Friday, February 29, 2008

Mr. X lagi?

Mr. X mcm cookies..kejap ade n kejap tadek..bile sms die yg gile kerja tu..kalo nasib baik..akan direply within 5 minutes..kalo kurang baik..maybe 1 month after that..or langsung tak direply..skang nie..agak ok skitlaa..sbb bile dah sms..biasenye..die terus call..maybe tak bz kot..nway..sbnrnye..xdelaa dah head over heels ngan Mr.X nie..sbbnye..last time when we went out together..he happened to tell me that he preferred to ' tak yah bercinta..terus kawin'..soo..i did the math..whether berbaloi ke tak..sbb seriously..bukannye teringin nak cinta yg terlalu lovey dovey cam my sis..just nak ade good memories yg boleh buat kite tersenyum sendri bile kite just that bile terase nak tarik diri dr ter'fall in love' with Mr. X..mule teringat that he almost fitted my "I'm hoping that my Mr. Right is sumone who.."(act 8/10)..soo..dah jd reluctant..and indecisive..and tak pasal2 dah memigrainekan kepala aku..sengal..
p/s: nasib baik Mr. X tak tahu kewujudan blog nie..


Anonymous said...

haha...small world....nasib baik Mr. X tak tahu kewujudan blog nie..

sarahtebuan said...

hurm if u think it worth to wait..if u think u deserved to tak yah berchenta but then kawen teros or konfem..y not ;)
kalau agak2 tak konfiden 50-50, take it or leave it jer la kak namo..kite neh pompan :D