aku adalah seorang yg tidak yakin pada diri sendiri apabile tibe time financial commitment. sbb tu jugaklah, aku tak penah ade kredit kad. aku bayar pakai cash saje tak kirela besar mane pun perbelanjaan hari tu. tp setelah beberapa kali buat short term commitment dgn bff, aku rase cam dah konfiden skit, nak tambah komitmen aku. so, kalo dulu gaji bulanan aku, komitmen nye hanya utk bonda tersayang, kini dah di tambah dgn komitmen bayar insuran setiap bulan, bayar membership FF, bayar misc perbelanjaan kat bff. mula2 aku rase agak terancam perbelanjaan bulanan aku. tp bagusnye aku dah tak membeli kasut atau beg tiap2 bulan. ahaha.
dan kini, aku rase cam dah bersedia nak tambah komitmen baru. iaitu membeli kereta. dlm otak aku dah ade beberapa model kereta yg aku berkenan(suzuki swift / hyundai getz)or maybe my old flame, the persona, plus i heard that persona will be given another round of facelife somewhere around this year, refer to here. tp pape hal pun, kite amik lesen keta dulu k?
p/s: takpun aku mintak puegeot baru makcik tersayang saje. .
skang waktu tido aku dah tunggang langgang. minggu lepas tido kul 3pagi sokmo. minggu nie tido kul 11 mlm plak. tp waktu bangunnye tetap sama iaitu 5.30 pagi.(intro yg tak penting, boleh diabaikan)
pagi tadi aku bangun tido dgn rasa yg tak sedap hati dan berdebar2. tak sedap hati sbb sakit perut yg bukan semacam nak melepak tandas sepanjang hari. dan bukan jua sakit perut yg rase nak memuntahkan isi perut. dan paling penting bukan sbb masalah bulanan. sakit yg aku rase kalo pegi jumpe doc, konfem kena warded. aku sebenarnye sentiasa mencuba seabis daya menahan sakit perut ni. biarlaa cam nak tercabut ape2 pun dlm perut nie, aku cume akan pegi hospital, bile aku sendri tak sedar (iaitu pengsan). makanye pagi itu aku pegi keja dgn menanggung sakit perut yg tak tertanggung tu.
sampai kat ofis, utk tempoh sejam, aku cam lipas kudung buat persediaan utk mesyuarat audit dgn klien. sampai ade suatu ketika aku mcm nak menyumpah diri sendiri sbb tak buat siap2 mase aku stay back kat ofis mlm tadi. tp benda dah lepas, tak patut dikenang. igtkan hanya teman sorang bos, upenye 2 bos. ok. menarik. lebih menarik bile aku tertanye2 mesyuarat di ofis klien yg byk kenangan manis tapi pahit tu ke? tetibe bile terpk kan benda tu, aku jd sesak nafas tiba2. terus aku duduk dan beristighfar. rupenye perasaan yang pernah ditanggung hati nie, masih ada.
persoalan aku terjawab bile sampai di bangunan asing tu. aku senyum diiringi "alhamdulillah", walaupun hati kecil aku seperti nye agak kecewa. mesyuarat yg aku jangka sejam lebih, berlanjutan hampir 2 jam. sakit perut masih berlarutan, dan makin jadi tak tertanggung sbb agak tertekan melayan pertanyaan klien mengenai surat kepada pengurusan. aku rase sbb sikap aku yg perfectionist menyebabkan aku cepat stress bile ade org mengajukan kesilapan yg aku buat.
dr tempat mesyuarat, aku beransur ke Kota Damansara, pejabat klien yg lain. seksa sungguh menahan sakit perut nie. dan aku tak tahu kenapa tiba2 pada waktu tu, aku terasa rindu pada seseorg yg tak patut dirindui. terasa mcm sume perasaan yg ditanggung selama nie, dah tak tertanggung lagi, sehingga aku yg menanggunggnye hampir2 nak menghubungi dia. mujur, ego aku masih tinggi, akal aku masih berjaya mengawal emosi aku. cume waktu tu, hati kecil aku yg menjerit2, "i really2 miss you".
i met my cousin, eza last saturday, mase cukur jambul my niece. i just cant believed that she'll be getting married in 4 months time. We chatted about her preparations. It seemed like that she had booked a bungalow, the receptions will be at night(most probably a RSVP event), and it will be in pink and orange(colours which fits her personality as someone who is bubbly yet outspoken)
She had bought some of the hantaran gift too, but still indecisive on whether to ask us to help with the hantaran arrangement or upah others to do it. I love to arrange for the hantaran, but the thing is she will be using fresh flowers, n i cant guaranteed that i will be able to do it at quite last minute.(plus, there's possibility that i will have to work on that saturday morning) So, after discussion with her mother, Mak Ngah, we decided to send it to someone else.
Anyway, as i wouldnt be able to arrange the hantaran for them, i am thinking what else that i can do for my cousin's wedding. For instance, right now i'm having this two idea, 1st-video slide of their love journey or 2nd-guest book. as the wedding is in may, i still have like 3 months to decide. another things to do-have to slim down much2 more than before. As there will be lots of dress up to do. :P
p/s: escort wanted. rm100 per hour. LOL . nah..just kidding. why would i need a guy to escort me when i have bunch of cute little nephews to accompany me? :)
Remember all the things we wanted
Now all our memories, they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye
Even with our fists held high
It never would have work out right, yeah
We were never meant for do or die
I didn't want us to burn out
I didn't come here to hurt you now I can't stop
I want you to know
That it doesn't matter
Where we take this road
But someone's gotta go
And I want you to know
You couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on
So I'm already gone
Looking at you makes it harder
But I know that you'll find another
That doesn't always make you wanna cry
It started with the perfect kiss then
We could feel the poison set in
"Perfect" couldn't keep this love alive
You know that I love you so
I love you enough to let you go
You can't make it feel right
When you know that it's wrong
I'm already gone, already gone
There's no moving on
So I'm already gone
Ahhh already gone, already gone, already gone
Ahhh already gone, already gone, already gone
Remember all the tings we wanted
Now all our memories, they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye
You can't make it feel right
When you know that it's wrong
I'm already gone, already gone
There's no moving on
So I'm already gone
We were taking a break, and having the discussion on why we never used our audit approach in auditing ppl that we met in determining whether he’s the potential husband material. That does sound uncanny but interesting! So we began a verbal audit session for some random guy that we had met. Well, if we are going to make a documentation of our findings, it will be something like this:
Client: Miss.Whatever Year Ended: 31st December 2009 Subject: XXX
Objectives: To determine a potential husband material
Particulars Mr. L Mr.P
Single? Yes No
Straight? Yes Yes
Has genuine interest on you? Yes Yes
Good looks? Yes Yes
Gentleman? Yes Yes
Love kids? Yes Yes
Annual income ? RM50k RM100k
Scope of audit /Planning Materiality
Total Annual Income > RM60k
Mr.L : Summary Audit Difference is RM10k, by right this sample should not be selected at all, as it is not within the audit scope, however as Mr.L is still single, this differences can be deemed immaterial, no further hesitation, but to proceed.
Mr.P: He’s not single. Deemed material, no further workdone.
Mr.L might be the potential husband material.
Ha ha ha, this was a total crap. We can audit ppl but it would took more than 10 pages to describe our findings, which was a total waste of time. Plus, you may have a long list of what you want for yourself, but at the end, it is your heart that determined whether is that what you want or not.
Tried out two restaurants last weekend(accompanied by Sue, thanks for the company!) The first one was The Garden at the Curve. Dah nama pun the gardens, so it is expected that the interior will be the garden themed, with daun menjalar and flowers, cantik and agak membuka selera aku.
So, Sue ordered for herself Caesar Salad n Soda with Lavendar. I ordered turkey n pineapple sandwich and choc ice blended.
The Caesar Salad mmg sedap! Priced at RM11.90. Tp kalo org on diet, kena pesan awal2, dressing asing. Utk kami yg tgh kuar for fun, whatever, as long sedap~ . Tak sempat rase lavender soda(RM8.90) , memandangkan air tu abis, maknenye ok la kot.
My turkey n pineapple sandwich (RM15.90) rupenye served with French fries and salads. Haha, what a big platter ! Sandwich sedap, tp susah skit nak makan sbb double decker. Nampak je cam roti putih gardenia, tp bile masuk mulut, mmg rase cam roti homemade. Managed to abiskan sandwiches n salad but not the fries, as it was a total no-no for me. (tp adelah makan 4-5 fries) Paling sedap adelaa ice blended chocolate(RM11.90). Aku yg addicted ngan ice blended chocolate, boleh terime ice blended choc nie.heheh.
Overall, I gave 3.5/5 stars. Cosy place to hang out n have small gathering with friends.
So, that nite after Cirque De Freak, I sleepover at Sue’s place. (Thanks again sue!) The next day, we had our lunch at Wang Solo @ Taman Dagang. Ape lagi, utk merasa ayam penyet la.
Sue ajak duduk di pangkin, so cam makan ala2 kat umah gak la, bersimpuh (haha, takleh blah). Both of us ordered ayam penyet set (RM10.90) each and additional terung goring n kangkong belacan(RM7.50 each).
Sbb dah sangat lapar, maka kami makan dgn lajunye. Sedap, tp sambal ayam penyet tu, mak aih, pedas gile! Seb baik ade kangkung belacan yg digoreng gune butter tu, kurang skit rase pedasnye. Puas lunch kat situ. Tp kalo nak pegi balik mungkin lame lagi kot, sbb aku rase cam agak overpriced harga makanan situ.
My picks 3/5. Kalo nak belanje family makan pun ok kat sini.
i take back my words that previous episode was the last one. after some thinking, i thought i should give a closure to this series. so that the story will end here(read:tutup cerita) well eventually, things turn to be exactly as what i had expected.
it was the last day at the place. i was having so may question running on my mind. especially the question "will things be the same as now?" i did asked mr.h and he told me that sometimes maybe we could meet up. well..maybe?
so, the new week without mr.h had started. frankly speaking, i was having this sleepless nite and loss of appetite which i was considering maybe i really like him. i was totally clueless on how to resolve this, feels like something holding me not to proceed for anything. so, the next best thing to do was to perform istiqarah (my 1st istiqarah) asking for guidance from Allah.
alhamdulillah, it seems like a guide from Allah, that i coincidentally found out the shocking truth about him. He's actually is a married guy! now that really hurts me. i was so shocked that i straight away sent a sms to him to confirm on this and told him that i just want to end everything coz i cant afford to be hurt anymore. plus, the last thing that i wanted to get involved in is with a married man! Apparently, it would be a total lie that i didnt cry at all. Eventually, i cried the all night till i fall asleep.
Today, when i woke up, the pain was still there, but i know that i will never cry about this again. Still, i cant afford to put on sincere smile. At least, this thing had been resolved, and sooner or later this pain will subside as time indeed is the best healer. Though i wondered why did we met on my birthday, maybe indeed it was just another coincidence. Or maybe Allah wanted to teach me another lesson on relationship. Wallahualam.
i desperately need a retail therapy! but i didn't know what should i get for myself. new clothes? it would take at least more than 1 hour before i could decide on which one to buy. So I ended up asking myself; what i really2 need and what was my budget. I recalled that my backpack (read: multipurpose backpack; for laptop or for gym or for short trip) is a bit worn out and i desperately need a new purse to replace the old one which had been safely landed with other garbage. After much consideration, i thought RM100 would justified for both. So the next 1 hour i was on a bag n purse hunting at Sogo.
the first RM65 was spent on a Tropicana Life black backpack. It was a backpack with minimal designs/drawings but with sufficient compartment to be filled with my audit utensils (pencil case, calculator, laptop, puncher, etc) But to find a purse worth RM35 proved to be a big challenges for me. I failed to harvest any interest at most of the discounted purse. But i was easily drooled over a purse worth RM359! I started to feel frustrated and kept saying "takanlaa tadek satu pun purse harga rm35 yg cantik!" Finally, at the giossardi i saw this white with patches of sequin purse. But it's worth RM69.90. Then the promoter said the magic words "Kak, nie ade 50% discount" Okay. that's it. Finally I found it!I managed to buy a backpack and a purse for only RM100!
Back at home, i proudly showed my mum my achievement. Ha ha ha. well it might be nothing for most of everybody. But it was something for a shopaholic like me~ so.to myself > BRAVO~
i kinda had loss my appetite..which is good..bcoz helped me to slim down..but bad..because i have gastric..so the consequences were..stomach full of gasses..n i'd even vomited on sunday.. the last day that i had ate the most was on saturday.. the rest..i kinda eat one time per day only(either lunch or dinner)..for example today..only ate slice of chicken finger sandwich..and a cup of hot choc..really wanted to eat! but the appetite wasnt there..
having trouble to fall asleep too..esp on last friday and sunday..just managed to sleep for 2-3 hours only..alhamdulillah..things getting better after reciting few verses from Quran..
fyi..this is not love sickness..this is just another symptom of stress when facing new situation in life..i'm not over-reacting.. it just something that cant be explain..
hye, name saya Nur Kasih Ariessa, saye baru 4 bulan mase gamba nie diambil. hobi saye adelah gelak bile mama long buat lawak atau gelak same2 dgn mama long.malam sabtu hari tu best! walaupun Kasih tk dpt makan skali, Kasih tahu mummy n family enjoy makan kat Cheng Ho. diorg sambut bday mummy dan mama long. Mcm2 laa diorg makan. Sup isi ketam dan tofu, ikan siakap, sayur campur, ayam masak kicap, udang mentega. Kelaka tgk muke mama long bile die minum air strawberry soda yg masam tu! mama long mmg tak tahan makan benda masam! Pastu, kasih sempat ngorat sorang mamat ensem lagi kat situ. Pas abis makan terus balik, Kasih dpt susu terus tido.
Semalam pulak bday mummy yg ke 26, so saye kasi can laa mummy dan daddy dating. saye amik peluang nie buli tok dan mama long. saye buli comel je. berak 3-4 kali. nangis setiap kali tetiba terjaga dr tido. tp pada waktu yg lain, saye baik je. saye ske tido bile sume org tido dan umah sunyi sepi je. lame jugak saye kat umah tok dan mama long, ingatkan mummy n daddy syok sgt dating, upenye mummy n daddy beli car seat utk Kasih. Sweetnye! k lah. tima kasih mama long, sbb tuliskan coretan nie bagi pihak Kasih.
baru awal januari . .tp till todate aku dah ade 4 kenduri nak kena attend.. huhu..so..sape2 yg berura2 nak wat kenduri n nak aku dtg..(cewah..bajet famous lak) .. sile lah jgn wat kenduri pada hari2 ini, sbb kenduri2 nie memerlukan aku stay lame..tak boleh ke mana2..
23/1 - cukur jambul Kasih
17/4 - kenduri yus n a. lan
7-8/5 - kenduri kazen
Oktober - kenduri Alia@my sis
okay..now.. jgn tanye bile aku punye.. skandal2 pun skandal laa gak.. tp hal nak kawin nie bukannye senang.. (tak senangnye tang $$$$ je) .. lagipun.. ofis dah membekukan cuti kitorg smp bulan 7.. so mmg lambat lagi laa kan..
bukan dlm mode jiwang..tp tetibe dgr lagu nie cam soothing plak.. nway alhamdulillah..jiwa nie dah kembali tenang.. hahaha..skali skala kena penangan angau nie..tak tido mlm dan tak lalu makan jadinye..hurmm no joking k!
Be still my heart
Lately it's mind is on it's own
It would go far and wide
Just to be near you
Even the stars
Shine a bit bright I've noticed
When you're close to me
Still it remains a mystery
Chorus (both):
Anyone who seen us
Knows what's going on between us
It doesn't take a genius
To read between the linesbrad: ohh
And it's not just wishful thinking
Or only me who's dreaming
I know what these are symptoms of
We could be in love
I ask myself why
I sleep like a baby through the night
Maybe it helps to know
You'll be there tomorrow
Don't open my eyesohhh
I'll wake from the spell I'm under
Makes me wonder howtell me how
I could live without you now
And what about the laughter
The happy ever after
Like voices of sweet angels
Calling out our names
And it's not just wishful thinking
Or only me who's dreaming
I know what these are symptoms of
We could be in love
All my life
I have dreamed of this
But I could not see your face
Don't ask why two such distant stars
Can fall right into place
(repeat chorus)
Oh, it doesn't take a genius
To know what these are symptoms of
We could belea: ohh
We could be, we could be in love
aku rase nie mcm episod akhir..sbb tanak laa buat korang yg rajin singgah blog aku rase bosan dan menyampah..
pas puas berpk mlm tu..aku decide nak low down dulu excitement nie.. so..aku try refrain diri aku dr mencari en.h.. which is sgt laa mencabar! (tanda2 dah terhook disitu) tp still berjaya dilakukan dgn pura2 bz..
tengahari tu..terserempak byk kali..kitorg tukar senyuman je.. then..after lunch.. tetibe en.h dtg lepak kat bilik audit tu.. then mulalaa sesi soal jawab..this round aku memberanikan diri tanye macam2 dan tanye balik satu soklan yg die penah tanye kat aku..which is ...
then petang tu.. die ajak g minum petang.. with the assumption that today hari last aku kat sane.. (yg nie aku saje cakap..nak tgk reaksi die).. minum petang yg simple n sweet..
then en.h yg nak kembali ke ofis, telah menyusahkan diri die, dgn menemani aku naik putra lrt smp masjid jamek dan star smp sogo..sblm balik ke ofis balik.. ok..nie dah buat aku confused..
nway..aku break one of the rules harinie..well..mmg aku menggunakan keberanian yg melampui adrenalin aku..dan inilah hasilnye..sume berkat tunjuk ajar dan galakan bff n gfs..:P
aku: en.h ..err..kalo saye nak no phone leh tak?
en.h: boleh...tp tggu next week laa..
aku: (blur)
en.h : saye nak buat awak tertunggu2..manelaa tau awak boring dgn saye nnt..
aku: tadek plak saye rase camtu..
en.h: tp ofismate kate saye nie boring..
aku: saye...so far so good . . .(aku dah lost of word dah nie)
then both of us..looked at each other n senyum..
aku ade mcm2 rasa skang..rase berjaga2..sbb this is too good to be true..rase happy..rase cam dlm drama..rase excited..tp takleh excited sgt..ape2pun..aku hanye tersenyum menikmati hari nie..well..esok hari yg lain.. :P
somehow..situation nie(dan sebelum2 nie) mengajar aku byk benda..
1. first impression tu sgt penting . .so tak kira nak kemana2..or nak jumpe sape2..kena selalu kelihatan kemas..
2. kena konfiden.. dan cepat pick up..
3. willing to take risk..break the 'rules'..tp kena bertempat laa
4. as esok ade lah hari yg tak diketahui lagi..kena laa ready for the worst..so that tak kire ape jadi esoknye, still akan jadi hari yg lebih baik dr harini..
need to get back my sanity.. nape laa aku rase cam baru lepas shooting drama?
walaupun rase seronok ade something yg buat aku motivate nak g tpt client. tp sebenarnye aku tak bape ske dgn keseronokkan nie..sbbnye..nnt kalo pg client lain..dah tadek benda2 camnie..dan buat aku asyik teringat2..
tp yang paling tidak menyedapkan hati adelaa bile pagi nie..aku sendri yg ternanti2 bile en.h akan lalu depan bilik kaca tu..smp sakit leher aku..sbb cepat sgt bergerak tiap kali aku dgr ade derap kasut org berjalan..
dan bile en.h yang betul2 lalu.. jadilaa keadaan aku terpandang die..dan die plak tgh pandang aku..mcm aku mmg ternanti2 (which is mmg pun).. tak terkata..tp masing2 hanye tersenyum..ade org yang tak betul kat sini!!
ptg tu..aku sengaja panggil en.h masuk sekejap kedlm bilik tu..tujuannye..nak mintak tolong bukakkan air mineral yg tak dpt aku dan junior2 ku bukak dr pagi tadi..dah die sorang je yg aku kenal..terpaksalaa kan..sebelum kuar sempat lagi die bertanye..
en.h: audit smp bile? next week kan?
aku: a ah..next week..
en.h: next week ye..kalo camtu takpelah..
aku : ape yg "takpelah" tu?
en.h: boleh lagi laa saye nak pandang2..(dan terus tutup pintu)
aku: aaaaaaa? (sweet ke? aku rase darah naik ke muka waktu tu)
ade rase cam dah ter'smitten' lak dgn en.h . . just sgt hesitate.. sbb tak dpt dikenalpasti status en.h . . soo.. skang nie ape2 je junior aku cakap.. aku cume cube meletakkan diri aku dlm keadaan denial . .
scene 1
aku n audit team smp lambat. sbb dgr mcm2 briefing. agak terkejut tgk bilik kitorg ade org duduk. pas tanye org property, diorg kate leh gune bilik tu. so kitorg stay. tak lame kemudian en.h masuk dan amik barang dan berbasa-basi dgn aku. first impression aku cute gak mamat nie. so kenala bg 1st impression yg bagus gak. manelaa tau masih single dan lurus.:P die amik brg dan kuar bilik.
junior : akak, td mamat tu dok perati tag akak.
aku: ye ke? aiseh lupe nak simpan tag
scene 2
aku naik atas jenguk junior2 lelain yg tgh cek invois, payment. aku balik bilik audit.
junior: akak, apsal org perasan byk kali mamat tu lalu sini, asyik dok pandang dlm nie..macam cari akak.
aku : owh..akak rasa mmg camtu ..sbb bilik kaca so org teringin nak tahu sape dlm bilik nie..akak pun same cam tu
junior: buat apelaa dkt 10 kali ulang-alik dok tgk bilik nie kalo dah tau sape dlm bilik nie..
aku: tu akak tatau laa
scene 3
aku tggl sorang dlm bilik audit. en.h lalu dan masuk dlm bilik. mengadu kepenatan .dan memulakan interogasi
aku: sibuk sgt ke harinie? asyik ulang alik je
en.h: a ah..penat betul asyik g sana sini. eh awak tak ske ke saya ulang alik depan awak?
aku: owh..patutlaa asyik nampak awak ulang alik
en.h: awak rimas ke? takpelah nnt saye lalu pintu belakang
aku: skit pun tak kisah..lalu 1000 kali pun takpe (saye ske awak ulang alik dan pandang dlm bilik nie sambil tersenyum)
en.h: weekend buat ape? takan keja gak kot
aku:kalo sabtu ade keja gak..tp kat umah..tp kalo ahad...
en.h : g dating?
aku: keja aje..mane ade masa . .
-tepon bunyi, die mintak diri, aku sambung keja-
bagus gak skali skala ade aktiviti camnie..rase motivate skit utk aku g client dan stay back.. just consider nie hanye another "one night stand" at client place.. sbb aku rase mmg susah "lucky" nak singgah kat tepi aku bile smp bab2 hati nie..:)
2. Had a pre-bday celebration at nandos the mines on 2nd January. Finally, sumthing that wasnt planned by me. Thanks gals n guys! But kalo dpt g awal lagi kan bagus, leh borak2 n amik byk gamba gila2. I met Hana Ashran for the 1st time on that day. Comel with bunny gears. Dpt beg nandos yg kononnye my pressies - not considering that a bday present from u all k! :p
3. Received lots of smses today! Loved it!
4. I dislike having bday on the working day. Coz I will only ended up woke up @ 5.30 am..reached office @ 7.50 am..listened to some boring and lengthy briefing.. go to client place..reached home tired at 7.50 pm..
5. I met sumone interesting today at the client's place. too early to predict anything.That kinda make my day today~
6. Mom insisted to have a bbq bday party for me n my sis this sat. So it is on - Family BBQ ! No choice. But my condition is that i'll only contributed my money and cook a pot of spagethi. Only that.
7. Dear friends, kite pun akan ade our own bbq party! tp kena tong2 laa duitnya. I can provide the bbq set, place to cook, entertainment and place to rest. tentative date end of january! So make urself free. By Invitation Only~
9.Yesterday, i asked my mom about her experience when she gave birth to me (again). It is a timeless story that I'll asked every year. Mom often will said " tiap tahun tanye benda yg sama" but still akan cite. :)
The 2010 was initiated with an office assignment at the client’s place, nearby KL sentral.Eventually we had to perform the “control procedure” which is crucial so that our test will be reliable. Eventually, even the client had challenged us on whether we will be able to be at the place at 3 am. Well, it seems like you had challenged the wrong person. We reached there around 2.30 am and started to perform the walkthrough. As this was something new for me, I was really enjoying the learning process. The assignment ended at 4 am. Reached home and continue my beauty sleep till 10 am.
I woke up to the loud noise coming from the living room. It was my mum n sis who having fun watching the Celeb n the Poor, a Japanese dvd series (we had stock up lots of Japanese, Korean and us tv series to replace the boring morning tv shows) mum told me that she had decided to watch Sherlock holmes (I gave her 5 choices; cirque de freak, morgan, imaginarium, Alvin n holmes)
At 11.30, the TGV was almost packed with patrons and customer queuing for the tickets. I wasn’t shocked. It was expected. Nway, I am very glad that I had made the reservation. So I can skipped the long queue and can request for the best seat that is still available (provided u’re there like 2 or 1 ½ hours before the shows started, else I suggested to pay online)
Fyi, the recent two movies that I’d watched in 2009 was Christmas carol 3d and the princess and the frog whereby both had successfully managed to deprive me into sleep. Thus, I was having an expectation that I’ll be sleeping again, as the movie was seemed to be set up in the dark old century. Then, I must have guessed it wrong. Sherlock Holmes is witty, amusing, dark, and cool. Robert downey jr n Jude law collaboration is one of the best thing could ever happened in a movie!
Sherlock Holmes was inspired from Conan Doyle writing. Produced by Guy Ritchie. It was about the infamous gifted detective, Sherlock Holmes solving the mysteries of the Lord Blackwood who claimed to be in possession of black magic, assisted by the well known doctor, Dr. Watson. It was quick paced, with relevant flashback, bare-chested holmes, great cinematography and brilliant music arrangement – just what I love!
The rest of the day was spent at home. Watching dvd series while eating spirals in spicy tomatoes beefs. So with that, Happy New Year 2010! I am planning to increase $$$$, to decrease spending of $$$$, to reduce more kg's, to do more travels, the list go on..nah..just ignore it..those had been b/f since i've ever knew the meaning of resolutions.. :P