! sabar!!..n of course..ari nie kena charge extra 2 inggit..dem..hopefully..pas nie..tadek agi benda2 yg tak best berlaku utk ari nie..AMIN
Friday, June 11, 2004
Restless Week
Finally..Friday is ere..i woke up at about 7.30 am..but somehow..still rase penat gilee..hurmm..mane taknye..yesterday..dekat ofis seems like the busiest day that i've ever had..nie sume gara2 pengawas..luckilly..by 5 pm..sumenye dah setel..then..my mum called me..she told me that our next-door-neighbour will held tahlil that night..wahoo..ingatkan balik umah leh tido awal..letih sgt2..tp ade keja lain laa plak..hurmm..somehow..rase cam selfish plak pk camtu..so..aku pun pegilaa..membantu ape yg patut..agak ramai arr yg dtg..tp yg tak syoknye..ramai sgt makcik2 dok interview aku..alahaaiii..kenduri tahlil pun sempat agi nak interview aku..:P..the ceremony went on smoothly..abis dekat kul 11..but mase tu..keja mencuci dah start lame dah..aku pun taknak laa jd "anak dara penyegan"..oleh sbb itu laa..walau penat2 pun aku join geng2 membasuh pinggan kat belakang umah aku..dekat kul 1 pagi baru abis mencuci + kemas..as soon je abis..aku terus cr katil aku..n tido..tp yg tak sedapnye..tepon aku asik berbunyi laa pulak malam nie..sms laa..call laa..haiyaaa..kenapa mesti mlm tu?? back to TODAY's highlight..nothing special..lunch di PBD..makan split pizza..sedap2..the best part was i didn't have to pay for the spaghetti..sooo niceee..
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
SMSing Nite
feeling much3 more better yesterday..n what makes life much more better was..to be able to top up your hp..hahaha..seemed like my hp had been fasting for almost a month..hehe..pity you..after top up-ing..i decided to change to sms plan..hurmm..ya laah..dun have to call anybody now..paling2 pun..my mum..or for urgent stuff..sesampai jek kat umah..went on sms crazy with my frens..hehe..seronok2..nway..cite fave aku..snow angel dah nak abis..ganti ngan my fair lady..jumaat nie..tp yg aku tgh tunggu skang..cite One Three Hill..hehe..best!!..kalo laa 8tv dpt tayang Ragnarok anime..lagi best rasenye..
>>rindunyee nak main RAGNAROK !!!

>>rindunyee nak main RAGNAROK !!!
Are You Prepare??
the ultimate trip
When we are leaving this world for the next one, it
shall be like a trip to another country. Where
details of that country won't be found in glamorous
travel brochures but in the Holy Qur'aan and the
Where our plane won't be Malaysia Airlines, British
Airways, Gulf Air,Air India or American Airlines but
Air Janazah.
Where our luggage won't be the allowed 23 kgs but our
deeds (amal soleh)no matter how heavy they weigh. You
don't pay for excess luggage. They are carried free of
charge. With your Creator's compliment.
Where our dress won't be a Pierre Cardin suit or the
like but the white cotton shroud.
Where our perfume won't be Chanel, CK, Paco Rabane,
but the camphor and attar.
Where our passports won't be British, French or
American but Al Islam.
Where our visa won't be the 6 months leave but the "La
Where the air hostess won't be gorgeous females but
Isra'iil and it's like.
Where the in-flight services won't be 1st class or
economy but a piece of beautifully scented or foul
smelling cloth.
Where our place of destination won't be Heathrow
Terminal 1 or Jeddah International Terminal but the
Where our waiting lounge won't be nice carpeted and
air-conditioned rooms but the 6 feet deep gloomy
Where the Immigration Officer won't be Her Majesty's
officers but Munkar and Nakir. They only check out
whether you deserve the place you yearn to go.
Where there is no need for Customs Officers or
detectors. Where the transit airport will be Al
Barzaakh. Where our final place of destination
will be either the Garden under which rivers flow or
the hell Fire.
This trip does not come with a price tag. It is free
of charge. So your savings would not come handy This
flight can never be hijacked so do not worry about
terrorists. Food won't be served on this flight so do
not worry about your allergies or whether the food is
Halal. Do not worry about legroom; you won't need it,
as your legs will become things of the past.
Do not worry about delays. This flight is always
punctual. It arrives and leaves on time. Do not worry
about the in-flight entertainment programme because
you would have lost all your sense of joy.
Do not worry about booking this trip, it has already
been booked the moment you became a foetus in your
mother's womb. Ah! Atlast good news! Do not worry
about who will be sitting next to you. You will have
the luxury of being the only passenger. So enjoy it
while you can. If only you can!
One small snag though, this trip comes with no
Are you prepared?
When we are leaving this world for the next one, it
shall be like a trip to another country. Where
details of that country won't be found in glamorous
travel brochures but in the Holy Qur'aan and the
Where our plane won't be Malaysia Airlines, British
Airways, Gulf Air,Air India or American Airlines but
Air Janazah.
Where our luggage won't be the allowed 23 kgs but our
deeds (amal soleh)no matter how heavy they weigh. You
don't pay for excess luggage. They are carried free of
charge. With your Creator's compliment.
Where our dress won't be a Pierre Cardin suit or the
like but the white cotton shroud.
Where our perfume won't be Chanel, CK, Paco Rabane,
but the camphor and attar.
Where our passports won't be British, French or
American but Al Islam.
Where our visa won't be the 6 months leave but the "La
Where the air hostess won't be gorgeous females but
Isra'iil and it's like.
Where the in-flight services won't be 1st class or
economy but a piece of beautifully scented or foul
smelling cloth.
Where our place of destination won't be Heathrow
Terminal 1 or Jeddah International Terminal but the
Where our waiting lounge won't be nice carpeted and
air-conditioned rooms but the 6 feet deep gloomy
Where the Immigration Officer won't be Her Majesty's
officers but Munkar and Nakir. They only check out
whether you deserve the place you yearn to go.
Where there is no need for Customs Officers or
detectors. Where the transit airport will be Al
Barzaakh. Where our final place of destination
will be either the Garden under which rivers flow or
the hell Fire.
This trip does not come with a price tag. It is free
of charge. So your savings would not come handy This
flight can never be hijacked so do not worry about
terrorists. Food won't be served on this flight so do
not worry about your allergies or whether the food is
Halal. Do not worry about legroom; you won't need it,
as your legs will become things of the past.
Do not worry about delays. This flight is always
punctual. It arrives and leaves on time. Do not worry
about the in-flight entertainment programme because
you would have lost all your sense of joy.
Do not worry about booking this trip, it has already
been booked the moment you became a foetus in your
mother's womb. Ah! Atlast good news! Do not worry
about who will be sitting next to you. You will have
the luxury of being the only passenger. So enjoy it
while you can. If only you can!
One small snag though, this trip comes with no
Are you prepared?
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
My Headache
yesterday..i reached home..at about 8.30 pm..after doing my so called "stress reducer" routine (which is consist of eating..n praying) i went to sleep..hurm..actually got a headache..maybe..i'd think too much..hahahah..eventually one of my fren..reminded me about my habits..selalu tuang keja..but tak penah kantoi..but somehow..others yg masuk lambat..ade yg alert pasal nie..hurmm..aku pun dok pk..pasal benda nie..kat mane yg silap?? ..maybe org tak puas ati sbb aku wat jahat tp tak kena..tp org yg wat salah skit plak yg kena..aku minta maaf sgt2..kalo korang rase perbuatan aku tu teruk..mmg laa alasan aku tak munasabah..but somehow..there were times..yg aku mmg lebih ske tadek kat ofis..spend mase duk kat umah..cthnye..kalo aku tgh tadek mood sgt2..kalo aku bengang ngan sesape kat ofis ke..or mmg tadek keja langsung..n lain2 tu malas..nway..aku peninglaa nak ikut demand sume org..sampai rumah awal salah..sampai lambat pun salah..sampai ofis awal salah..sampai lambat pun salah..bile dipk kan balik..tak kirelaa bape ribu tan..kite wat baik kat org..kalo kite wat silap skit pun dah cukup..nak buat sume org lupe yg kite nie bukannye teruk sgt..byk kali gak..kalo ade mende pape or ade org nak cari..n aku takut aku tak sempat sampai..aku naik teksi..abis gak laa rm6..tp tak kisahlaa asalkan sume org puas ati..aku penah gak tepk..penah gak rase tak puas ati..nape aku leh sampai awal..tp diorg yg ade ayah yg boleh antakan..tak boleh wat camtu?? ntahlaaa..malas nak pk..takdir masing2..tp mmg aku ngaku..ade suatu masa tu..bile aku tgh tunggu bas esp..kalo balik mlm..aku selalu pk alangkah bahgianye..kalo aku boleh call ayah aku..suh dtg amik aku..mcm rina..mcm dana..mcm sani..but the real thing..i can't..somehow..aku bersyukur..coz..diberi peluang utk rase sume benda camnie..takpelaa kalo aku tak puas ati..as long org sekeliling aku puas ati n hepi..nway..to my frens..thanx alot coz tego aku..maybe i seemed to reject all those comments..but i'm not..part of me hate it n aku selalu pk korang tak hargai aku..but somehow there's always another part of me..saying that..they did this because they love you..so hopefully my another part is telling me the truth...
Monday, June 07, 2004
More flashback...
welcoming june 2004..though it is a lil bit late..
nothing much happen..got the paycheque for Mei 2004..having lunch at Tupai2..which is located near the MAA buildings..ermm..very nice food..very nice environment..n..very nice people too..but somehow..my purse wasn't that nice..i'd to borrow rm10 from ina..huhu..later..we bank in the cheque..n while going back to the office..dana..sempat wat skill kat satu corner nie..almost terbalik..hehe..cuak..but..relieved..tak jd pape..
erm..my eyes were getting worse..the bump grew bigger..must be an eye infection then..told my mum about it..n she urged me to call my dad n asked him to accompany me to see the dr..i refused to do so..n end up planning to go to the clinic by myself tomorrow..
eventually..bengkak tu pecah..n there were minor bleeding..nasib baik tak masuk mate..later..i went to klinik hikmah..as what i'd suspect..eye infection..n what i'd not expect was..she gave me 2 days MC..today and friday..soo nice..
pegi selayang mall..bought computeractive n witch mag..later on..received bad news..one of my neighbour(jiran sebelah) had passed away..i was shocked..mmglaa ajal di tgn tuhan...n bole berlaku bila2 je..but..rase cam tak percaye..anak die still kecik agi..n apetah agi..bile mengenangkan munirah (anak kedua) baru jek dpt tawaran masuk u..
Al-fatihah utk arwah Che Mah Hj Awang...
nothing much happen..got the paycheque for Mei 2004..having lunch at Tupai2..which is located near the MAA buildings..ermm..very nice food..very nice environment..n..very nice people too..but somehow..my purse wasn't that nice..i'd to borrow rm10 from ina..huhu..later..we bank in the cheque..n while going back to the office..dana..sempat wat skill kat satu corner nie..almost terbalik..hehe..cuak..but..relieved..tak jd pape..
erm..my eyes were getting worse..the bump grew bigger..must be an eye infection then..told my mum about it..n she urged me to call my dad n asked him to accompany me to see the dr..i refused to do so..n end up planning to go to the clinic by myself tomorrow..
eventually..bengkak tu pecah..n there were minor bleeding..nasib baik tak masuk mate..later..i went to klinik hikmah..as what i'd suspect..eye infection..n what i'd not expect was..she gave me 2 days MC..today and friday..soo nice..
pegi selayang mall..bought computeractive n witch mag..later on..received bad news..one of my neighbour(jiran sebelah) had passed away..i was shocked..mmglaa ajal di tgn tuhan...n bole berlaku bila2 je..but..rase cam tak percaye..anak die still kecik agi..n apetah agi..bile mengenangkan munirah (anak kedua) baru jek dpt tawaran masuk u..
Al-fatihah utk arwah Che Mah Hj Awang...
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
The last three days in May 2004
hurmm..sambung dr previous post..
nothing much happen..cam biaselaa..bangun awal..sbb nak tunggu my fave anime..angelic layer..then..masak lunch as it was my turn to cook..masak simple jek..ayam goreng tiram..tempe goreng ngan cili padi..n sayur campur..unlike last week..tadek sesape komen mutu masakan aku ari ni..huh..susah tul..cerewet..kalo org lain..dah siap puji2..sabar jelaa kan??
woke up much more earlier..but rase tak sedaplaak..rupe2nye..mate aku bengkak..hurmm..my sis puas gelakkan..then..ngadu dekat mak..die kate maybe semut gigit..or other insect..ermm..maybe laa kot..takpelaa..esok2 die baiklaa tu..nway..tak basuh baju pape pun..sbb mmg dah plan nak cuti ari isnin nie..hihih
oo..ok..mate aku yg bengkak tak surut2 agi..but..makin sakit..huh..kalo nak tutup mate..rase cam saraf muke belah kanan cam kena tarik..iskk..takan sbb contact lens kot..cuak laa plak..ermm..ayah aku tepon umah ari nie..after about 2 months die ilang..br ari nie dgr sore..huh..mintak anta klinik..taknak..kate keta rosak..aku bukannye anak manje..nak pegi klinik pun nak kena teman ngan mak bapak..just..aku tadek duit mase tu..hurm..rase cam sia2 plak tuang ari nie..mate sakit..nak tgk tv pun tak bes..alih2..aku basuh baju..adelaa 3 round machine..heheh..pemalasnye aku..tp the truth is..walau byk manepun..baju aku yg tak berbasuh tu aku timbun..aku still ade baju yg nak dipakai..heh..peace..
nothing much happen..cam biaselaa..bangun awal..sbb nak tunggu my fave anime..angelic layer..then..masak lunch as it was my turn to cook..masak simple jek..ayam goreng tiram..tempe goreng ngan cili padi..n sayur campur..unlike last week..tadek sesape komen mutu masakan aku ari ni..huh..susah tul..cerewet..kalo org lain..dah siap puji2..sabar jelaa kan??
woke up much more earlier..but rase tak sedaplaak..rupe2nye..mate aku bengkak..hurmm..my sis puas gelakkan..then..ngadu dekat mak..die kate maybe semut gigit..or other insect..ermm..maybe laa kot..takpelaa..esok2 die baiklaa tu..nway..tak basuh baju pape pun..sbb mmg dah plan nak cuti ari isnin nie..hihih
oo..ok..mate aku yg bengkak tak surut2 agi..but..makin sakit..huh..kalo nak tutup mate..rase cam saraf muke belah kanan cam kena tarik..iskk..takan sbb contact lens kot..cuak laa plak..ermm..ayah aku tepon umah ari nie..after about 2 months die ilang..br ari nie dgr sore..huh..mintak anta klinik..taknak..kate keta rosak..aku bukannye anak manje..nak pegi klinik pun nak kena teman ngan mak bapak..just..aku tadek duit mase tu..hurm..rase cam sia2 plak tuang ari nie..mate sakit..nak tgk tv pun tak bes..alih2..aku basuh baju..adelaa 3 round machine..heheh..pemalasnye aku..tp the truth is..walau byk manepun..baju aku yg tak berbasuh tu aku timbun..aku still ade baju yg nak dipakai..heh..peace..
Finally...May 2004 had ended
ehehhe..thanx to dana..ingatkan utk update blog nie..ade gak arr terase cam hangat2 tahi ayam..hehhe..awal2 je poyo..bile dah lame skit..dah makin tak produktif..tp sebenarnye..tadek arr camtu..just tadek mood nak berkarya..:P..nway..nie ade skit aku update..ape aktiviti2 aku dr jumaat 28/5 sampai ari semalam 1/6..
hurm..tak ramai org kat ofis..rina n sani tak dtg keja ari ni..yg adenye aku, dana n ina..kan biasenye ari jumaat kami akan merewang2..tp kali nie..lame jugaklaa kami dok pikiaq nak pi mana..hehe..actually baru sedar..nak pegi mane2 pun dekat dr ofis aku nie..sbb public transport berlambak..nie antara tempat2 yg boleh kitorg pegi..n transportation:
1. PBD - putraline or triton (within 10 minutes)
2. Bangsar Shopping Centre aka BSC - putraline or triton (within 15 minutes)
3. kl sentral - triton (within 25 minutes)
4. mid valley megamall - putraline n feeder bus (within 30 minutes)
5. klcc - putraline n lrt (within 20 minutes)
6. Times square - triton n monorail (within 30 minutes)
7. Jusco one utama - intrakota 21A (within 30 minutes)
tuh jelaa yg aku ingat buat mase nie..tp akhirnye..kitorg decide nak makan kat kl sentral jek..sbb ina nak balik n9 terus..bolehlaa die naik komuter dr situ..hurm..not bad laa food court die..aku makan penang kuew tiaw..dana..mihun goren..ina..suhun goreng..then..aku beli baskin robbin..huhhh..teringin punye pasal..then..pi nile bookstore..tgh belek2..farah dtg..hehe..rupenye die dpt tpt prak kat kerteh..jauhnyelaaa..pastu..kami bergamba meta..n..aku sempatlaa beli due buku cite..Elyana n Siri maskeret cinta..dekat kul 3.30 br sampai ofis balik..nasib baikkk..tak kantoi ngan supervisor..or pengawas..:P
hurm..tak ramai org kat ofis..rina n sani tak dtg keja ari ni..yg adenye aku, dana n ina..kan biasenye ari jumaat kami akan merewang2..tp kali nie..lame jugaklaa kami dok pikiaq nak pi mana..hehe..actually baru sedar..nak pegi mane2 pun dekat dr ofis aku nie..sbb public transport berlambak..nie antara tempat2 yg boleh kitorg pegi..n transportation:
1. PBD - putraline or triton (within 10 minutes)
2. Bangsar Shopping Centre aka BSC - putraline or triton (within 15 minutes)
3. kl sentral - triton (within 25 minutes)
4. mid valley megamall - putraline n feeder bus (within 30 minutes)
5. klcc - putraline n lrt (within 20 minutes)
6. Times square - triton n monorail (within 30 minutes)
7. Jusco one utama - intrakota 21A (within 30 minutes)
tuh jelaa yg aku ingat buat mase nie..tp akhirnye..kitorg decide nak makan kat kl sentral jek..sbb ina nak balik n9 terus..bolehlaa die naik komuter dr situ..hurm..not bad laa food court die..aku makan penang kuew tiaw..dana..mihun goren..ina..suhun goreng..then..aku beli baskin robbin..huhhh..teringin punye pasal..then..pi nile bookstore..tgh belek2..farah dtg..hehe..rupenye die dpt tpt prak kat kerteh..jauhnyelaaa..pastu..kami bergamba meta..n..aku sempatlaa beli due buku cite..Elyana n Siri maskeret cinta..dekat kul 3.30 br sampai ofis balik..nasib baikkk..tak kantoi ngan supervisor..or pengawas..:P
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