Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Featured song of the week
My TOP 10 - must listen to.. :)
Lemar - Tick Tock
I gotta leave again
I don't wanna go
Things can be so lonely on the road
Could be the presidential suite
But nothing's ever like your bed at home
Especially when you're away from the one you love
It gets tough
Even though it hurts when I'm off at work
Looking at her picture soothes my pain
And for a moment I, find myself right back at home again
I remember, through the ups and downs of my day
I can say, my baby will be
Sitting, waiting, longing, holding on for me
While the time goes tick tock tick tock
My baby will be
Sitting, waiting, longing, holding on for me
While the time goes tick tock tick tock
She's gotta leave again
She don't wanna go
Hates to be away from me so long
She calls me everyday but
She can't kiss her baby on the phone
When we're hanging up
The tears start rolling down
But somehow oh
Even though she cries
She can find her smile
Cos she knows with me her heart is safe
Funny how time away, makes a loving heart grow fond again
She remembers, through the ups and downs of her day
She can say, oh that I'll be...
Sitting, waiting, longing, holding on for her
While the time goes tick tock tick tock
Her baby will be
Sitting, waiting, longing, holding on for her
While the time goes tick tock tick tock
Oh, we remember, through the ups and downs of our days
We can say, oh that we'll be
[Chorus x2]
Sitting, waiting, longing, holding on for love
While the time goes tick tock tick tock
Oh we will be
Sitting, waiting, longing, holding on for love
While the time goes tick tock tick tock
Lyrics credit to
fakta menarik
asik upload pasal kehidupan yg agak membosankan je..kite tambahlaa skit ilmu..
1. The colder the rooms you sleep in, the better the chances are that you'll have a bad dream.
2. You can't kill yourself by holding your breath.
3. 50,000 of the cells in your body will die and be replaced with new cells, all while you have been reading this sentence!
4. People say "Bless you" when you sneeze because when you sneeze, your heart stops for a millisecond. (erk..shud be alhamdulillah laa for the muslim)
5. After spending hours working at a computer display, look at a blank piece of white paper. It will probably appear pink.
6. Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour. (haa? dont do this at home! )
7. GADFY, written by Earnest Wright in 1939 is a 50,000+ word book, which doesn't contain a single word with ' e' in it.
8. After eating too much, your hearing is less sharp.
9. According to German researchers, the risk of heart attack is higher on Monday than any other day of the week.
10. What do bullet proof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers and laser printers all have in common?
1. The colder the rooms you sleep in, the better the chances are that you'll have a bad dream.
2. You can't kill yourself by holding your breath.
3. 50,000 of the cells in your body will die and be replaced with new cells, all while you have been reading this sentence!
4. People say "Bless you" when you sneeze because when you sneeze, your heart stops for a millisecond. (erk..shud be alhamdulillah laa for the muslim)
5. After spending hours working at a computer display, look at a blank piece of white paper. It will probably appear pink.
6. Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour. (haa? dont do this at home! )
7. GADFY, written by Earnest Wright in 1939 is a 50,000+ word book, which doesn't contain a single word with ' e' in it.
8. After eating too much, your hearing is less sharp.
9. According to German researchers, the risk of heart attack is higher on Monday than any other day of the week.
10. What do bullet proof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers and laser printers all have in common?
Answer - All invented by women. (ha ha ha ha)
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
randomn rants #3
1. body clock dah lari. usually, aku tido kul 9 or 9.30 mlm (sbb nak kena bangun 5.30 pg). tp eversince aku constantly stay up smp kul 2-3 pagi sbb nak siapkan keja, dah jadi tunggang langgang dah sume. jadinya siang td kat ofis klien, aku asik nguap je! weekend nie aku kena betulkan balik waktu tido aku..
2. esok ade stock take. aku ske sbb boleh pakai jeans dan ade kemungkinan utk balik awal. so boleh tido awal lagi.
3. manager bg instruction utk observe co. operation system. so for that, aku kena g tpt client pada pukul 3 pagi pada 1/1/2010 sbb waktu tu baru diorg tutup. agak2 nye aku audit co apelaa ek sampai kena dtg kul 3 pagi? perancangan awal balik tido n junior dtg amik. tp aku cam terngiang2 keseronokan dan keenakkan tido dlm panggung wayang (with the exception of the cute noise sound yg aku tak sengaja buat tu). masalahnye tadek geng yg rela plak.
4. 2 januari nie ade training la plak. aku rase malas nak join, sbb lepas tu sah2 kena kemas file2. dr aku kemas file baik aku balik tido puas2.
5. sebenarnya aku dah malas nak merancang2 gath la, majlis la. tp aku mmg ade bakat organizer kot. walau camnepun aku ngelat, mesti akhirnye aku gak yg tolong handle. paling terbaru, bbq bday party with family n fren. sesungguhnya aku sgt malas dan penat nak berpk. what's the best way to convey the msg?
6. aku tak dpt apply cuti on my bday. cuti audit dept dah dibekukan smp bulan 6 (tp el dan mc tak dibekukan la). so, hari jadi aku akan berlalu dgn dgr ceramah pasal medical insurance. pegi tpt client. balik dan tido. menarik. 1st time (eversince aku mengenali menyambut bday) akan aku abiskan tanpa berpoya2.
7. favourite pastime aku skang adelah TIDO~
p/s: aku tak tiru sape2..tetibe je aku malas nak tulis esei sepanjang lebih drpd 2000 patah perkataan.
Monday, December 28, 2009
bbq dlm gelap
Sunday, December 27, 2009
me n princess n the frog . .
it was an unplanned plan. it was on the christmas eve. it was the day after the night where i only slept for 3 and 1/2 hours. it all started when me n sue were chatting thru ym. we suddenly made an impromptu plan to watch a movie@pavi. so the plan was that to get the ticket of alvin n chipmunks. eat our dinner. watch the movie n go home. sumhow, things took a big turn. when the tickets for most of the movies(for the show around 9++) had been sold out. that's when sue suggested to watch the 12.55 am show, which i said ok. it was almost 8 pm.
so, next we joined the crowd excitingly waiting for the snow(it's a snow foam). there were too many ppl, i even envisioned that a stampede could happened with that large of crowd unintentionally pushing each other to get a closer look to the snow when it started to fall. after we managed to safely escape the crowd, we had our dinner and did some window shopping. by 10 pm, we were clueless on what to do and where to lepak as most of the restaurants n cafe were packed with patrons.
so we went for sightseeing in the car. from kl to bangsar. we stopped at baskin robin take away the ice cream(couldnt' forget the look of the ppl there when i who are still in baju kurung came in n started to try almost all the flavours over there)and indulged it thru out the trip. at 12.55 am, we were at the cinema watching the princess and the frog. i was already worn out. this was my 2nd time in the year staying up and out till late in the morning. so expectedly, i fall asleep middle of the movies and eventually sue pinched me when i eventually started to make some cute noise aka snoring (hahahaha..this was soo hilarious and kinda embarrassing). guess that i was damn freaking tired on that day!
randomn rants #2
Kalau menyampah tgk org asik update status, bolehlaa dihidekan sementara. Tp kalo sakit hati bile org layan kite acuh tak acuh? kalo delete nnt hati merindu, nak add balik, die pun jd pening, kite jd malu. Tp kalo dibiarkan rase hari2 nak update status indirectly bgtau die. inilah namenye permasalahan hati. walau pun dah tahu org tak ske. hati ttp nak gak. susah gak kan?
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
fasa2 kehidupan seorang auditor
Bile jadi junior, asyik dikerah buat vouching + casting + filing + fotostat, buat jelah sume benda, bile kena marah tunduk lantai, senyum aje memanjang, tp seronok, abis fieldwork, dah abis tanggungjawab.
Bile naik semi senior , asyik dikerah audit klien sorang2, masih kena buat vouching dan filing sendri, tp seronok kalo biasanye keja dgn junior, takyah nak buat vouching berhari2, casting sepanjang hari, kalo lebih nasib baik keja dgn senior, takyah pening2 pale kalo klien sengal .
Bile naik senior, asyik dikerah utk lead team yg ade mcm2 perangai, kena menebalkan muka menggesa klien bg pelbagai outstanding item, kalo team buat kerja macam haram dan tak dgr cakap, sendri la kena betulkan, selalu jd first person yg dimarah kaw2 oleh manager, tp seronok sbb boleh arah je team buat nie buat tu.
Bile naik manager, asyik kena urus itu urus ini, pegi meeting sana pegi meeting situ, tepon klien mintak maaf walaupun bukan salah auditor, tepon klien mintak extend dateline bila team audit tak dpt meet dateline, kekadang kena jerit dgn partner seronok sbb hanya review keja senior (iaitu hasilan review senior) , cek draft dan tambah mcm2 benda ngarut, kadang2 boleh pilih staff sendri.
Bile jadi partner, pening pale nak cari klien baru, kekadang pening pk hal duit, tp seronok sbb nak masuk bile2 pun boleh, biasa masuk ofis pun , review file dan signed report, paling best $$$$$$
So..korang nak phase yg mane? life ain't easy, bile rase dah senang, nak lg senang. .
Bile naik semi senior , asyik dikerah audit klien sorang2, masih kena buat vouching dan filing sendri, tp seronok kalo biasanye keja dgn junior, takyah nak buat vouching berhari2, casting sepanjang hari, kalo lebih nasib baik keja dgn senior, takyah pening2 pale kalo klien sengal .
Bile naik senior, asyik dikerah utk lead team yg ade mcm2 perangai, kena menebalkan muka menggesa klien bg pelbagai outstanding item, kalo team buat kerja macam haram dan tak dgr cakap, sendri la kena betulkan, selalu jd first person yg dimarah kaw2 oleh manager, tp seronok sbb boleh arah je team buat nie buat tu.
Bile naik manager, asyik kena urus itu urus ini, pegi meeting sana pegi meeting situ, tepon klien mintak maaf walaupun bukan salah auditor, tepon klien mintak extend dateline bila team audit tak dpt meet dateline, kekadang kena jerit dgn partner seronok sbb hanya review keja senior (iaitu hasilan review senior) , cek draft dan tambah mcm2 benda ngarut, kadang2 boleh pilih staff sendri.
Bile jadi partner, pening pale nak cari klien baru, kekadang pening pk hal duit, tp seronok sbb nak masuk bile2 pun boleh, biasa masuk ofis pun , review file dan signed report, paling best $$$$$$
So..korang nak phase yg mane? life ain't easy, bile rase dah senang, nak lg senang. .
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
planner 2010
aku dah malas nak buat resolusi. ape yg penting. aku kena pastikan hari2 aku lebih baik dr hari yg sebelumnya. memandangkan keadaan sekeliling aku dah byk berubah, aku rasa aku perlukan sesuatu yang boleh buat aku leka dan kurang berpikir ttg benda yg susah nak diduga bile dtgnye. kesimpulannya, aku kena sibukkan diri dgn mcm aktiviti, supaya aku tadek masa nak pk benda2 nie sume.
Jan to Feb - Interim dan final audit
Feb to April - Driving class
Mar to May - ACCA classes
April - Attend a baking class
May - Eza's Wedding, Holiday @ Langkawi / KK
Jun - ACCA Exam
Jun to Aug - Piano Lesson / Dancing Class
Aug to Nov - ACCA classes
Nov - Holiday @ Singapore
Dec - ACCA Exam, Audit Planning
boleh merancang saja. so far nampak ok. just kena kurangkan aktiviti retail theraphy. sbb sume nie pakai duit.
Jan to Feb - Interim dan final audit
Feb to April - Driving class
Mar to May - ACCA classes
April - Attend a baking class
May - Eza's Wedding, Holiday @ Langkawi / KK
Jun - ACCA Exam
Jun to Aug - Piano Lesson / Dancing Class
Aug to Nov - ACCA classes
Nov - Holiday @ Singapore
Dec - ACCA Exam, Audit Planning
boleh merancang saja. so far nampak ok. just kena kurangkan aktiviti retail theraphy. sbb sume nie pakai duit.
Monday, December 21, 2009
lagu sweet utk korang . .
Lenka - We Will Not Grow Old
You and me will be lying side by side
Forever, forever
Underneath this adolescent sky
Together, together
And you will hold my heart inside your hand
And you'll be the one to tell me
Oh we've got a long, long way to go
To get there
We'll get there
But oh, if there's one thing that we know
It's that we will not grow old
You made me swear that our hearts will never die
No never, no never
'Cause no one seems to believe that we can fly
Forget them, forget them told me
Oh we've got a long, long way to go
To get there
We'll get there
But oh, if there's one thing that we know
It's that we will not grow old (x2)
Oh how could we know that day, it came with age
That oh, the feeling would fade...
Oh we've got a long, long way to go
To get there
We'll get there
But oh, if there's one thing that we know
It's that we will not grow old (x2)
We will not grow old...
pagi2 dah migrain
tak pernah aku rase secuak ni. tp nasib baik aku dah byk kali melalui pelbagai interogasi, aku berjaya menenangkan diri aku.
citernye bermula bile sorang junior mintak management account dr aku. katenye org atas nk tgk. mase tu aku dah rase tak sedap. tp aku abaikan je sbb aku tgh busy buat audit planning utk co. lain. sejam pastu, aku dpt panggilan telepon utk jumpe org atas. aiseh. serius aku cuak. sbb working paper tak abis review dan kemas n belum upload dlm server. "takpe2, jgn tunjuk muke takut. budget cool je"
masuk je dlm bilik tu, interrogation pun bermula. aku yg tak migrain jd migrain sbb terpaksa memerah otak utk memberi jawapan kat beraneka killer question yg dilemparkan. sumenye berpunca sbb aku tak abis review file, jadi aku pun jadi kurang tahu kat beberapa bahagian yg menjadi kemusykilan org atas. tp sbb name pun senior, kenala 'act' mcm sorang senior. aku jawab sajelaa berdasarkan logik dan rational aku. dekat sejam lebih, org atas aku pun bg conclusion, "saye tanya2 nie sume sbb nak tahu ape kelemahan sistem diorg" dan seterusnye menerangkan ape kelemahan2 atau risk area yg aku patut fokus dan tips2 utk memujuk dan mem'pressure' klien utk bagi information yg kite nak.
aku kuar je bilik tu. terus aku rase kembali bernafas.darah kembali mengalir. tp migrain aku plak yg menggila tetibe.
p/s: still adapting . .
3d 2n - free and easy . .
weekend lepas aku abiskan dgn memerap diumah. bosan dan agak lemas aku dibuatnye. sbb aku tgh mood nak bersosial. just tadek geng plak. nak wat camne. sorang dah kawen. sorang dah ber bf. sorang dah kemana2. sorang ade family dtg. pendek kata, tetibe tadek org nak diajak pegi bersosial. cthnye hari jumaat, plan awal nak kuar cari perfume dan karok, tp family member turun kl, so kena skip laa (papehal first) jdnye dr pagi ke petang aku ngadap internet. tp berhenti kejap bile Kasih dtg. adik aku +suami +Kasih dtg tido malam tu. hilang jap kebosanan aku, bile tgk si kecik dah pandai senyum dan buat bunyi2an.
pagi sabtu lagi meriah. tak penah2 aku bekfast mcm2 spt pagi tu. adik bongsu aku beli nasi lemak. mak buat lempeng kelapa cicah sardin. aku buat pancake. meriah tak ingat. bile petang diorg dah balik, maka umah dah kembali senyap. masa nie mmg tak ingat punye kebosanan aku. walhal byk je benda nak buat kat umah tu. last2 aku tertido mase tgh layan cite korea online.
hari ahad, dah tadek sape sudi memasak. aku ajak mak g makan kat kopitiam jek. dah tadek geng nak ajak melepak, mak pun ok ape.sementara masih ade masa datelaa puas2 dgn mak. pas makan, kitorg g kedai cd, pilih punya pilih, mak aku borong 5 cite. inkheart , nancy drew, hajime kindaichi, 2 japanese series. aku beli gucci envy me. balik tu sah2laa kitorg melayan movie smp kul 8 mlm. dan2 laa malam tu gak aku busy buat mcm2 benda yg patutnye dah setel kalo aku tak melayan kebosanan aku pada pagi jumaat dan malam sabtu.
minggu yg tak produktif. tp minggu nie aku dpt bygkan betapa pack nye jadual aku. seriously aku tatau samada aku leh buat sume benda yg diplan dlm minggu nie gak.
p/s: idup cam roda. last2 week aku gelakkan org. last week aku gelakkan diri sendri.
Friday, December 18, 2009
mari senamrobik
this group is based at sbb nak tembus pasaran international, kenalaa tukar bahasa..frankly speaking, aku prefer korean language lagi..sbb meaning die jadi lain bile tukar in english..nevertheless..wonder girls is gonna rock the us music industry~ kalo korang ske genre lagu camnie..then i'll recommend wonder girls..the songs are catchy n mmg best..
1. English version -
2. Korean version:
You Know I still Love You Baby.
And it will never change.
I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
Nandareun sarameun silheo nigaanimyeon silheo
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
Nan silheunde wae nar mir eonaeryeogohani jakku naemareun deutji anhgo
Wae ireohge dareun namjaege narbonaeryeo hani eotteohge ireoni
Nar wihae geureoh dan geumar
Neonbujok hadaneun geumar
Ijen geuman haeneon nareur aljanha wae won hajido anhneun georgang yohae
I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You
Nandareun sarameun silheo niga animyeon silheo
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You
Nandareun sarameun silheo niga animyeon silheo
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
Nan joheun de nan haengbok hande neoman isseu myeondwae deo baral geeopt neunde
Nugur mannaseo haengbok haran geoya nan neor tteonaseo haengbok harsueopseo
Nar wihae geureoh dan geumar
Neonbujok hadaneun geumar
Mari andoeneun mari ran georwae molla niga eopsi eotteohge haengbokhae
I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You
Nandareun sarameun silheo niga animyeon silh eo
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You
Nandareun sarameun silheo niga animyeon silheo
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
I don't want nobody body body.I don't want nobody body
Naneun jeongmar niga animyeon niga animyeon silhdan maryaa~
I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You
Nandareun sarameun silheo niga animyeon silheo
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You
Nandareun sarameun silheo niga animyeon silheo
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
Back to the days when we were so young and wild and free
Modeunge neomuna kkumman gatatdeon geuttaero doragago sipeunde
Waejakku nareur mireo naeryeohae
Why do you push me away. I don't want nobody nobody
Nobody nobody but you.
1. English version -
2. Korean version:
You Know I still Love You Baby.
And it will never change.
I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
Nandareun sarameun silheo nigaanimyeon silheo
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
Nan silheunde wae nar mir eonaeryeogohani jakku naemareun deutji anhgo
Wae ireohge dareun namjaege narbonaeryeo hani eotteohge ireoni
Nar wihae geureoh dan geumar
Neonbujok hadaneun geumar
Ijen geuman haeneon nareur aljanha wae won hajido anhneun georgang yohae
I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You
Nandareun sarameun silheo niga animyeon silheo
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You
Nandareun sarameun silheo niga animyeon silheo
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
Nan joheun de nan haengbok hande neoman isseu myeondwae deo baral geeopt neunde
Nugur mannaseo haengbok haran geoya nan neor tteonaseo haengbok harsueopseo
Nar wihae geureoh dan geumar
Neonbujok hadaneun geumar
Mari andoeneun mari ran georwae molla niga eopsi eotteohge haengbokhae
I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You
Nandareun sarameun silheo niga animyeon silh eo
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You
Nandareun sarameun silheo niga animyeon silheo
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
I don't want nobody body body.I don't want nobody body
Naneun jeongmar niga animyeon niga animyeon silhdan maryaa~
I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You
Nandareun sarameun silheo niga animyeon silheo
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You
Nandareun sarameun silheo niga animyeon silheo
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
Back to the days when we were so young and wild and free
Modeunge neomuna kkumman gatatdeon geuttaero doragago sipeunde
Waejakku nareur mireo naeryeohae
Why do you push me away. I don't want nobody nobody
Nobody nobody but you.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
10 , 0 0 0
setelah sekian lamenye aku berblogging..hari nie baru nak naik 10,000 hits . . aku tadeklaa kisah sgt pun ade org bace atau tak..sbb aku tak bape reti mengadu dumba kat family..lebih selesa dgn kawan2 atau melalui not bad laa..dpt gak smp 10k..papehal pun . .kepada yg bertuah 9,999 , 10,000 dan 10,001 .. insya allah..aku belanje korang bayar sendri k! :p
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
my birthday wishlist
17 more days to go. .eventually..I'm not that excited to celebrate this coming 20th bday.. ;p nevertheless..i'm grateful that i'm still here..alive n healthy.. it just life is currently going thru too much significant drastic changes that i'm still trying to cope (in other words: going thru a depression state) eventually i'm not planning to celebrate my bday this round (so gals..dont expect any email for a gathering invitation) instead, i'm planning to apply for leave on that day and pamper myself at the salon and some mani-pedi treatment, indulge in BR or HD and retail theraphy.. birthday wishlist :
- celebrate with mr.X (hmmm)
- a document bag/laptop bag
- psp
- a new camera
- a pair of mary jane by primavera
sah . .
ape yg aku risaukan..akhirnye jadi kenyataan pagi tadi..bile aku mule terdengar manager audit diskus dgn manager corporate recovery dan partner..aku nie bukanlaa terer sgt weh! perlu ke sampai nak berebut2 nak amik aku (ayat takleh blah) ..
akhirnya..aku kena tolong buat audit jap(takleh nak define sekejap nie..mungkin memakan masa 3-4 bulan)..provided bile partner panggil buat special job..kena terus g..bila ditanye aku nak buat yg mane..aku mmg mati akal..last2 aku kate.."tak kisahlaa mana2..cuma jgn jadi saya nie keja kat 2 dept skaligus..saye tanak berkejar2 buat 2 keja yg tak relate langsung pada masa yg sama.."
seharian mengabiskan masa di dept audit..buat aku stress..aku stress mengenangkan peak period yg akan dtg..arrggghhhhhh...ya ALLAH..permudahkanlah urusan hamba-Mu ini..amin
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Featured song of the week
eversince i've watched the movie, Definitely, Maybe, i've been looking for this rachel weisz sang this song in the yet subtle..
Stacey Kent - I've Got A Crush On You . .
I've got a crush on you, sweetie pie
All the day and night-time
Hear me sigh
I never had the least notion
That I could fall with so much emotion
Could you coo?
Could you care
For a cunning cottage we could share?
The world will pardon my mush
'cause I've got a crush, my baby, on you
How glad the many millions of Timothys and Williams
Would be to capture me
But you had such persistence,
You wore down my resistance
I fell, and it was swell
You're my big and brave and handsome romeo
How I won you, I shall never, never know
It's not that you're attractive
But, oh, my heart grew active
When you came into view
I've got a crush on you, sweetie pie
All the day and night-time
Hear me sigh
I never had the least notion
That I could fall with so much emotion
Could you coo?
Could you care
For a cunning cottage we could share?
The world will pardon my mush
'cause I've got a crush, my baby, on you
Yes I've got a crush, my baby, on you
Stacey Kent - I've Got A Crush On You . .
I've got a crush on you, sweetie pie
All the day and night-time
Hear me sigh
I never had the least notion
That I could fall with so much emotion
Could you coo?
Could you care
For a cunning cottage we could share?
The world will pardon my mush
'cause I've got a crush, my baby, on you
How glad the many millions of Timothys and Williams
Would be to capture me
But you had such persistence,
You wore down my resistance
I fell, and it was swell
You're my big and brave and handsome romeo
How I won you, I shall never, never know
It's not that you're attractive
But, oh, my heart grew active
When you came into view
I've got a crush on you, sweetie pie
All the day and night-time
Hear me sigh
I never had the least notion
That I could fall with so much emotion
Could you coo?
Could you care
For a cunning cottage we could share?
The world will pardon my mush
'cause I've got a crush, my baby, on you
Yes I've got a crush, my baby, on you
who's first ?
frankly speaking, us, the girls do talk about other things apart from love and relationship during lunch. however, all discussion was relating to client, other high profile and p&c info which is knowingly inappropriate to be exposed and discussed here.
eventually, we were having the discussion re: who should declare their feeling first. the guy or the girls. conservatively it had always been the guys who makes the declaration. Though it should continue to be that way, there were times when girl can declare hers too. provided that you're daring enough to make the confession and to bear all the aftermath the daring confession.
nway, when the right time to make declaration? 1.when you think you're ready. 2. when you think you love each other. 3.when you want to give the relationship a name. 4.when u're clueless with the status. 5. when you dont care whether he/she loves you, but you just want to let the other one to know your feeling. 6.when u realize that the other one is too slow..
i've seen quite a lot of cases whereby ppl too afraid to confess their feelings, and at the end, they knew about it when it is all too late already! that is when what left to be said was "dah tadek jodoh, nak buat camne" . .is it really works that way?
nevertheless, clueless on how to make a confession? can be easily done through; email / sms / letter..or can be loudly done by an advertisment in newspaper or at the billboard..or the hardest but the sweetest always by saying it directly from your heart in front of the loved ones..
then..what to do..if somebody made a confession to you? 1. if you like him/her too..just make ur confession too. 2. if you're unsure of your feelings, let them know. 3. if you're with somebody, tell that too..basically, u need to be frank with ur feelings too..
either way, it always preferable for guy to make the step first..but it is not wrong if the girl decided to make the step first..esp in the case if the guy too shy to make the step..hahaha..gile chicken..~
either way, it always preferable for guy to make the step first..but it is not wrong if the girl decided to make the step first..esp in the case if the guy too shy to make the step..hahaha..gile chicken..~
Saturday, December 12, 2009
naTea's First PAC
Aku tido kul 2 pagi dan bangun kul 6 pagi (selepas mengemas dan membaca). make up dan stylekan tudung, aku pun gerak dr umah. Owh, aku bukan keja pada hari sabtu. Aku ade PAC atau Performance Assessment Centre utk tapisan PTD. Aku ditempatkan di INTENGAH, Jln Ilmu berdekatan dgn Hospital Universiti Malaysia.
Sbb aku tak drive, aku kenalaa kuar umah kul 6.30pg. Tp biasalah, cari nie cari tu, aku kuar kul 6.50..cuak gak, sbb berkumpul pukul 8. Nasib baik dpt teksi yg menghantar aku LRT Masjid Jamek. Dr situ, aku menuju ke LRT Asia Jaya. By 7.30, aku smp di Asia Jaya. Panik kejap, sbb tak nampak teksi. Rupenye teksi kat tepi jalan besar. By 7.40 aku selamat sampai di INTENGAH dengan jayanya!
Lebih kurang pukul 8, proses pendaftaran bermula. Serah form, amik Tag No (semasa PAC, kami dikenali melalui sistem no, jdnye kena pakai tag kemana2 saja), timbang tinggi dan berat dan serah salinan sijil dan transkrip. Kemudian amik gambar berlima2.(teknik terbaik dan tercepat utk buat gamba passport?) .
9 pagi kami diberi taklimat. 1st berkaitan pelan INTENGAH dan lokasi bangunan2. 2nd, kami diberi taklimat dan penerangan ringkas mengenai PTD dan sistem jawatan kontrak. Aku cume mampu ternganga tgk tangga gaji PTD. Dan kami juga diingatkan kalo jd PTD, kami akan ada byk umah iaitu; umah sendri, pejabat, kereta dan air port.(sape kate keja PTD goyang kaki, dpt gaji besar!) Selepas taklimat ringkas tu, aku dpt rasakan cabaran PAC nie tak sehebat cabaran apabila diterime jd PTD nanti, dan buat aku lg excited nak jd PTD.
Kami dibahagi kepada kumpulan kecil yg terdiri drp 10-11 org. Setiap aktiviti, kami akan bertukar kumpulan dan fasi, mungkin utk mengelakkan keserasian dan biased.
aktiviti pertama - role playing in english.alkisahnya kapal cruise yg dinaiki kami hampir nak tenggelam, utk merepair kerosakkan, ade satu kedai yg jauh gile dr kapal tu. dan lifeboat hanya mampu menampung 360kg, dan perjalanan mengambil masa 5 hari. kami diarahkan berbincang, who should go. Role yg ade; sea captain, seaman, swimming instructor, doctor, mother with a child, engineer,ustaz, the cabinet minister, retired civil servant, milionaire and ex-comando. guess what, aku jd ustaz. mmg hilarious laa nak defend diri sendri. aku cakaplaa, aku tak reti berenang, pastu akan pandai motivate org dan macam2 lagilah. akhirnya kami bawak org2 yg tak dislash namenye.
aktiviti kedua - bahas dalam bahasa melayu. tajuk 'wanita cantik kurang cerdik, lelaki gagah kurang bijak'. kontroversi kan tajuk? sbb tajuk agak jeneral, menyebabkan byk hujah pihak pencadang dan pembangkan cam ilang arah. aku pun agak ilang gakla.lg plak sakit perut dan pale pening.
kami lunch di dewan makan yg cantik. kemudian tukar baju sukan dan rehat di common room.
ujian sahsiah dan minat - soklan objektif 200 utk sahsiah dan 227 utk minat. seriously, aku sakit tengkuk pas tu. sbb kena siapkan dlm sejam. sahsiah utk tgk perangai dan cara permikiran.
aktiviti ketiga- dimulakan dgn acara teambuilding. berbekalkan paper, gunting, selotip dan tali, kami dikehendaki buat tiang penahan kilat setinggi 10 kaki dlm masa 30 minit. mencabar nie. walaupun tak naik pun tiangnye, tp teamwork mmg best. pastu, senam robik, kami dikehendaki mengkareograf sendri senamrobik kami berdasarkan 3 lagu; bole chudiya, lagu sudirman dan hey single ladies. fun dan bising laa waktu nie. tp though cam tak bape teratur, but we make it! aktiviti yg paling digeruni, aktiviti lasak, rupenye kali nie kena lari 1.2km, abis lari akan diberi kad berwarna. aku mestilaa cemerlang, sbb dah lame tak lari on treadmill. baru lari halfway naik bukit yg tinggi, dah sakit kat abdomen.aku jalan dan lari skit2, yg penting abis dan bukan jadi org 10 terakhir.
lega betul rasanye, bile lepas lari dah tadek apa2..dah bole balik! camne aku balik ek tadi? owh, aku ngan kawan2 baru, kuar dr INTENGAH, lintas jalan dan berjalan kearah kanan dan belok kiri, ade bus stand! dan tggu 5 minit before dpt cab ke Universiti, penatnyeee..tuhan saja yg tau! aku tido dlm bas sampai hampir nak terlepas bus stand.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
snowy KL

mmg real laa..siap aku dpt pegang salji tu..miahahhahah.. mungkin petanda yg aku bakal pegi ke tempat yg bersalji.. hahaha (cepat2 laa air asia dpt lesen nak g seoul!)
Image info:
Larisa, Greece - City with snow in winter from Wikimedia
Image info:
Larisa, Greece - City with snow in winter from Wikimedia
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
padah ignorance..
dari pagi tadi, aku dah ade satu perasaan pelik nie, lebih kurang macam instinct laa. tp aku abaikan saje. pastu waktu lunch masa aku pegang purse, instinct tu dtg lagi, mcm bg peringatan plak. still aku abaikan. pastu petang, lebih kurang sejam sebelum aku balik, makin kuat plak instinct tu, kali nie aku buat tindakan, aku simpan purse aku dlm bag yg ade paperwork. dan bile aku balik td, instinct yg aku rasa aku akan tinggal purse jadi kenyataan. aku tertinggal purse yg didlm bag paperwork yg ditinggalkan dkt client. aku tak dapat nak kate "benda dah nak jadi"..sbb sebenarnye sifat ignorance aku yg menyebabkan aku tertinggal purse(dan jam guess baru) kat ofis client aku. sekarang aku tawakal jelaa. semoga staff kat sane adelah org yg amanah dan jujur.amin.
dan nak dijadikan cerita, dlm handbag merah aku yg besar tu, hanye ade RM2.50. aku tarik nafas dan terus pk ape cara terbaik dan termurah utk smp umah. so, 1st thing aku buat, tanye mak aku kat mane. seb baik ade kat umah. jd aku naik lrt dr sentul timur ke sogo berbekalkan rm1.40. dan plan seterusnye adelah menunggu SJ bus (sbb bas tu je tiketnye rm1), alhamdulillah, aku takyah tggu pun, bas sdg menanti, ade tpt kosong plak tu. aku turun di bus stop yg lebih kurang 3 km dr umah aku dan naik cab yg dibayar mak aku.
nampaknye malam nie aku kena korek tabung syiling darurat aku! esok mesti sume org happy je tgk aku bagi duit cukup2 je.. ;p
dan nak dijadikan cerita, dlm handbag merah aku yg besar tu, hanye ade RM2.50. aku tarik nafas dan terus pk ape cara terbaik dan termurah utk smp umah. so, 1st thing aku buat, tanye mak aku kat mane. seb baik ade kat umah. jd aku naik lrt dr sentul timur ke sogo berbekalkan rm1.40. dan plan seterusnye adelah menunggu SJ bus (sbb bas tu je tiketnye rm1), alhamdulillah, aku takyah tggu pun, bas sdg menanti, ade tpt kosong plak tu. aku turun di bus stop yg lebih kurang 3 km dr umah aku dan naik cab yg dibayar mak aku.
nampaknye malam nie aku kena korek tabung syiling darurat aku! esok mesti sume org happy je tgk aku bagi duit cukup2 je.. ;p
randomn rants
There are so many things running on my mind right now. Most are soon to be problems to me. First with the PTD assessment just around the corner, I barely made any preparation at all. Haven’t filled the forms, photocopy the cert (by the way, till today I still haven’t received the copy of the cert that I applied last two weeks!!), print new passport photos and homework on the ministries in govt. frankly, I am freaking nervous about going for the assessment, which I can’t explain why (hint: the possibilities of having an impromptu public speaking session)
Current audit assignment is making me stress! The downturn is, when I stress, I’ll eat more (unless if I got extra money right now, I would channeled my stress through retail therapy, but too bad, I’m quite broke right now!) As the client is unfamiliar with the interim audit procedure, we had to wait for sometime before getting the answers for our queries and also the documents. And at the same time I wish I could be much firmer with the juniors esp, the guys! I just could not find the right way to coerce them to observe the audit schedule . Scolding them should be my last resort. For now, I am still able to control my temper. Thus, I had come up with this approaches so that I can effectively handle the team:
2. Instruct them to stay at the client’s place a bit longer than usual.
3.Indirectly reminded them to perform as I'll be appraising them later.
Let’s hope that I would not end up screaming at my team like any other audit senior tends to do.
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Featured song of the week
Estrella - Ternyata
Aku lihat dia pandangan pertama
Ternyata indah
Senyuman, Liriknya
Ku ingin dia, saat pertama
Berjumpa, dengannya
Membuat aku gelisah
Waktu berlalu hari demi hari
Hati ku dambakannya
Untuk bercinta lagi
Ku ingin dia, saat pertama
Berjumpa, dengannya
Membuat aku gelisah
repeat c/o
p/s: sweet ...sweet n sweet . . .
Estrella-Ternyata.... |
Aku lihat dia pandangan pertama
Ternyata indah
Senyuman, Liriknya
Ku ingin dia, saat pertama
Berjumpa, dengannya
Membuat aku gelisah
Waktu berlalu hari demi hari
Hati ku dambakannya
Untuk bercinta lagi
Ku ingin dia, saat pertama
Berjumpa, dengannya
Membuat aku gelisah
repeat c/o
p/s: sweet ...sweet n sweet . . .
Saturday, December 05, 2009
masam manis 2009
dah kurang sebulan before masuk, ape lagi..skang time nak buat summary of 2009..rasenye dah tadek big event yg aku tatau lg..
yg sweet - bday celebration at the italiannies..menang guess bag worth rm500..
yang pahit - kena ragut. hp rm1800 pun kena kebas..
yg menarik - akhirnye aku join fitness first..
yg sweet - menang CIMB cash rebate..i'd passed my exam!
yg sweet - my sis and her husband is expecting their first child
yg sweet - attend byk gile wedding (yuni's, kimi's n adam's)
bulan yg biasa..nothing much happened
yg sweet - luncheon session with #qepohians ..jjcm with my n bffs join jacob's walk of life
yg tak bape best - the most stressful months..sbb dateline for submission to CCM
yg tak dpt dikenal pasti - i decided to return the ring ..
yg sweet - g kenduri fidah n kumpul ramai2(my dorm-mate for 4 years, classmate for 2 years, roomate for 3 years)
yg tak best - the worst diarrhea ever in my life!..
yg sweet - i finally tendered in my resignation..i passed my ACCA paper! yeay..6 more to go
yg excited - attended the PTD exam..(penat pun ade gak)
yg best - jln2 dimelaka with kimi+izma, rina+azhar+fatin..
yg pahit - hari2 ofis mcm dilanda ribut taufan..sgt2 stress..
yg sgt sweet - my sis gave birth on 090909..
yg sweet - join gathering with ex-smstarian..n officially jobless..duk umah rehat2..
yg sgt sweet - ella gave birth to hana..bertambahlaa geng2 jjcm pas nie..
yg sweet - mira n man..akhirnye kawin jua..n i'd passed the PTD exam..
yg best - jln2 ke penang dgn rina dan family
yg sgt sweet - sarah gave birth to safa..
yg excited -mule keja di tpt baru
yg sweet - my kazen dah bertunang dgn her 10 years bf..jamie is getting married too..
2009 mmg tahun yg menarik..more good things happened compared to bad things..:) aku bersyukur..dan pada masa yg same berterime kasih pada org sekeliling aku yg buat tahun nie best! ..hopefully next year much2 better than this year..
layan tagging game jap
1. Adakah anda rasa anda hot?
Kekadanglaaa..bile ade org buat keja tak memenuhi kriteria atau org cari pasal..mase tu aku mmg hot..
2. Upload gambar kegemaran anda.
3. Cerita pasal gambar?
mase wedding fidah (best buddy eversince at semesta) with the #qepohian..though tak lengkap korum..but this pic sgt2 ceria..:)
4. Bila kali terakhir makan pizza?
sebulan yg lepas..dkt shangri-la buffet..sedap..siap buat iklan pizza lg..sbb still panas dan byk cheese..
5. Lagu terakhir yang anda dengar?
leona lewis ..better in time .. dlm keta mase on the way balik dr umah kazen
6. Apa yang anda buat selain menyelesaikan tag ini?
blogging. solat. makan mlm.
7. Selain nama sendiri anda dipanggil nama apa?
ya, nad, nadia, namo
8. Tag lagi 6 orang
- mawar
- ella
- sue
- waida
- hafiz
- effi
9. Siapakah orang No.1 pada anda?
one of my skang dah tak bape berkepit sgt..sbb die sibuk berkepit ngan bf..
10. Kata sesuatu mengenai orang no 5
satu2nye laki yg penah aku kenal yg berani dan bangga pakai baju pink. plus he's art junkie..
11. No.3 ada hubungan dengan siapa?
aku tau tak sesuai nk digembar-gemburkan disini..
12. Bagaimana pula orang no.4?
ade blog yg penuh tips pekomputeran..
13. Pesanan kepada orang no 6.?
aku masih igt peristiwa gambar yg dialter di muzium kuala kangsar!!!
Eh, mana orang no.2? Takpe², meh I tambah sendiri..
14. Apa kelebihan yang anda nampak pada orang no.2 ni?
erm..die baru je dpt baby comel..jeles!!
makanye..silelaa layan tag please..
Kekadanglaaa..bile ade org buat keja tak memenuhi kriteria atau org cari pasal..mase tu aku mmg hot..
2. Upload gambar kegemaran anda.
mase wedding fidah (best buddy eversince at semesta) with the #qepohian..though tak lengkap korum..but this pic sgt2 ceria..:)
4. Bila kali terakhir makan pizza?
sebulan yg lepas..dkt shangri-la buffet..sedap..siap buat iklan pizza lg..sbb still panas dan byk cheese..
5. Lagu terakhir yang anda dengar?
leona lewis ..better in time .. dlm keta mase on the way balik dr umah kazen
6. Apa yang anda buat selain menyelesaikan tag ini?
blogging. solat. makan mlm.
7. Selain nama sendiri anda dipanggil nama apa?
ya, nad, nadia, namo
8. Tag lagi 6 orang
- mawar
- ella
- sue
- waida
- hafiz
- effi
9. Siapakah orang No.1 pada anda?
one of my skang dah tak bape berkepit sgt..sbb die sibuk berkepit ngan bf..
10. Kata sesuatu mengenai orang no 5
satu2nye laki yg penah aku kenal yg berani dan bangga pakai baju pink. plus he's art junkie..
11. No.3 ada hubungan dengan siapa?
aku tau tak sesuai nk digembar-gemburkan disini..
12. Bagaimana pula orang no.4?
ade blog yg penuh tips pekomputeran..
13. Pesanan kepada orang no 6.?
aku masih igt peristiwa gambar yg dialter di muzium kuala kangsar!!!
Eh, mana orang no.2? Takpe², meh I tambah sendiri..
14. Apa kelebihan yang anda nampak pada orang no.2 ni?
erm..die baru je dpt baby comel..jeles!!
makanye..silelaa layan tag please..
Thursday, December 03, 2009
nur kasih akhir . .
aku tak tahu sama ade, berjaya atau tak TV3 mencapai target 5 juta rakyat malaysia tgk episod akhir Nur Kasih pada raya haji haritu. tp yg aku pasti, makcik2 aku dok tepon umah pagi raya sempat cakap yg mlm tu ade nur kasih episod akhir. berdasarkan tu, aku assume diorg dpt mencapai target dan mungkin aku ade sedikit bangga sbb aku adelah antara 5 juta yg menonton episod akhir tu.
keseluruhannye, aku puas hati dgn ending cite nur kasih. tak perlu nak dipanjang2kan saat2 gembira selepas sumenye selesai. sbbnye di pertengahan cite mmg ade byk scene yg mane adam dan nur bahagia tanpe adam ade rase yg die perlu membalas pengorbanan aidil dan perasaan yg meragui kesetiaan cinta nur.
utk org yg miss episod akhir; nie spoiler utk anda..episod dimulakan dgn alya memujuk nur utk jd madu die. sarah plak akhirnye benar2 insaf, tak tahu sama ada ketika die mengekori nur ke kedai ataupun selepas kemalangan dimana die terjatuh atas kaca. kemudian beberapa bulan lepas tu, nur nekad utk pegi memulakan kehidupan baru di tpt lain. pada masa yg same adam berjaya diselamatkan dan pulang ke kg. tp ketika kenduri doa selamat di rumahnye, disangkenye kenduri pernikahan nur dan abgnya. tp bile dlm ketapi, die nmpk nur berseorangan, die menghulurkan salam dan diorg berpelukan.
bace je mmg tak best. kalo nak tgk yg real punye/skali lagi:
1. tv3, selasa-jumaat @ 7.30 mlm..tadek iklan punye..
2. cari di youtube..rasenye berlambak
3. pegi dan click catch up kena sign up dulu..
4. beli je dvd terus kat Nur Kasih Website
pengganti cite nie..aliff firdaus..pasal isteri berjaya yg ego dgn suami die..lakonan beego, irma,maria farida dan saifulnizam..aku tak bape ske dgn selection pelakon bg peluanglaa tgk seround jumaat, 11/12/2009 nie..dgr cite shooting dibuat kat umah linda onn..:0
she's not the one. .
me n my junior were having another random conversation during lunch. today we talked about two subjects; guys who is over romantic(and how to deal with it) and about knowing the right time to settle down(get married) i rarely encounter the situation where the guy was too romantic (with the exception of my sis's husband)..i just listened and giggles to her stories. she even asked me how should i dealt with too poetic sms. i told her that once i got such sms. i just read it in a glance, reply with a smiley face/ wink eyes ..and saved the msg(only read and digested the sms when i was totally free). seems that she agreed with my idea.. :p
later on we jumped into another topic, when she started to tell me about her brother. all the while, there's a girl been admiring and really liked her brother, but as much as her brother interested to be with the girl, he refused to pursue. his reason was that there's so many things had to be done; well obviously, it was about the money. However, recently when his friends started to settle down one by one, he decided to make that big step. which is to be in a relationship.
Then, i asked her whether her brother is with the same girl that she told me about which she replied that it is not the same girl. I told her this "it was not about settling down that bothers him. it just that, i think ur brother thought that maybe she's not the one. if she's the one, he would have make the big step earlier and try to make it work for whatever it takes"
She was a bit confused about should she is in that situation, how to know whether she's the one or not. Well, the answer is simple; "you wouldn't know whether you're the one for him or not. but there's no harm, in trying to give an impression to him that u're the one, but bear in mind that changing the way you are for the sake of somebody is not easy, most of the time you'll revert back to old you."(now i sounded like
p/s: talk is easy. but doing it?
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