though bday aku cam dah lama tak bermakna..there will be no more bday present for me..n cakap pasal hadiah arijadi nie..ari tu..a fren of mine gave me a bday present..which is happened to be a gucci ENVY ME edt spray..

hahaha..dunno what it cost the parfum was bought mase trip die ke paris last semester break..actually..when he asked me what i want for my bday present..mmg dah terbayang dah a parfum (hahaha..kalo dah nak beli kat paris..nak mintak ape lg kan??) cam rase tak sesuai lak (mahal seh) aku bgtau die..beli laa ape2 which i can use everyday..hurmm..hinting laa skit..dlm kaver2 tu..:p..nway..aku mmg tak kisah pun..ape die nak beli..or tak kirelaa..sesape pun..sbb for me..kalo ingat my bday pun dah cukup bagus..esp kalo org tu mmg jenis susah nak ingat though tetiap tahun pun bgtau...:P

cute teddy bear..terime kasih....:)
p/s: musky floral fragrance...wif vibrant floral hearts..
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