today is monday..a day after my convocation..n now..i'm officially a degree holder of business information system (2nd class upper onli)..nway..the convocation was great..but the convofair was not..met many ppl..ppl that i wanted to meet..ppl that i want to avoid..n also ppl who i didn't expect to meet...and bouquets of roses too + a pink crystal tree..what a happy day..:P later..i'll add some pictures of the convo dinner + the day too..of course wif a lengthy description..
p/s: credit goes to #littledevilians..#qepohians..#shadapians
:P for making the day much more better..
Monday, August 22, 2005
Monday, August 15, 2005
Weeks of Unemployment Episode II
Week 5
My bestfren bday ..pdah..sempat wish die through the sms..actually ade gak plan nak belanje die makan..but realizing that she already got afziv(sori kalo silap)..maybe she would rather spent her bday wif him..rindu ngan zaman2 kami still jln2 tgh2 mlm..tgk clothes..bestnye kalo dpt hang out camtu my final sem the result was just as what I had expected..i wish I had pray for better grades for my nak wat camne..aku doa lulus je yg aku dpt..:P..congratz to my fren yg dpt DL..heh..
Re deco my room..haha..when my mum said that my room was almost impossible to be cleaned up (byk gile2 brg dlm bilik..i meant junks..books..clothes)..i managed to clear 1/3 of it in two days..another 2/3 ..was in the wardrobe..and under the bed ( I know..what mum meant by saying ‘almost impossible’) ..after the 1/3 clearance..i had used almost 1 box of kleenex tissue..tonne of dust..lots of sneezing…which later cost me..tap water running from the nose..
Week 6
Ikut shon balik utp..reason: amik sampai utp lambat lak..n then terpaksa bergelap kat utp lak out dr mlm jumaat sampai hari ahad..bosan2..sabtu kuar merewang kat ipoh..n sempat shopping lak tu (mega sale punye pasal la nie)..spent 70 ringgit for 2 blouse, 1 pants and 1 shirt..watched amityville horror..n then sempat hang out kat tempat makan baru village 5..in2eat..menarik gak tempat tu..ade karaoke lagi tu..hehe..on Monday..setelkan hal transcript n by evening..dah sampai kat selayang balik..
p/s: mawar..nnt kite karoks kat tpt baru tu..:p
Week 7
Minggu briefing on the re-skilling program at program towards to be a certified accountant..3 months of conversion course with final exam + 3 years working+studying for ACCA or for kain baju kurung and ronggeng2 with my sis n mum..kat TAR n SOGO..n Sunday..jalan2 ngan shon n her sis, Ika..kat MidValley..sempat beli something for myself..happy sgt..sbb finally dpt gak beli mende tu..:P
Week 8
Pas discuss ngan my mum n dad..aku pun mengconfirmkan diri aku utk join programre-skilling tu.. n now..aku tgh menunggu bile kelas tu nak start..went to klcc..nak lapor diri punye pasal..pastu leh terserempak ngan senior utp, We..n dak2 yg tgh prak kat situ..later lepak kat pc fair..ramai gile org..tak tahan rimas..aku lepak situ setengah jam je..n terus balik..
p/s: kekadang hidup terasa bosan sbb setiap minggu ade je benda menarik utk aku buat..soo..aku hidup dlm menanti hari tu jelaa..:P
My bestfren bday ..pdah..sempat wish die through the sms..actually ade gak plan nak belanje die makan..but realizing that she already got afziv(sori kalo silap)..maybe she would rather spent her bday wif him..rindu ngan zaman2 kami still jln2 tgh2 mlm..tgk clothes..bestnye kalo dpt hang out camtu my final sem the result was just as what I had expected..i wish I had pray for better grades for my nak wat camne..aku doa lulus je yg aku dpt..:P..congratz to my fren yg dpt DL..heh..
Re deco my room..haha..when my mum said that my room was almost impossible to be cleaned up (byk gile2 brg dlm bilik..i meant junks..books..clothes)..i managed to clear 1/3 of it in two days..another 2/3 ..was in the wardrobe..and under the bed ( I know..what mum meant by saying ‘almost impossible’) ..after the 1/3 clearance..i had used almost 1 box of kleenex tissue..tonne of dust..lots of sneezing…which later cost me..tap water running from the nose..
Week 6
Ikut shon balik utp..reason: amik sampai utp lambat lak..n then terpaksa bergelap kat utp lak out dr mlm jumaat sampai hari ahad..bosan2..sabtu kuar merewang kat ipoh..n sempat shopping lak tu (mega sale punye pasal la nie)..spent 70 ringgit for 2 blouse, 1 pants and 1 shirt..watched amityville horror..n then sempat hang out kat tempat makan baru village 5..in2eat..menarik gak tempat tu..ade karaoke lagi tu..hehe..on Monday..setelkan hal transcript n by evening..dah sampai kat selayang balik..
p/s: mawar..nnt kite karoks kat tpt baru tu..:p
Week 7
Minggu briefing on the re-skilling program at program towards to be a certified accountant..3 months of conversion course with final exam + 3 years working+studying for ACCA or for kain baju kurung and ronggeng2 with my sis n mum..kat TAR n SOGO..n Sunday..jalan2 ngan shon n her sis, Ika..kat MidValley..sempat beli something for myself..happy sgt..sbb finally dpt gak beli mende tu..:P
Week 8
Pas discuss ngan my mum n dad..aku pun mengconfirmkan diri aku utk join programre-skilling tu.. n now..aku tgh menunggu bile kelas tu nak start..went to klcc..nak lapor diri punye pasal..pastu leh terserempak ngan senior utp, We..n dak2 yg tgh prak kat situ..later lepak kat pc fair..ramai gile org..tak tahan rimas..aku lepak situ setengah jam je..n terus balik..
p/s: kekadang hidup terasa bosan sbb setiap minggu ade je benda menarik utk aku buat..soo..aku hidup dlm menanti hari tu jelaa..:P
Weeks of Unemployment Episode I
Week 1
The first thing that I did when I had safely arrived at my home was to unpack my cd games and others pc stuff. Barang2 lain?? Till today..still in the boxes, plastic, n bags. Hurm..the rest of the week..heh..playing pc games n watching NUMB3RS..
Week 2
Went to UTP to submit the hardbound, and also to complete the clearance form. Somehow, my SV was not in her room..aiseh..i shud have called her first before coming to utp..n now..i could not submit the claim form as I dun have a copy of thesis that had been certified by her..nway..penat gile..pagi kat selayang..tghari kat tronoh..mlm plak dah ade kat selayang balik..(I shud asked mawar to treat me a meal..hahah..penat seh layan sv kesayangan ko tu) malay novels that I had read this week : 3
Week 3
Mum went to Kulim for a week. I took over all the care of sick sister, Liyana (out of nowhere..suddenly..she got allergies for eating seafood)..whoaa..susah tul nak jaga adik2 yg dah besar..but I managed to do it (mane taknya..dpt upah sandal CR yg aku dah lame aku aim + a very cute Sachs floral handbag..:)..n then, been busy helping my sis preparing for her admission to Uitm..alhamdullilah..die dpt offer to pursue her degree in accounting..a lil bit jealous because she can do whatever she wanted to do..but me?? So called anak sulung….
p/s: indahnya hidup..bile dpt tajaan 2400 utk meneruskan tempoh pengangguran aku..
Week 4
I hate this week..i could not sleep well, think well, eat well and do things well.. takanlaa setiap tahun pun benda nie jadi?? Wake up laaa nadia..die dah dpt org yg die gile2kan on earth he will ever think about u again?? Sumhow rite on 00:00 am..i still SMSed him.. “happy bday..bla bla bla..” am I crazy or what?? U know what..he replied the message.. “ tq tq tq..anyway sape nie?” . . . . .
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
2 months ago..
2 bulan..itu jangkamasa yg agak lama utk aku..for not updating my blog..frenz..sorry sbb tetibe ilang tanpa kabar berite..the truth is..aku masih sihat walafiat kat taman wilayah selayang nie..nway..been wondering what i've been doing for the past two months?? hahaha..let me summarized it first..leisuring around..treasuring the 'penanam anggur' tadeklaa lepak sgt..sbb tgh sibuk menyetelkan hal ngan petronas..n got the certified accountant program too..b4 aku cite mende2 yg dah jd kat aku..aku nak ucapkan tahniah kat kawan2 aku yg dh berjaya bergelar mawar (shell) n rina (acs)..keja rajin2..nnt jgn lupe belanje gue..aku?? aku tak minat nak menyambung kerjaya dlm bidang IT so i opt to join the reskilling program that had been arranged by the petronas..hopefully..aku dpt join program tu ( amin) I am really100x looking forward to be an dad?? hah..die dah tak boleh nak larang..i'm not the same daughter anymore..takan nak wat silap lagi kan?? nway..cakap pasal abah..aku sedih n terkilan skit..sbb konvo nie..die sampai hati tak nak tgk aku grad..konflik betulla bile keluarga dah berpecah2 takpelaa nak wat camne..i know my dad tak nak terserempak ngan my mum..same laa mcm my mum..sigh~
erm..compilation of my diary..for the past two months..nnt aku aplod skit2..aku leh plak tertinggal tamdraif kat umah (rite now tgh blogging kat cc yg ade streamyx laju gile..unlike yg kat tronoh tu)..rajin kan aku wat e-diary..hahaha..nak wat camne..utk korang sume rindu2 dah kat aku..jap nak jawab tepon..
preparation for convo?? hurm..kalo aku dpt first class sure aku dah poyo gile wat baju fashion ala2 academy 2nd upper je wat jelaa ape yg temampu ngan skoler xtra 2k ape yg aku nampak setakat ari nie..sumenye warne pink...dem..adik aku punye pasal laaa nie(sbb kuar shopping ngan die)..n aku bersyukur betul..konvo masa tgh mega sale..selamat duit den..
bile aku nak gi utp? maybe 18th aug..kalo tadek pape hal laa..sbb rase cam kelas utk CA tu nak start awal..heh..rakan2 yg baik ati..nanti tolong2 laa amik aku kat depan nnt yea..ok2..aku nak blah..dah sejam lebih kat cc nie..abis duit aku kang..nnt aku post lagi..:P
erm..compilation of my diary..for the past two months..nnt aku aplod skit2..aku leh plak tertinggal tamdraif kat umah (rite now tgh blogging kat cc yg ade streamyx laju gile..unlike yg kat tronoh tu)..rajin kan aku wat e-diary..hahaha..nak wat camne..utk korang sume rindu2 dah kat aku..jap nak jawab tepon..
preparation for convo?? hurm..kalo aku dpt first class sure aku dah poyo gile wat baju fashion ala2 academy 2nd upper je wat jelaa ape yg temampu ngan skoler xtra 2k ape yg aku nampak setakat ari nie..sumenye warne pink...dem..adik aku punye pasal laaa nie(sbb kuar shopping ngan die)..n aku bersyukur betul..konvo masa tgh mega sale..selamat duit den..
bile aku nak gi utp? maybe 18th aug..kalo tadek pape hal laa..sbb rase cam kelas utk CA tu nak start awal..heh..rakan2 yg baik ati..nanti tolong2 laa amik aku kat depan nnt yea..ok2..aku nak blah..dah sejam lebih kat cc nie..abis duit aku kang..nnt aku post lagi..:P
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Meet My Frenz..
I was doing some Jalan2 Baca Blog Org..pastu terjumpe satu benda menarik nie kat blog sorang kawan baru credit goes to Nadhira..chill!!
Name 25 friends & answer the questions:
1. Rina
2. Mawar
3. Fidah
4. Hasfa
5. Nadia
6. Chip
7. Ija
8. Aris
9. Azhar
10. Mirwan
11. Naim
12. Ella
13. Ina
14. Nor
15. Kuzai
16. Waida
17. Shawn
18. Husna
19. Iza
20. Mukhriz
21. Aswad
22. Izuan
23. Dana
24. Adik
25. Dayang
p/s: randomnly je tulis nie..come to think..rupenye ramai kawan aku nie...kalo boleh nak tulis sume die nak 25 aku tulis ape yg terlintas je..:P
A.Who is #8 going out with?
erm...tatau...die cam berahsia skit..
B.Is #9 a boy or a girl?
Is a guy..
C.Would #11 and #2 make a cute couple?
hahaha...yg no 11 tu dah berpunye..yg no 2 tu tak abis2 dirisik org..(i bet that the no 2 gelak besar punye bile baca yg nie)
D.How about #18 and #4?
certainly a NO !
E.What grade is #17 in?
currently she is in her final year first semester..(aja2 fighting sem more to go)
F.When was the first time you talked to #12?
according to her..masa 1st year 2nd sem..which was sumwhere in july- nov 2001..
G.What is #6's favorite band?
lagu2 anime ost kot..
H.Does #1 have any siblings? bro n one sis..
I.Would you ever date #3?
haha..mestilaa tak..ape die sibuk dating ngan org lain skang..ehem2..gud lak #3..
J.Would you ever date #23?
haha..die bz maaa...jadual date die sentiasa full..:P
K.Is #16 single?
yup..single and available..
L.What's #15's last name?
kalo tak silap laa..mohd nasir..heh..kalo silap jgn marah aa..
M.What's #5's middle name?
erm..ain kot..hehe..
N.What's #10's fantasy?
erk..go n ask him urself..
O.Would #22 and #25 make a good couple?
tak kot..sbb one of them is already got sumone special..
P.What school does #21 go to?
Q.Tell me a random fact about #15
cam kakak yg sayangkan adik2 nya..
R.And #1?
my ex rumet mase kat UTP yg serba boleh..
S.And #19?
very100x friendly..
T.And #20?
dak sengal yg pro gile men dota..jeles2
U.Have you ever had a crush on #14?
hah...tak kuasa I..tadek idea dah ke??
V.Where does #9 live?
sumwhere at ampang kot..
W.What's #4's favorite color?
hurm..biru ?
X.Would you makeout with #24?
Y.How long have you known #5 & #6?
lebey kurang 4 tahun.. ke 5 tahun??
Z.Does #8 like #15?
hohoh...i dun think so..
a.Does #10 have any pets?
hurm..he dont need a pet..i think
b.Is #7 older than you?:
c. Would you give #13 a hug?
if she needs it..why not..
d.Is #17 the sexiest person alive?:
hahah...tanye tuan badannye keta ngan laptop die seksi..:P
//gosh...panjangnye soklan..hehe..just for fun hard tulaa..rindunyee kat korang sume..hopefully kite dpt jumpe lg dlm masa terdekat nie..
Name 25 friends & answer the questions:
1. Rina
2. Mawar
3. Fidah
4. Hasfa
5. Nadia
6. Chip
7. Ija
8. Aris
9. Azhar
10. Mirwan
11. Naim
12. Ella
13. Ina
14. Nor
15. Kuzai
16. Waida
17. Shawn
18. Husna
19. Iza
20. Mukhriz
21. Aswad
22. Izuan
23. Dana
24. Adik
25. Dayang
p/s: randomnly je tulis nie..come to think..rupenye ramai kawan aku nie...kalo boleh nak tulis sume die nak 25 aku tulis ape yg terlintas je..:P
A.Who is #8 going out with?
erm...tatau...die cam berahsia skit..
B.Is #9 a boy or a girl?
Is a guy..
C.Would #11 and #2 make a cute couple?
hahaha...yg no 11 tu dah berpunye..yg no 2 tu tak abis2 dirisik org..(i bet that the no 2 gelak besar punye bile baca yg nie)
D.How about #18 and #4?
certainly a NO !
E.What grade is #17 in?
currently she is in her final year first semester..(aja2 fighting sem more to go)
F.When was the first time you talked to #12?
according to her..masa 1st year 2nd sem..which was sumwhere in july- nov 2001..
G.What is #6's favorite band?
lagu2 anime ost kot..
H.Does #1 have any siblings? bro n one sis..
I.Would you ever date #3?
haha..mestilaa tak..ape die sibuk dating ngan org lain skang..ehem2..gud lak #3..
J.Would you ever date #23?
haha..die bz maaa...jadual date die sentiasa full..:P
K.Is #16 single?
yup..single and available..
L.What's #15's last name?
kalo tak silap laa..mohd nasir..heh..kalo silap jgn marah aa..
M.What's #5's middle name?
erm..ain kot..hehe..
N.What's #10's fantasy?
erk..go n ask him urself..
O.Would #22 and #25 make a good couple?
tak kot..sbb one of them is already got sumone special..
P.What school does #21 go to?
Q.Tell me a random fact about #15
cam kakak yg sayangkan adik2 nya..
R.And #1?
my ex rumet mase kat UTP yg serba boleh..
S.And #19?
very100x friendly..
T.And #20?
dak sengal yg pro gile men dota..jeles2
U.Have you ever had a crush on #14?
hah...tak kuasa I..tadek idea dah ke??
V.Where does #9 live?
sumwhere at ampang kot..
W.What's #4's favorite color?
hurm..biru ?
X.Would you makeout with #24?
Y.How long have you known #5 & #6?
lebey kurang 4 tahun.. ke 5 tahun??
Z.Does #8 like #15?
hohoh...i dun think so..
a.Does #10 have any pets?
hurm..he dont need a pet..i think
b.Is #7 older than you?:
c. Would you give #13 a hug?
if she needs it..why not..
d.Is #17 the sexiest person alive?:
hahah...tanye tuan badannye keta ngan laptop die seksi..:P
//gosh...panjangnye soklan..hehe..just for fun hard tulaa..rindunyee kat korang sume..hopefully kite dpt jumpe lg dlm masa terdekat nie..
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Full House vs Sweet 18
kegilaan cite korea yg melanda kat pc aku...abis aku tinggalkan mcm2 keja demi marathon cite nie..due2 cite nie..die punye overall plot..adelah same..pasal perkahwinan yg bukan atas dasar cinta..hahah..satu tu pasal arranged marriaged..satu agi pasal..kawin kontrak..
Full HouSe

Main actor n actress
1. Jeong Ji-hoon aka Rain as Lee Young-Jae
2. Song Hye Kyo as Han Ji-Eun
3. Kim Sung-su as Yu Min-hyuk
4. Han Eun-jung as Gang Hye Won
Originally a manhwa, Full House is given live action in a KBS’ drama production starring Song Hye Gyo and Jung Ji-hoon (Bi). Swindled by her friends, internet-story writer Han Ji-eun (Song Hye Gyo) seeks movie star Lee Young-jae’s (Jung Ji-hoon) help after becoming indebted to him and learning he is the new owner of her house and living there. They agree to have Ji-eun live with Young-jae while she cooks and cleans for him to pay her debt. Unable to live peacefully, they continuously fight and annoy each other. Then his childhood friend, Hye-won (Han Eun Jung) learns of his love for her, and she believes he is the reason their friend, Min-hook, rejects her love. When Hye-won confronts him, Young-jae lies and instead confesses a love for Ji-eun and launches a scandal. Young-jae and Ji-eun agree to continue the façade and enters into a contract marriage; Young-jae hopes to make Hye-won jealous and win her love while Ji-eun hopes to regain possession of her house. As an unlikely pair from first meeting, Young-jae and Ji-eun gets themselves in to a situation for which neither is prepared
Main actor n actress
1. Lee Dong Gun as Hyuk Joon
2. Han Ji-Hye as Yoon Jung-sook
The concept of an arranged marriage is often difficult to accept, especially amongst less traditional adolescents today. Sweet 18 (Nang Rang 18 Seh) covers this very premise and the story begins when Kwon Hyuk-joon's grandfather, the head of the traditional Kwon family agrees to an arranged marriage between his grandson (Lee Dong Gun) and Yoon Jung-sook (Han Ji Hye) when Yoon Jung-sook is born. 18 years later, the two families lose contact because soon after the contract is signed, Jung-sook's family encounters financial issues and is forced to run away.
Meanwhile, Jung-sook has grown up to be a rebellious and strong-willed girl who just wants to live her life as she sees fit. With little aspirations, she is the direct foil of her achievement-bound counterpart, Hyuk-joon. When the two meet each other, they clash horribly; Jung-sook thinks her fiancee is nothing but boring, and Hyuk-joon believes Jung-sook to be nothing but an immature child. The rest of the series follows their life living together as a couple, and the obstacles they are faced with. When Hyuk-joon's first love reappears and wants to claim Hyuk-joon for herself (despite the fact that he's married), who will Hyuk-joon choose? His first love Ga-young, or immature spunky Jung-sook?
anyway..ost cite full house mmg best...Sweet 18 punye lak..lagu nye leh cite nie kurang gune lagu background for certain2 scene yg aku rasa perlu ade bground music..:P..papehal pun..byk agi cite korea menanti...pasni nak try tgk the nymph n the con artist plus love story in harvard (though aku rase cite nie try gak aa tgk..)
Full HouSe

Main actor n actress
1. Jeong Ji-hoon aka Rain as Lee Young-Jae
2. Song Hye Kyo as Han Ji-Eun
3. Kim Sung-su as Yu Min-hyuk
4. Han Eun-jung as Gang Hye Won
Originally a manhwa, Full House is given live action in a KBS’ drama production starring Song Hye Gyo and Jung Ji-hoon (Bi). Swindled by her friends, internet-story writer Han Ji-eun (Song Hye Gyo) seeks movie star Lee Young-jae’s (Jung Ji-hoon) help after becoming indebted to him and learning he is the new owner of her house and living there. They agree to have Ji-eun live with Young-jae while she cooks and cleans for him to pay her debt. Unable to live peacefully, they continuously fight and annoy each other. Then his childhood friend, Hye-won (Han Eun Jung) learns of his love for her, and she believes he is the reason their friend, Min-hook, rejects her love. When Hye-won confronts him, Young-jae lies and instead confesses a love for Ji-eun and launches a scandal. Young-jae and Ji-eun agree to continue the façade and enters into a contract marriage; Young-jae hopes to make Hye-won jealous and win her love while Ji-eun hopes to regain possession of her house. As an unlikely pair from first meeting, Young-jae and Ji-eun gets themselves in to a situation for which neither is prepared
SwEeT 18
Main actor n actress
1. Lee Dong Gun as Hyuk Joon
2. Han Ji-Hye as Yoon Jung-sook
The concept of an arranged marriage is often difficult to accept, especially amongst less traditional adolescents today. Sweet 18 (Nang Rang 18 Seh) covers this very premise and the story begins when Kwon Hyuk-joon's grandfather, the head of the traditional Kwon family agrees to an arranged marriage between his grandson (Lee Dong Gun) and Yoon Jung-sook (Han Ji Hye) when Yoon Jung-sook is born. 18 years later, the two families lose contact because soon after the contract is signed, Jung-sook's family encounters financial issues and is forced to run away.
Meanwhile, Jung-sook has grown up to be a rebellious and strong-willed girl who just wants to live her life as she sees fit. With little aspirations, she is the direct foil of her achievement-bound counterpart, Hyuk-joon. When the two meet each other, they clash horribly; Jung-sook thinks her fiancee is nothing but boring, and Hyuk-joon believes Jung-sook to be nothing but an immature child. The rest of the series follows their life living together as a couple, and the obstacles they are faced with. When Hyuk-joon's first love reappears and wants to claim Hyuk-joon for herself (despite the fact that he's married), who will Hyuk-joon choose? His first love Ga-young, or immature spunky Jung-sook?
anyway..ost cite full house mmg best...Sweet 18 punye lak..lagu nye leh cite nie kurang gune lagu background for certain2 scene yg aku rasa perlu ade bground music..:P..papehal pun..byk agi cite korea menanti...pasni nak try tgk the nymph n the con artist plus love story in harvard (though aku rase cite nie try gak aa tgk..)
Sunday, April 24, 2005
mac n april yg best !
aku sebenarnye mcm dah lost track ngan tarikh2 menda2 nie aku just cite jelaa mende2 yg menarik terjadi sepanjang bulan mac n april..(bile tgh tensen nie..aku terasa je nak kembali ke masa yg lepas..)
from tronoh to klcc
pada pagi jumaat di awal bulan april..aku ikut rombongan lawatan sambil belajar ke klcc..miahahah..actually under kelas seminar..hurm..the main purpose >> nak gain info on how PETRONAS wat their own Knowledge Management System..okay..tujuan program mmg mencapai kena wat report tu...haha..bijak sungguh lecturer ku..kebetulan skoler masuk ari tu..rm1500..:p seronok gile..siap makan nandos..nak tetibe ari tu blur nak beli ape (biar benar nadia nie)..hehe..overall best..release skit tensen..siap belaja men poker dlm bas..thanx sifu..ajar aku men poker..
midnite n karoks lagi?? pun duit tgh byk..pastu baru setel edx plak aku pun joinlaa dak2 junior yg men DOTA gi kuar midnite..due kali midnite..due2 ari sabtu..hahah..first one..kitorg ber6 naik wira..tgk cite be mase balik lak terjadi kejadian yg mencuakkan aku..walaupun aku cam dah agak dah benda tu nak jd..nway..abaikan..benda dah setel..the next outing..kuar 10 org..tgk the pacifier..kali nie cam dah arrange..soo..tadeklaa kelam kabut..ermm..pas midnite yg tu..sempat gi karoks..adelaa dlm 2 jam melalak..duit kuar cam air gaklaa ari tu..:P
jalan2 cari makan
bosan asik makan kat tpt yg ajak kawan aku makan kat BCC..Black Canyon Coffee kot..first impression..the ambiance is ok..rase damai je tpt die..waitress die ade yg leh dimaafkan die?? hurm..sedap gak aaa..aku mmg kenyang gile sbb makan fried rice in omellete (nasi pattaya)..sbb nasi die cam pulut..hohoh..price?? cukuplaa kalo aku katakan..sebulan skali leh laa lepak sini..:P ade skit gamba masa makan2 tu..

tomyam udang ngan watermelon blended..hoho..tetibe terasa lapar..

nasi pattaya..nyum2..harga die rm 8++ kot..
jatuh cinta..erk..
kejadian berlaku di suatu aku cam tak amik peduli sgt..for me..there's no such thing as love at the first sight..anyway..ske laa tgk mamat tu..die kewl je..walaupun kekadang cam kelaka..n then..bile dah start kenal ade terasa dup dap dup dap tu..dem jek..nway..memandangkan die cam mude setahun dr aku..aku rasa aku abaikan jelaa ape yg aku rasa nie..ske sumthing..tak semestinye kena dptkan gak mende tu..kalo aku rajin..aku wat laa keja gile yg bername
from tronoh to klcc
pada pagi jumaat di awal bulan april..aku ikut rombongan lawatan sambil belajar ke klcc..miahahah..actually under kelas seminar..hurm..the main purpose >> nak gain info on how PETRONAS wat their own Knowledge Management System..okay..tujuan program mmg mencapai kena wat report tu...haha..bijak sungguh lecturer ku..kebetulan skoler masuk ari tu..rm1500..:p seronok gile..siap makan nandos..nak tetibe ari tu blur nak beli ape (biar benar nadia nie)..hehe..overall best..release skit tensen..siap belaja men poker dlm bas..thanx sifu..ajar aku men poker..
midnite n karoks lagi?? pun duit tgh byk..pastu baru setel edx plak aku pun joinlaa dak2 junior yg men DOTA gi kuar midnite..due kali midnite..due2 ari sabtu..hahah..first one..kitorg ber6 naik wira..tgk cite be mase balik lak terjadi kejadian yg mencuakkan aku..walaupun aku cam dah agak dah benda tu nak jd..nway..abaikan..benda dah setel..the next outing..kuar 10 org..tgk the pacifier..kali nie cam dah arrange..soo..tadeklaa kelam kabut..ermm..pas midnite yg tu..sempat gi karoks..adelaa dlm 2 jam melalak..duit kuar cam air gaklaa ari tu..:P
jalan2 cari makan
bosan asik makan kat tpt yg ajak kawan aku makan kat BCC..Black Canyon Coffee kot..first impression..the ambiance is ok..rase damai je tpt die..waitress die ade yg leh dimaafkan die?? hurm..sedap gak aaa..aku mmg kenyang gile sbb makan fried rice in omellete (nasi pattaya)..sbb nasi die cam pulut..hohoh..price?? cukuplaa kalo aku katakan..sebulan skali leh laa lepak sini..:P ade skit gamba masa makan2 tu..

tomyam udang ngan watermelon blended..hoho..tetibe terasa lapar..

nasi pattaya..nyum2..harga die rm 8++ kot..
jatuh cinta..erk..
kejadian berlaku di suatu aku cam tak amik peduli sgt..for me..there's no such thing as love at the first sight..anyway..ske laa tgk mamat tu..die kewl je..walaupun kekadang cam kelaka..n then..bile dah start kenal ade terasa dup dap dup dap tu..dem jek..nway..memandangkan die cam mude setahun dr aku..aku rasa aku abaikan jelaa ape yg aku rasa nie..ske sumthing..tak semestinye kena dptkan gak mende tu..kalo aku rajin..aku wat laa keja gile yg bername
Friday, April 15, 2005
aku dan fyp ku
hari yg aku sgt2 tak ske..dtg jua akhirnye..pre edx exhibition..n gara2 fyp nie..aku tak tido lena..makan apetah lagi...mandi pun jarang2 skali..perghhh..ala2 kena penangan angau gitu..berbekalkan buku2 library n buku yg sv aku kasi pinjam tu..aku berjaya gaklaa setelkan skit programming tu..n then..aku mengerjakan oracle tu plak..isk2..padan muke aku..len kali wat laa lagi last minute..
erm..setelah agak fed up sbb tak dpt nak link kan..dbase ngan web service tu..pastu asik error je bila aku run..aku decide nak siapkan poster lak..kali nie target aku..poster tu biarlaa nampak that tadeklaa evaluators nak tanye byk mende sgt sbb poster tu dah menerangkan sume bende..nway..poster tu ade kat ofis sv aku kot..nnt kalo rajin aku upload gambanye..tadeklaa warna warni..hahah..
sesudah wat poster tu..maka aku bersiap sedia nak gi ngadap redha gile..sbb benda tu tak kuar interface die..isk2..pening2..pastu leh sempat black out lagi..dem laa..aku cam cuak sbb takut tak sempat save benda2 aku wat tu..seb baik sume ok..n ajaibnye..bile aku try run..interface die kuar !! yey..syukur..ade harapan seh..
erm..walaupun agak ditibai ngan soklan2 pelik..sumhow..i'm glad benda tu tadeklaa end up teruk sgt spt yg aku dok pk2..hehe..n pas abis edx tu..aku leh mengabaikan fyp wat suatu jangka masa yg lameeee...hahaha...dasar procrastinator...bilelaa aku nak berubah nie~
erm..setelah agak fed up sbb tak dpt nak link kan..dbase ngan web service tu..pastu asik error je bila aku run..aku decide nak siapkan poster lak..kali nie target aku..poster tu biarlaa nampak that tadeklaa evaluators nak tanye byk mende sgt sbb poster tu dah menerangkan sume bende..nway..poster tu ade kat ofis sv aku kot..nnt kalo rajin aku upload gambanye..tadeklaa warna warni..hahah..
sesudah wat poster tu..maka aku bersiap sedia nak gi ngadap redha gile..sbb benda tu tak kuar interface die..isk2..pening2..pastu leh sempat black out lagi..dem laa..aku cam cuak sbb takut tak sempat save benda2 aku wat tu..seb baik sume ok..n ajaibnye..bile aku try run..interface die kuar !! yey..syukur..ade harapan seh..
erm..walaupun agak ditibai ngan soklan2 pelik..sumhow..i'm glad benda tu tadeklaa end up teruk sgt spt yg aku dok pk2..hehe..n pas abis edx tu..aku leh mengabaikan fyp wat suatu jangka masa yg lameeee...hahaha...dasar procrastinator...bilelaa aku nak berubah nie~
Thursday, April 14, 2005
dah nak kawin ke??
wah...rindunye aku kat blog aku..punyelaa lame aku tak cek blog suatu masa tu..aku dah terlupe url blog aku..heheh..papehal pun..alasan aku still same..tenet sengal..aku bz ngan aktiviti membuang masa dan lain2..nway..nie ade laa skit2 update aku..
ermm..dikala aku tgh tadek duit..aku mintak laa simpati dr kedua2 ibubapaku..hurm..ayah aku masukkan rm 50..dem..aku anak yg baik..cakap terime kasih je..walaupun dlm hati aku.."rm 50 je ke ?? mane nak lepas sampai skoler masuk".hehe..pastu..setelah lame aku pk2 + ajakan rumet n rakan2..aku pun decide nak join kursus kawen kat utp..heheh..calon tadek tp kursus dah aku..bersedia awal2 kan senang..sementara tgh free2 nie..
kursus tu 2 ari..9-10 april...seronok rupenye belaja ilmu rumah tangga..adelaa mende2 baru aku belaja..dlm seronok2 tu..ade gak terasa cuak (especially time ade ceramah pasal penjagaan isteri yg mengandung)..mane taknye puan penceramah tu..describe keadaan n problem2 yg biasa masa mengandung..waaa...aku dgr pun dah takut..ermm..sumhow..kalo nak seronok aje..payah gak kan?? so..biarlaa ade susah senang..baru rase hikmah perkahwinan..chewah~
walaupun agak perit utk aku..sbb kena bangun awal..seawal kul pun benda baik..aku berjaya gak completekan kursus kawen tu..heheh..n now dah ade sijil pun..hohoh..pasni senanglaa takyah gi kursus kawen dah..:P
Monday, March 21, 2005
ROTAN in memory~
ermmm...sure korang ingat rotan tu org kan?? sebenarnye bukan maa..rotan tu..kalo korang tatau jenuh laaa...hahaha..alaa..benda yg selalu digunakan utk mengajar anak yg degil dan nakal..nway..sape yg teka the other way around..bijak2..
smlm borak2 ngan sorang junior nie..n teringatlaa pasal rotan merotan nie..hehe..mak ngan ayah aku mmg garang...esp ngan aku..apsal aaa...lelain...diorg jarang rotan..aku je selalu kena..pendek kate..sume pun aku dah rase laa..hanger..rotan..tali pinggang...penderaan?? tak aaa..sbb biasa kena tadeklaa sampai sakitnyeeee..tuhan jelaa yg tau...
kisah rotan 01
mase aku darjah 2..mak aku anta gi ngaji ngan sorang tok guru nie..isk2..garang seh..mmg kalo silap skit kena rotan kat tgn..kalo cam melampau kena rotan kat badan terus..haha..manelaaa aku tak phobiaa...pastu..aku senyap2 ponteng kelas ngaji tu..dah seminggu lebih...baru terkantoi..makanyee..nak ngelak dr kena rotan ngan tok guru..kena rotan ngan ayah..aaaaa...padan mukeee
kisah rotan 02
ermm..silap skit je...aku terkurang ajar..isk..camnelaa aku leh jd camtu..aku rase aku marah kat mak aku kot...pastu mak aku pukul aku ngan hanger...ahaha..patah seh hanger tu
mak aku cari hanger lain..demm..serik aku dulu b4 cakap..
kisah rotan 03
this happened..soon after msuk sbp..mase form 01..aku tak tahan duk penat gile..kena wat mcm2..mase outing aku nekad lari balik umah..haha..betapa tekad nyee..mmg sampai kat umah..pastu..mak bapak aku mmg ngamuk gilelaaa...kali ini aku dpt belt...hahahah..tibai sampai aku kate.."yelah..nadia balik sane esok"...isk2..yg nie mmg aku takleh terime..kesian aku..kena paksa duk sbp tuh..isk2..terseksa jiwa raga aku selama 5 tahun aku kat tak pasal tali pinggang tu..aku rasa..aku tak sampai kat UTP nie..heheh..
anyway..sumenyee nie dlm memory..sbb skang..there's no more such thing..paling2 pun kena tulaa..sayang anak tangan2kan..kalo tak tangankan...adekah aku akan jadi manusia?? wallahualam..
p/s: kate ekuinoks ari dah kul biasa jek aku rasa..mendung2 jek..ermm kuasa Allah..mmg tak dpt nak duga..:)
smlm borak2 ngan sorang junior nie..n teringatlaa pasal rotan merotan nie..hehe..mak ngan ayah aku mmg garang...esp ngan aku..apsal aaa...lelain...diorg jarang rotan..aku je selalu kena..pendek kate..sume pun aku dah rase laa..hanger..rotan..tali pinggang...penderaan?? tak aaa..sbb biasa kena tadeklaa sampai sakitnyeeee..tuhan jelaa yg tau...
kisah rotan 01
mase aku darjah 2..mak aku anta gi ngaji ngan sorang tok guru nie..isk2..garang seh..mmg kalo silap skit kena rotan kat tgn..kalo cam melampau kena rotan kat badan terus..haha..manelaaa aku tak phobiaa...pastu..aku senyap2 ponteng kelas ngaji tu..dah seminggu lebih...baru terkantoi..makanyee..nak ngelak dr kena rotan ngan tok guru..kena rotan ngan ayah..aaaaa...padan mukeee
kisah rotan 02
ermm..silap skit je...aku terkurang ajar..isk..camnelaa aku leh jd camtu..aku rase aku marah kat mak aku kot...pastu mak aku pukul aku ngan hanger...ahaha..patah seh hanger tu
mak aku cari hanger lain..demm..serik aku dulu b4 cakap..
kisah rotan 03
this happened..soon after msuk sbp..mase form 01..aku tak tahan duk penat gile..kena wat mcm2..mase outing aku nekad lari balik umah..haha..betapa tekad nyee..mmg sampai kat umah..pastu..mak bapak aku mmg ngamuk gilelaaa...kali ini aku dpt belt...hahahah..tibai sampai aku kate.."yelah..nadia balik sane esok"...isk2..yg nie mmg aku takleh terime..kesian aku..kena paksa duk sbp tuh..isk2..terseksa jiwa raga aku selama 5 tahun aku kat tak pasal tali pinggang tu..aku rasa..aku tak sampai kat UTP nie..heheh..
anyway..sumenyee nie dlm memory..sbb skang..there's no more such thing..paling2 pun kena tulaa..sayang anak tangan2kan..kalo tak tangankan...adekah aku akan jadi manusia?? wallahualam..
p/s: kate ekuinoks ari dah kul biasa jek aku rasa..mendung2 jek..ermm kuasa Allah..mmg tak dpt nak duga..:)
last mid break
smlm officially..mid break aku dha abis..basically aku leh concludekan..mid break yg paling pasif...(seb baik aku gi job interview workshop least ade laa belaja sumthing) aku wat mid break ari tu?
sabtu 12/3
attend job interview workshop..ade due session..pagi talk..petang mock job interview..learnt sumthing today..english masih kantoi..having difficulties in expressing my own amzairi puji sbb aku update cite pasal bukit cahaya tu..hehe..n ari nie baru aku tau..ade byk cara that an interview session can have..maybe akan cite more about this later..
ahad 13/3
balik umah..though tadek sgt pun mood nak balik..tumpang kawan..kuar utp kul 9 lebey..sampai umah kat kul 4..hahaha..walhal from tronoh to selayang amik masa 3 hrs je..actually..byk pit stop..sempat rehat2 kat restoran jejantas..camlaa jauh sgt umah tu kan..nway..dlm keadaan kewangan yg agak meruncing nie..boleh plak sampai je kat SOGO..ujan!! isk..nak tak nak..balik naik teksi laa..abis rm 8..argghhh bengang!!
isnin 14/3
sume org ade kat plak rasenye..tak rugi laa balik umah..ptg tu sempat gi selayang mall tatau nak beli ape..saje bawak adik kuar skali..belanje die money spent = rm 30
selasa 15/3
patutnye gi mid valley..amik hadiah CLEO sgt malas nak tadek mood nak shopping pun..thinking of ajak liyana n her bf kuar die ade flight lak..n she had to go back to uitm plak..die tgh final exam skang..pastu..setel laa diploma accountancy die..Good Luck sis..hopefully part nie..dpt dean list lagi..:)
rabu 16/3
hadiah CLEO considered burn..wpun worth rm 35..aku terkilan gak aaa...takpelaa..pas nie kena try anta lagi..nway..balik utp ari nie..tukar shift ngan rumet..(die balik umah ari ni)..balik ngan sape?? tumpang kawan yg sama..ermm..kuar umah kul 10..this time..kul 4.30 kot baru sampai..hahaha..same reason..asik berenti ajek..rewang2 sesambil sight-seeing..:P apsal aku balik awal?? FYP kononnyeee....
kamis - sabtu
aarghhh...aku tak berjaya siapkan papepun..yet dota dah ber pam2..ermm..byk jejalan je..dlm 3 ari nie..makan kat merata tempat..hahaha..bankrap seh camnie..sabtu ari tu..sempat men dota ngan dak2 a noob mmglaa sgt redha..kena marah2 tu sume..haha..seb baik team aku join menang..else..sure kena kutuk gile2 i care pun..saje2 join cari experience sambil tgk camne diorg marah2 org...(kena praktisss lagi ni...isk..sengal2)
ahad 20/3
bangun pasar batu gajah..best2..leh shopping byk brg..ngan harga suar + abc + tauhu + brg2 dapur end up beli baju rm 5 satu..brg2 dapur tu beli gak dpt beli sandal rm 10...duit tak cukup..sengal laa ATM utp nie..asik leh kuar rm 50 jek..sbb tulaa dak utp cepat broke..sigh~
pagi niee..aku bangun ngan rase kesal tulaa mende dah jadi..nak wat camne..nak tanak kena setelkan progress report by esok..isk2..esok ade test laa plak..nasib laa nadia..pandai buat pandai tanggung laa..chow~
sabtu 12/3
attend job interview workshop..ade due session..pagi talk..petang mock job interview..learnt sumthing today..english masih kantoi..having difficulties in expressing my own amzairi puji sbb aku update cite pasal bukit cahaya tu..hehe..n ari nie baru aku tau..ade byk cara that an interview session can have..maybe akan cite more about this later..
ahad 13/3
balik umah..though tadek sgt pun mood nak balik..tumpang kawan..kuar utp kul 9 lebey..sampai umah kat kul 4..hahaha..walhal from tronoh to selayang amik masa 3 hrs je..actually..byk pit stop..sempat rehat2 kat restoran jejantas..camlaa jauh sgt umah tu kan..nway..dlm keadaan kewangan yg agak meruncing nie..boleh plak sampai je kat SOGO..ujan!! isk..nak tak nak..balik naik teksi laa..abis rm 8..argghhh bengang!!
isnin 14/3
sume org ade kat plak rasenye..tak rugi laa balik umah..ptg tu sempat gi selayang mall tatau nak beli ape..saje bawak adik kuar skali..belanje die money spent = rm 30
selasa 15/3
patutnye gi mid valley..amik hadiah CLEO sgt malas nak tadek mood nak shopping pun..thinking of ajak liyana n her bf kuar die ade flight lak..n she had to go back to uitm plak..die tgh final exam skang..pastu..setel laa diploma accountancy die..Good Luck sis..hopefully part nie..dpt dean list lagi..:)
rabu 16/3
hadiah CLEO considered burn..wpun worth rm 35..aku terkilan gak aaa...takpelaa..pas nie kena try anta lagi..nway..balik utp ari nie..tukar shift ngan rumet..(die balik umah ari ni)..balik ngan sape?? tumpang kawan yg sama..ermm..kuar umah kul 10..this time..kul 4.30 kot baru sampai..hahaha..same reason..asik berenti ajek..rewang2 sesambil sight-seeing..:P apsal aku balik awal?? FYP kononnyeee....
kamis - sabtu
aarghhh...aku tak berjaya siapkan papepun..yet dota dah ber pam2..ermm..byk jejalan je..dlm 3 ari nie..makan kat merata tempat..hahaha..bankrap seh camnie..sabtu ari tu..sempat men dota ngan dak2 a noob mmglaa sgt redha..kena marah2 tu sume..haha..seb baik team aku join menang..else..sure kena kutuk gile2 i care pun..saje2 join cari experience sambil tgk camne diorg marah2 org...(kena praktisss lagi ni...isk..sengal2)
ahad 20/3
bangun pasar batu gajah..best2..leh shopping byk brg..ngan harga suar + abc + tauhu + brg2 dapur end up beli baju rm 5 satu..brg2 dapur tu beli gak dpt beli sandal rm 10...duit tak cukup..sengal laa ATM utp nie..asik leh kuar rm 50 jek..sbb tulaa dak utp cepat broke..sigh~
pagi niee..aku bangun ngan rase kesal tulaa mende dah jadi..nak wat camne..nak tanak kena setelkan progress report by esok..isk2..esok ade test laa plak..nasib laa nadia..pandai buat pandai tanggung laa..chow~
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
innuendo to my heart
//cant find the rite word to express feeling? express it in poem..songs..bla bla me:
Pieces of my dreams
Shattered all around
I could not cry
My tears were dry
Empty heart, the lonely nights
Tired of my soul
Bittered I just fought my fights
Hurt me to the bone
Cannot cry, for cannot love
Cannot laugh, but no one sees
If I could, for just one day
Sing the songs of happiness
In silence I would pray
Pieces of my dreams
Shattered all around
But if I’d try
What would they think of me?
I want to cry
Escape this messed-up puppetry
No word could heal
My deepest wounds
My mortal soul
The truth
The pain
My memories
Innuendo to my heart
For my tears are dry
Tearing me apart
I cannot cry
*taken from internet..
Pieces of my dreams
Shattered all around
I could not cry
My tears were dry
Empty heart, the lonely nights
Tired of my soul
Bittered I just fought my fights
Hurt me to the bone
Cannot cry, for cannot love
Cannot laugh, but no one sees
If I could, for just one day
Sing the songs of happiness
In silence I would pray
Pieces of my dreams
Shattered all around
But if I’d try
What would they think of me?
I want to cry
Escape this messed-up puppetry
No word could heal
My deepest wounds
My mortal soul
The truth
The pain
My memories
Innuendo to my heart
For my tears are dry
Tearing me apart
I cannot cry
*taken from internet..
ari ni dah masuk ari ke 4..since i decided to stop the whole thing which currently uncontrollable by both of us..hurm..till today..emotionally unstable..but i will try my overcome this..its not stop talking to sumone who used to be the one who make me stay up till late at night..semata2 nak borak ngan tula..i believe i can live w/o him..:P
as for yesterday..rase cam hari yg penuh dgn benda tak best..memule..b4 gie test..jari tersepit kat pintu..which make me rase nak nangis...sbb sakittt..then..bile sampai kat test room..bile tgk paper blur kejap..walhal..sempat ulang bace notes tu 2 kali..maybe it is becoz i just read it for the sake of taking the test..later..malam return the books that i had borrowed months ago..isk..lewat 3 minggu tuh..tataulaa kena bayar denda bape byk..sbbnye..bile aku dah spend mase nak setelkan sume..system takleh detect laa plak..aaaa..malasnye nak pegi lagi..sumhow..setel utang buku last sem..rm 1.20..wth..walhal ari tu..aku baru baya rm 9..mesti ade yg tak kena nie..n mlm tu..aku ingat nak tido baru sejam aku tdo adelaa 2 ekor kucing bertuah nie..buat bising tak ingat..aku ingat diorg nak upenye nak gaduh..s#4! je..sampai aku tak jd nak teruskan tido..n gie belaja men dota..
sumthing to be suprised..he ym me..might be becoz of my status..complaining about my bad luck day..die tulis 2 ayat je..the first one i dun remember..(bace skali je)..n followed by 'take care'..n aku yg sengal nie..telah merosakkan kejap..mision aku..dgn mereply ym tuh..soooo Stupiddddd of me...argghhh..why am i doing this... week dah mid break..cant wait to be with my mum..spend time wif my sis..n try to forget about this crap thingy..
p/s: i just cant believe myself..dah sampai camnie pun..i can still control my tears..maybe he's not worth it..
as for yesterday..rase cam hari yg penuh dgn benda tak best..memule..b4 gie test..jari tersepit kat pintu..which make me rase nak nangis...sbb sakittt..then..bile sampai kat test room..bile tgk paper blur kejap..walhal..sempat ulang bace notes tu 2 kali..maybe it is becoz i just read it for the sake of taking the test..later..malam return the books that i had borrowed months ago..isk..lewat 3 minggu tuh..tataulaa kena bayar denda bape byk..sbbnye..bile aku dah spend mase nak setelkan sume..system takleh detect laa plak..aaaa..malasnye nak pegi lagi..sumhow..setel utang buku last sem..rm 1.20..wth..walhal ari tu..aku baru baya rm 9..mesti ade yg tak kena nie..n mlm tu..aku ingat nak tido baru sejam aku tdo adelaa 2 ekor kucing bertuah nie..buat bising tak ingat..aku ingat diorg nak upenye nak gaduh..s#4! je..sampai aku tak jd nak teruskan tido..n gie belaja men dota..
sumthing to be suprised..he ym me..might be becoz of my status..complaining about my bad luck day..die tulis 2 ayat je..the first one i dun remember..(bace skali je)..n followed by 'take care'..n aku yg sengal nie..telah merosakkan kejap..mision aku..dgn mereply ym tuh..soooo Stupiddddd of me...argghhh..why am i doing this... week dah mid break..cant wait to be with my mum..spend time wif my sis..n try to forget about this crap thingy..
p/s: i just cant believe myself..dah sampai camnie pun..i can still control my tears..maybe he's not worth it..
Saturday, March 05, 2005
FeeLinGs ComPiLer
dear blog..last week had been a very difficult time for me..dealing wif such undefined feelings..n yet i dunno what is the correct way to express whats inside my mind rite now..
hurmm..i dunno..what kind of game that we're playing rite now..fighting like kids..ermm..n sumhow..i just cant keep asking u..who's fault is it..when kite sendri dah tau..salah siapa..
yup..both of us want things back to sakit ati..believe me..kalo boleh i want to erase part of my that i can simply forget about how all of this what u've is impossible..but..did u realize sumthing..i'm the one who been trying to mend things between us..but u're making things much more complicated to me..
last nite..i've decided..this is my last try..i wont try anymore after this..i'm too tired thinking about us..n i know that u're also having difficult times..wif my frens..
i dun want to be the person who keep asking u; "r u ok?".."apesal wat camtu"..anymore..
i dun want to be org yg selalu mengalah..everytime..we had an argue..anymore..
i dun want to be the person..who said its my fault when it is ur fault..anymore..
n i dun want to have sleepless nite anymore..thinking why r u doing all of this to me..n why this is happening to me..
jealousy might be the reason why..n though at first i think i dun have the right to be jealous..or whatever..still u dun have the right to mess up my feeling like that..
sorry if i had said sumthing that hurt u..or causing u to feel really miserable..
hurmm..i dunno..what kind of game that we're playing rite now..fighting like kids..ermm..n sumhow..i just cant keep asking u..who's fault is it..when kite sendri dah tau..salah siapa..
yup..both of us want things back to sakit ati..believe me..kalo boleh i want to erase part of my that i can simply forget about how all of this what u've is impossible..but..did u realize sumthing..i'm the one who been trying to mend things between us..but u're making things much more complicated to me..
last nite..i've decided..this is my last try..i wont try anymore after this..i'm too tired thinking about us..n i know that u're also having difficult times..wif my frens..
i dun want to be the person who keep asking u; "r u ok?".."apesal wat camtu"..anymore..
i dun want to be org yg selalu mengalah..everytime..we had an argue..anymore..
i dun want to be the person..who said its my fault when it is ur fault..anymore..
n i dun want to have sleepless nite anymore..thinking why r u doing all of this to me..n why this is happening to me..
jealousy might be the reason why..n though at first i think i dun have the right to be jealous..or whatever..still u dun have the right to mess up my feeling like that..
sorry if i had said sumthing that hurt u..or causing u to feel really miserable..
Saturday, February 26, 2005
jason luv orked

yesterday..went out again..n heading the same destination again..Kinta City..but wif other members..this time..kitorg tgk cite melayu...narrated by yasmin ahmad..SEPET..well..the story is sweet + entertaining too (genre>>comedy romance)..hahah..the best scene was when jason(the chinese hero) met orked(the malay heroin)..soo called cinta pandang pertama...
what makes this story good?..cite nie tunjuk realiti kehidupan..skrip sume sumthing yg kite selalu dgr..cthnye:
Orked: how long it takes for ppl to fall in love
jason: a minute
Orked: how long did u take to fall in love with me?
jason: less than that..
ermm..ape lagi ek?? aaaa..sharifah amani is cute..n the much2 more cuter...(hurmm..bolehke compare pompuan ngan laki camtu) got adibah nor sum more..haha..
tp..cite nie agak lama..which is +/- 2 hours..then..scene die panjang2..n byk cakap yg mcm tak perlu ade...yg paling aku allergik>> ending tergantung..abis jek tgk cite tu..mmg byk assumption pasal ending cite nie..aku pun dah tak terpk..ape yg dah jd sebenarnye..soo..if anybody yg dah tgk..silelaa bg pendapat anda..ape ending cite nie sebenarnyee..
Friday, February 25, 2005
where to put fyp arrr??
game ikan comel..yg suatu ketika dulu penah membuatkan aku tak tido lena..sbb asik terkenangkan ikan2..hahhah..n skang..di kala tgh sibuk ber fyp..aku rase bosan...dan kembali menginstall gem ni balik...persoalannye: adekah aku akan addicted balik ngan gem nih?

movie thriller yg aku tgk mlm td ngan rina..ella..miru n siti..ermm...cite nie..for the first one hour..mmg mendebarkan..n menakutkan..tambahan sebelah kiri aku after one hour tu...huhuh...hampeh..sehampeh2nyee...aku tak nampak laaa ape motif cite niee..bak kate miru >> "kalo dlm 5 bintang..leh bagi 2.5 taik bintang" ...lebey kurang camtulaa...ermm..persoalannye: will hide n seek be something like that too??
another game..bile aku dah bosan2 ngan dunia akademik...permainan yg menjana minda keusahawanan...but at the same time..menjana minda nak cari cheat jek mmg seronoklaa..sbb kite leh tgk..camne dr $40.00 leh jadi beratus ribu..hanye dgn menjual lemonade....persoalannye: betul ke leh kaya ngan jual lemonade jek??

aaaaa....where shud i put this?? on my my the closet?? wohooooo...nadia2...sudah2 laa tu ngan joli2 nie...pi laa install server...wat progress report...
game ikan comel..yg suatu ketika dulu penah membuatkan aku tak tido lena..sbb asik terkenangkan ikan2..hahhah..n skang..di kala tgh sibuk ber fyp..aku rase bosan...dan kembali menginstall gem ni balik...persoalannye: adekah aku akan addicted balik ngan gem nih?

movie thriller yg aku tgk mlm td ngan rina..ella..miru n siti..ermm...cite nie..for the first one hour..mmg mendebarkan..n menakutkan..tambahan sebelah kiri aku after one hour tu...huhuh...hampeh..sehampeh2nyee...aku tak nampak laaa ape motif cite niee..bak kate miru >> "kalo dlm 5 bintang..leh bagi 2.5 taik bintang" ...lebey kurang camtulaa...ermm..persoalannye: will hide n seek be something like that too??
another game..bile aku dah bosan2 ngan dunia akademik...permainan yg menjana minda keusahawanan...but at the same time..menjana minda nak cari cheat jek mmg seronoklaa..sbb kite leh tgk..camne dr $40.00 leh jadi beratus ribu..hanye dgn menjual lemonade....persoalannye: betul ke leh kaya ngan jual lemonade jek??

aaaaa....where shud i put this?? on my my the closet?? wohooooo...nadia2...sudah2 laa tu ngan joli2 nie...pi laa install server...wat progress report...
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
what DEGREE ?
//credit to mawar..
Blogging Degree
From promotion?? ..apekah
Blogging Degree
From promotion?? ..apekah
belasah dinding dan menampar bola
last week..ari kamis..for the first time..aku gi sport complex utk men squash bersama rumet ku..heheh..aku bukan tak penah gi mmg kalo aku gi sane..purposenye mesti lain..tgk tournament ke..atas urusan rasmi ke..jarang laa..for the sake nak men sukan..berbekalkan kasut sukan ex hosmet..dan raket squash akak wat master kat umah tu..aku pun ngan semangat berkobar2 gie sport complex..sampai jek sane..penuh plak courtnyee..bile dah kosong..kasi pearl ngan abgnye main dulu..while..aku tetibe jek gi join org men happen..bile dah 4 tahun tak men volley..n tetibe men balik ari tu?? heh..abis tangan kanan aku lebam2..n sakit2..sbb beli menampar bola tu..most of the time gune tgn kanan je (kunun2 power laa tu) hurm..n for the next four days..aku jd gile kejap nak bersukan nie..melepas rindu..itupun sbb ade shon..yg selalu ajak aku men squash..heh..lupe lak..sbb biasanye pas bersukan kami akan sight seeing..sampai ade org tu tego..hurm jeleskah??
p/s: ari nie tak bersukan..kununnye nak siapkan end up takin a nap..sigh~..n now..already pening paler..
p/s: ari nie tak bersukan..kununnye nak siapkan end up takin a nap..sigh~..n now..already pening paler..
it is all about progressing..
sedar tak sedar..skang dah masuk week 05..ermm..which mean dah tinggal lebey kurang 7 minggu before the submission of fyp project..huhu..but till today..havent start on anything yet..benda yg paling baru disetelkan:
1. weeky report 01-03
2. preliminary report yg aku wat tak bersungguh2
hahah..aku skang lebih konsentret nak menstabilkan pc aku..ermm..eventually..till last sunday..dah format pc nie lebey kurang 5 kali..huhuh..
1. 1st time : the system suddenly takleh detect svchost.exe..n 12 gig of
mp3..ilang sbb ade problem mase partition b4 install window..
2. 2nd time : konon2...taknak install repair file yg ilang tuh..alih2..bile dah abis
repair..byk program conflict..maybe cara aku repair/recover file tu tak betul
3. 3rd time : aku yg terlebih bijak..telah menginstall window tanpa cabut network
cable..maka..setelah genap seminggu online..mcm2 virus kuar..sasser laa..korgo
4. 4th time : aku dah bijak skit menginstall window...pindah brg kat partition lain..pastu
format..tetibe..kali nie..bile aku install codec...sound jd hampeh gile..belau2..huhu..
5. 5th time : last sunday..aku install wat kali ke 5..hurm budget nak setelkan masalah same lagi..n then..aku pk cara lain lak..yg menyebabkan aku cabut
tv card aku..guess what?? sume dah ok balik pastu..hehhe..alhamdulillah...kesian
hard disk aku..
haaa..camne laa aku nak konsentret..kalo buah hati pengarang jantung aku wat hal..n now..aku dah malas nak seksa2 pc aku dha..menerime seadanyee..pasnie..aku nak install nak pakai utk FYP..
p/s: Kshare Web Services at UTP..leh bayangkan camne system tu tak??
1. weeky report 01-03
2. preliminary report yg aku wat tak bersungguh2
hahah..aku skang lebih konsentret nak menstabilkan pc aku..ermm..eventually..till last sunday..dah format pc nie lebey kurang 5 kali..huhuh..
1. 1st time : the system suddenly takleh detect svchost.exe..n 12 gig of
mp3..ilang sbb ade problem mase partition b4 install window..
2. 2nd time : konon2...taknak install repair file yg ilang tuh..alih2..bile dah abis
repair..byk program conflict..maybe cara aku repair/recover file tu tak betul
3. 3rd time : aku yg terlebih bijak..telah menginstall window tanpa cabut network
cable..maka..setelah genap seminggu online..mcm2 virus kuar..sasser laa..korgo
4. 4th time : aku dah bijak skit menginstall window...pindah brg kat partition lain..pastu
format..tetibe..kali nie..bile aku install codec...sound jd hampeh gile..belau2..huhu..
5. 5th time : last sunday..aku install wat kali ke 5..hurm budget nak setelkan masalah same lagi..n then..aku pk cara lain lak..yg menyebabkan aku cabut
tv card aku..guess what?? sume dah ok balik pastu..hehhe..alhamdulillah...kesian
hard disk aku..
haaa..camne laa aku nak konsentret..kalo buah hati pengarang jantung aku wat hal..n now..aku dah malas nak seksa2 pc aku dha..menerime seadanyee..pasnie..aku nak install nak pakai utk FYP..
p/s: Kshare Web Services at UTP..leh bayangkan camne system tu tak??
Thursday, February 03, 2005
iF . . . .
If performed by bReAd
If a picture paints a thousand words,
Then why can't I paint you?
The words will never show the you I've come to know.
If a face could launch a thousand ships,
Then where am I to go?
There's no one home but you,
You're all that's left me too.
And when my love for life is running dry,
You come and pour yourself on me.
If a man could be two places at one time,
I'd be with you.
Tomorrow and today, beside you all the way.
If the world should stop revolving spinning slowly down to die,
I'd spend the end with you.
And when the world was through,
Then one by one the stars would all go out,
Then you and I would simply fly away . . . . .
If a picture paints a thousand words,
Then why can't I paint you?
The words will never show the you I've come to know.
If a face could launch a thousand ships,
Then where am I to go?
There's no one home but you,
You're all that's left me too.
And when my love for life is running dry,
You come and pour yourself on me.
If a man could be two places at one time,
I'd be with you.
Tomorrow and today, beside you all the way.
If the world should stop revolving spinning slowly down to die,
I'd spend the end with you.
And when the world was through,
Then one by one the stars would all go out,
Then you and I would simply fly away . . . . .
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
mimpikah aku ??
ari nie..pikiran aku bercelaru bawah nie..adelah one of the way to describe betapa bercelarunye pikiran aku skang..nway..thanx to arni..for comforting me..time taken to write this so called poem : 5 minutes..
mimpikah aku ?
semalam kau di sini..
hari ini..kau dihatiku..
esok..kau perlu di buang jauh..
mimpikah aku ?
semalam..aku mula terbang..
hari ini..terbangku makin tinggi..
esok..aku perlu jatuh..biar sayapku patah..
supaya aku tidak terbang lagi..
mimpikah aku ?
semalam..dalam kenangan..
hari ini dalam realiti..
esok..hanyalaa dalam mimpi...
mimpikah aku ?
semalam..aku bermimpi..
hari ini aku masih bermimpi..
esok aku mesti terjaga...
kerna..aku tidak layak meneruskan mimpi ini lagi..
p/s: wah..dah lame aku tak wat karya kreatif how?? cukup jiwang tak??
mimpikah aku ?
semalam kau di sini..
hari ini..kau dihatiku..
esok..kau perlu di buang jauh..
mimpikah aku ?
semalam..aku mula terbang..
hari ini..terbangku makin tinggi..
esok..aku perlu jatuh..biar sayapku patah..
supaya aku tidak terbang lagi..
mimpikah aku ?
semalam..dalam kenangan..
hari ini dalam realiti..
esok..hanyalaa dalam mimpi...
mimpikah aku ?
semalam..aku bermimpi..
hari ini aku masih bermimpi..
esok aku mesti terjaga...
kerna..aku tidak layak meneruskan mimpi ini lagi..
p/s: wah..dah lame aku tak wat karya kreatif how?? cukup jiwang tak??
Monday, January 31, 2005
jOLi di iPoh
nice~..the first week of the semester ended well..timetable pun dah cukup cun..already booked a fyp title..already sent the proposal..buku2 reference pun dah ade...what's next?? beronggeng laaa..
at about 7.30 p.m..tetibe ade org suggest makan stimboat at aku pun busan duk decided to join them..agak kelam kabut laa..sbb had limited time utk bersiap..sumhow..managed to siap2 n mekap sume within 8 minutes..hahaha..pecah rumet siap cakap "kan bagus kalo ko leh siap cepat camnie..mase nak gi kelas"...hah..amik ko..:P
arrived at movens peak lebey kurang kul 9..managed to find a table though there were soooo many people..n then..kitorg stat makan..haha..ikutkan ati nak mkn sampai rase memikirkan..lately selalu sakit makan ape yg terdaya jek..nway..we were having a buffet steamboat yesterday which cost around rm25 per comment>>the environment is nice..the food boleh tahanlaa..the ice lemon tea pun sedap but the tomyam tak bape masuk ngan TGV kinta city..tgk midnite..Racing Stripes..ermm..the movie was quite it managed to keep me awake till the story about 2 p.m sampai utp..sgt penat..
my first trip to TeSco..n also my first trip to TESCO bf arrived there kul 2 lebey..cari parking..aiyaaa...soo many car maaa..mane taknye chinese new year is around the corner..makanye..ramailaa chinese sedang sibuk bershopping..for preparing the celebration..later..round2 kat tesco tu..hurm not bad i dun like the ade yg tak cukup..n rase tak seronok nak shopping kat situ..bought a few mangoes + orange milano b4 we heading to kc..
hahaha..kat kc pun lebey kurang jek keadaannye..lots of chinese sibuk shopping..haha..abaikan..havin lunch at johnnys (steamboat lg)..rm 30 for 3 ppl..murahnyee..pas puas pusing kc..kami pun balik..kul 8 lebey baru sampai utp..hah..ujung minggu yg agak happening..n sgt memenatkan...
at about 7.30 p.m..tetibe ade org suggest makan stimboat at aku pun busan duk decided to join them..agak kelam kabut laa..sbb had limited time utk bersiap..sumhow..managed to siap2 n mekap sume within 8 minutes..hahaha..pecah rumet siap cakap "kan bagus kalo ko leh siap cepat camnie..mase nak gi kelas"...hah..amik ko..:P
arrived at movens peak lebey kurang kul 9..managed to find a table though there were soooo many people..n then..kitorg stat makan..haha..ikutkan ati nak mkn sampai rase memikirkan..lately selalu sakit makan ape yg terdaya jek..nway..we were having a buffet steamboat yesterday which cost around rm25 per comment>>the environment is nice..the food boleh tahanlaa..the ice lemon tea pun sedap but the tomyam tak bape masuk ngan TGV kinta city..tgk midnite..Racing Stripes..ermm..the movie was quite it managed to keep me awake till the story about 2 p.m sampai utp..sgt penat..
my first trip to TeSco..n also my first trip to TESCO bf arrived there kul 2 lebey..cari parking..aiyaaa...soo many car maaa..mane taknye chinese new year is around the corner..makanye..ramailaa chinese sedang sibuk bershopping..for preparing the celebration..later..round2 kat tesco tu..hurm not bad i dun like the ade yg tak cukup..n rase tak seronok nak shopping kat situ..bought a few mangoes + orange milano b4 we heading to kc..
hahaha..kat kc pun lebey kurang jek keadaannye..lots of chinese sibuk shopping..haha..abaikan..havin lunch at johnnys (steamboat lg)..rm 30 for 3 ppl..murahnyee..pas puas pusing kc..kami pun balik..kul 8 lebey baru sampai utp..hah..ujung minggu yg agak happening..n sgt memenatkan...
Sunday, January 30, 2005
envy me
though bday aku cam dah lama tak bermakna..there will be no more bday present for me..n cakap pasal hadiah arijadi nie..ari tu..a fren of mine gave me a bday present..which is happened to be a gucci ENVY ME edt spray..


hahaha..dunno what it cost the parfum was bought mase trip die ke paris last semester break..actually..when he asked me what i want for my bday present..mmg dah terbayang dah a parfum (hahaha..kalo dah nak beli kat paris..nak mintak ape lg kan??) cam rase tak sesuai lak (mahal seh) aku bgtau die..beli laa ape2 which i can use everyday..hurmm..hinting laa skit..dlm kaver2 tu..:p..nway..aku mmg tak kisah pun..ape die nak beli..or tak kirelaa..sesape pun..sbb for me..kalo ingat my bday pun dah cukup bagus..esp kalo org tu mmg jenis susah nak ingat though tetiap tahun pun bgtau...:P

cute teddy bear..terime kasih....:)
p/s: musky floral fragrance...wif vibrant floral hearts..
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
kawin ??
my fren aka my neighbour had finally married last week..hurm..luckilly i decided to celebrate raya haji at home..else.. i would have missed the majlis nikah..the nikah's ceremony was held mase malam her home..soon after the nikah..siap bertakbir utk raya haji..persiapan utk majlis resepsi..started on saturday..really busy..helped her to do the hantaran..n also decorating the pengantin's room..hahaha..the pengantin was too busy decorating her own house..sampai she kept saying ok for everything..though the thing is not ok..
however..sumenye berjaya disetelkan before the big day..kenduri was simple..the lauk was yg tak besnye..i accidentally met wif one of my ex..huh..really hate that moment..dahlaa mase tu baru start nak makan..dunno how to react when he started the conversation..(most of the time..aku senyap jek pun)..pas makan aku terus wat excuse nak packing barang..hahaha..whateverlaaa...'s 22..haha..same wif me..but dun ask me..when will i..coz rite wif my studies..n thinking of enjoy wif all the money n anak dara's life before beginning to think about getting marry..hahaha..bile tgk how my mum n my dad had end up..agak fobia sebenarnye nak kawin..ppl mmg pandai buat janji..manis susah nak cari org yg really kept his to :
my mum >> sorry..i dun think i would want to settle down before 26..kenalaa mak suh ana kawin dulu..
my sis, Ana >> sorry also..nampaknye..u had to prepare extra gifts for me..dun worry..nadia tak nak serba satu..kasi banglo sebiji cukuplaa..:p
shah..Ana's husband-to-be >> hahahaha..hahahahhaha....hahahhahahaha
p/s: tak pasal2 aku jd mangsa..dr 26 tahun..dah jadi 24 tahun plak..huhuhu..jenuh2..


however..sumenye berjaya disetelkan before the big day..kenduri was simple..the lauk was yg tak besnye..i accidentally met wif one of my ex..huh..really hate that moment..dahlaa mase tu baru start nak makan..dunno how to react when he started the conversation..(most of the time..aku senyap jek pun)..pas makan aku terus wat excuse nak packing barang..hahaha..whateverlaaa...'s 22..haha..same wif me..but dun ask me..when will i..coz rite wif my studies..n thinking of enjoy wif all the money n anak dara's life before beginning to think about getting marry..hahaha..bile tgk how my mum n my dad had end up..agak fobia sebenarnye nak kawin..ppl mmg pandai buat janji..manis susah nak cari org yg really kept his to :
my mum >> sorry..i dun think i would want to settle down before 26..kenalaa mak suh ana kawin dulu..
my sis, Ana >> sorry also..nampaknye..u had to prepare extra gifts for me..dun worry..nadia tak nak serba satu..kasi banglo sebiji cukuplaa..:p
shah..Ana's husband-to-be >> hahahaha..hahahahhaha....hahahhahahaha
p/s: tak pasal2 aku jd mangsa..dr 26 tahun..dah jadi 24 tahun plak..huhuhu..jenuh2..
final year final sem ??
whoa..semester jan 2005 dah pun bermula..meaning..from now on i have to work harder..have to get really good grades before graduating..the competition outside is getting tougher..though you got first class it is not a guarantee that u can secured good jobs wif good salary...
however..for the time being..i'm not really into that i am very busy handling the eye infections..n also the very2 hot weather at utp..i dun think that rain could hardly touch the ground...hahahhaha..nway..already went to the clinic yesterday..paid 20 ringgit for the ubat..huhu..the doctor didnt even checked me..he just asked me what happen..bla bla bla..than prescribed the medicine for the infections..
gtg..ade kelas kul 2 nie..
p/s: network kat hostel tgh maintenance kalo nak surfing kena gi expect that i won't be able to update the blog everyday...hehhe
however..for the time being..i'm not really into that i am very busy handling the eye infections..n also the very2 hot weather at utp..i dun think that rain could hardly touch the ground...hahahhaha..nway..already went to the clinic yesterday..paid 20 ringgit for the ubat..huhu..the doctor didnt even checked me..he just asked me what happen..bla bla bla..than prescribed the medicine for the infections..
gtg..ade kelas kul 2 nie..
p/s: network kat hostel tgh maintenance kalo nak surfing kena gi expect that i won't be able to update the blog everyday...hehhe
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
keliru version 2.0
when sumthing bad happen..n it happened because of sumthing that we did..mmg kite tak boleh nak tarik ape yg kite boleh buat..try to minimize the impact..for instance..there might be a person would be suprised to see that one of my blog entry is not at it place..well..actually..rase bersalah dgn ape yg aku tulis dlm tu..benda kecik..but caused sum ppl feeling uneasy about it..i wish 'sorry' would be rasenye cam tak moved that particular entry..hopefully..sume puas hati..
>>i should have asked about it first..rather than make the assumption..
p/s: everything has its own time n place..n maybe it is not the time yet..
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
actually aku sampai kat utp ari ahad..kul 2 lebey..erm..panas betul ari tu..dgn nak angkat brg yg tah camne leh tetibe jd byk..:P..mmg jenuh..sib baik abah ngan auntie tolong angkat skali..kalo nak harap aku sorang..mau pengsan..
after unpacking..aku lek2..menghadap tv..tgk juara lagu..susah plak nak cari coverage yg clear utk tv pun..aku redah jek..mlm tu..mmg sunyi tul aku rasa utp niee..sume org tak balik lg..aku nie..kononnye balik awal sbb nak wat fyp..n auditing..harapnyelaa..
first day at utp..x wat pape..bangun kul 12..mawar plak sampai kul just surf kat internet for more info about knowledge share..
amik kunci..hurm..en meor nie mmglaa 'terlebih pandai'..apelaa salahnyee..kalo die bg aku ngan kekawan aku satu umah..nie..nak jugak masukkan junior2 kat umah aku..alahai..tak larat tul..nak kenal2 org baru nie..nak paham perangai lagi..argghh..bengang2..bengong tul!!
later..gie acad building..jumpe mr nordin + mrs vivian + mr mohd nor + mr jale..ermm..jumpe ramai at the end..tak setel pun lg hal fyp tu..went to the library + borrowed few books..
balik ke tak raya aji nie?? heh..mesti balik..siap beli tiket bas duk pk..patutkah aku sambung cuti sampai thaipusam?? (perak cuti mase thaipusam) ..akan dipikirkan..
actually aku sampai kat utp ari ahad..kul 2 lebey..erm..panas betul ari tu..dgn nak angkat brg yg tah camne leh tetibe jd byk..:P..mmg jenuh..sib baik abah ngan auntie tolong angkat skali..kalo nak harap aku sorang..mau pengsan..
after unpacking..aku lek2..menghadap tv..tgk juara lagu..susah plak nak cari coverage yg clear utk tv pun..aku redah jek..mlm tu..mmg sunyi tul aku rasa utp niee..sume org tak balik lg..aku nie..kononnye balik awal sbb nak wat fyp..n auditing..harapnyelaa..
first day at utp..x wat pape..bangun kul 12..mawar plak sampai kul just surf kat internet for more info about knowledge share..
amik kunci..hurm..en meor nie mmglaa 'terlebih pandai'..apelaa salahnyee..kalo die bg aku ngan kekawan aku satu umah..nie..nak jugak masukkan junior2 kat umah aku..alahai..tak larat tul..nak kenal2 org baru nie..nak paham perangai lagi..argghh..bengang2..bengong tul!!
later..gie acad building..jumpe mr nordin + mrs vivian + mr mohd nor + mr jale..ermm..jumpe ramai at the end..tak setel pun lg hal fyp tu..went to the library + borrowed few books..
balik ke tak raya aji nie?? heh..mesti balik..siap beli tiket bas duk pk..patutkah aku sambung cuti sampai thaipusam?? (perak cuti mase thaipusam) ..akan dipikirkan..
Sunday, January 16, 2005
yesterday..aku sempat gi kuar merewang kat kl before balik utp..kalo my dad tau pasal nie..sure die bising..packing tak abis dah jalan satu kl..miahahaha...went out accompanied by of my fren back at utp..our first destination>>lowyat..i've got two things to buy; tv card n printer driver..while amirul wanted to find the latest star wars game (which happened still not been released at malaysia yet) ermm..after puas2 round..i've decided to buy a tv card which cost me rm130..comproTv..then..mkn bekfast kat destination>> midvalley..ermm..carnival RO sbb dah sampai kul 2.30..tempat tu dah crowded wif ppl..wohooo..tak sanggup nak berasak lame2..jalan 2 round the exhibition hall..not bad laa..ade cosplay..head gear contest..kuiz..lucky aku cam tak bape paham..nak kena beli kupon la..camne nak beli brg2..soo malas nak lame2..then aku blah dr situ..teman amirul..usha gundam..
later..met kekawan yg lain..n kitorg gie lunch at nando's..alahai..kecik pulak ayam yg aku dpt..abis mkn..kitorg pun berpecah..amirul decided nak balik umah..sue n her bf plak still mkn n had their own hal nak setel kat pun gi jusco..renew card + beli hadiah bday for liyana (sentini's pink handbag) + tv antenna + long pants..ermm..adelaa abis dlm rm 200 ari nie..mahal betul brg2 skang..:P
then..ape lg?? aku baliklaaa...tak daya aku nak jejalan lg..mcm nak patah kaki nih..heheh..
//been using various mode of public transport today:
pegi kl sentral >> taxi to sogo + star lrt to masjid jamek + putra lrt to kl sentral = rm 12.40
to lowyat >> monorail to imbi = rm1.60
to kl sentral >> monorail to kl sentral = rm 1.60to
midvalley <-> kl sentral >> komuter to midvalley <-> kl sentral = rm 2.00
from kl sentral to home >> putra to cm + bus to home >> rm 3.00
waa..abis rm 20.60 for transportation jek..
p/s: puas brg tak habis pack lagi..:p
Friday, January 14, 2005
because i'm a girl
Because I'm a Girl
I just cant understand the hearts of men
they tell you they want you and then they leave you
this is the first time,
you're special I believed those words and I was so happy
you should have told me you didn't like me any more
but I couldn't see that and you just rushed me
although I will curse you I'll still miss you
since I am a girl, to whom love is everything
i heard that if you give up things too easily to a man,
he will get bored with you
i don't think this is wrong
a girl says that she will never be fooled again
but she will fall in love again
Hey babe
the pain
it's not enough to describe how i feel
we were so happy together
but I know now
I've been blind
you told me that you'd never let me down
whenever I needed you
you'd always be here
I can forgive but I cant forget
even though you hurt me
I still love you
don't take advantage of a girl's willingness to do anything for love and her caring instinct
i didn't know that to be born as a girl and to be loved was so hard
although i will curse you i'll still miss you
since i am a girl, to whom love is everything
p/s: saje2 melayan perasaan..:P
I just cant understand the hearts of men
they tell you they want you and then they leave you
this is the first time,
you're special I believed those words and I was so happy
you should have told me you didn't like me any more
but I couldn't see that and you just rushed me
although I will curse you I'll still miss you
since I am a girl, to whom love is everything
i heard that if you give up things too easily to a man,
he will get bored with you
i don't think this is wrong
a girl says that she will never be fooled again
but she will fall in love again
Hey babe
the pain
it's not enough to describe how i feel
we were so happy together
but I know now
I've been blind
you told me that you'd never let me down
whenever I needed you
you'd always be here
I can forgive but I cant forget
even though you hurt me
I still love you
don't take advantage of a girl's willingness to do anything for love and her caring instinct
i didn't know that to be born as a girl and to be loved was so hard
although i will curse you i'll still miss you
since i am a girl, to whom love is everything
p/s: saje2 melayan perasaan..:P
Thursday, January 13, 2005
inching deeper
by Yukishiro Enishi
Stand as coldness rushing by
Without courage enough to cry
Without farewell without goodbye
The knife goes an inch deeper
Sick of walking by myself at light
Sick of cuddling by myself at night
Only having me myself to guide
The knife goes an inch deeper
Tired of laughing alone, and
Tired of talking alone, when
On my bed lying alone, then
The knife goes an inch deeper
The day are but to show emptiness
The dark are but to show nothingness
Neither ever showing forgiveness
The knife goes an inch deeper
What little heat can I offer
To myself in the icy winter
The knife goes an inch deeper
Into my heart
emosi tak stabil..i tot i did achieved sumthing when i didn't failed any paper..but..hey..yin n yang..sume pun ade keseimbangan..last nite..can't sleep sbb pk benda lain plak..masalah2..
p/s: camne nak dpt tido mati??
Stand as coldness rushing by
Without courage enough to cry
Without farewell without goodbye
The knife goes an inch deeper
Sick of walking by myself at light
Sick of cuddling by myself at night
Only having me myself to guide
The knife goes an inch deeper
Tired of laughing alone, and
Tired of talking alone, when
On my bed lying alone, then
The knife goes an inch deeper
The day are but to show emptiness
The dark are but to show nothingness
Neither ever showing forgiveness
The knife goes an inch deeper
What little heat can I offer
To myself in the icy winter
The knife goes an inch deeper
Into my heart
emosi tak stabil..i tot i did achieved sumthing when i didn't failed any paper..but..hey..yin n yang..sume pun ade keseimbangan..last nite..can't sleep sbb pk benda lain plak..masalah2..
p/s: camne nak dpt tido mati??
Found this..mase tgh jejalan kat blog to waida...kewl..2 types of "anime" fan..
'too little anime'
You know you haven't seen enough anime when:
You think DBZ is the best show ever.
You think DBGT rocked.
You think Naruto is the best show ever.
You think your an anime fan when you've seen Yu-Gi-Oh! and other titles that have played on TV.
You have zero anime divx files on your computer.
You still use Windows Media Player to watch your anime.
You search "download insert-anime-title-here episodes" in any search engine.
You think Adult Swim is the number one anime provider.
You have a shelf of DBZ dvds.
You think Dragonball Z is better than the original Dragonball.
'too much anime'
You know you've been watching too much anime when:
You've got a whole HD dedicated to anime.
You need to start deleting older series to free up some space on your pc.
You start correcting the fansubs (Thanks Jeirun).
You start to go by the name of your favourite character name.
You want others or call yourself with a traditional Japanese name ending such as san, kun, sama ect.
You call your teacher sensei.
You answer the phone with Moshi Moshi.
You classify Japanese as a language you know because you've picked up words from series you've seen.
You search for anime merchandise off Ebay.
You've bought more than 20 anime DVDs.
You think subtitles are better than English in everything you watch.
You exceed your monthly download limit or get close to it from downloading too much anime.
You've downloaded too much anime you resort in finding manga to save space.
You keep track of all the titles you've seen.
You've seen too many titles to keep track of.
You start buying games based on anime..
You suddenly have the urge to buy "How to draw manga" books
You think ramen rules.
You dress up as your favourite anime character.
You get insulted when others pronounce anime wrong.
You think otaku means fanboy of anime.
You're awake 3AM in the morning watching anime.
You buy a burner just to free up space on your HD.
You're MSN or AIM contact list is full of people you met on anime forums or chats.
You start joining various anime forums.
hahha..after reading this..n make sum crap calculation..i belong to none of this..haha..still budak2 baru belaja nak tgk anime..
p/s: skang nie..aku lg gile tgk cite cine + korea + jepun drp tgk anime..
'too little anime'
You know you haven't seen enough anime when:
You think DBZ is the best show ever.
You think DBGT rocked.
You think Naruto is the best show ever.
You think your an anime fan when you've seen Yu-Gi-Oh! and other titles that have played on TV.
You have zero anime divx files on your computer.
You still use Windows Media Player to watch your anime.
You search "download insert-anime-title-here episodes" in any search engine.
You think Adult Swim is the number one anime provider.
You have a shelf of DBZ dvds.
You think Dragonball Z is better than the original Dragonball.
'too much anime'
You know you've been watching too much anime when:
You've got a whole HD dedicated to anime.
You need to start deleting older series to free up some space on your pc.
You start correcting the fansubs (Thanks Jeirun).
You start to go by the name of your favourite character name.
You want others or call yourself with a traditional Japanese name ending such as san, kun, sama ect.
You call your teacher sensei.
You answer the phone with Moshi Moshi.
You classify Japanese as a language you know because you've picked up words from series you've seen.
You search for anime merchandise off Ebay.
You've bought more than 20 anime DVDs.
You think subtitles are better than English in everything you watch.
You exceed your monthly download limit or get close to it from downloading too much anime.
You've downloaded too much anime you resort in finding manga to save space.
You keep track of all the titles you've seen.
You've seen too many titles to keep track of.
You start buying games based on anime..
You suddenly have the urge to buy "How to draw manga" books
You think ramen rules.
You dress up as your favourite anime character.
You get insulted when others pronounce anime wrong.
You think otaku means fanboy of anime.
You're awake 3AM in the morning watching anime.
You buy a burner just to free up space on your HD.
You're MSN or AIM contact list is full of people you met on anime forums or chats.
You start joining various anime forums.
hahha..after reading this..n make sum crap calculation..i belong to none of this..haha..still budak2 baru belaja nak tgk anime..
p/s: skang nie..aku lg gile tgk cite cine + korea + jepun drp tgk anime..
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
berakhirnya mimpi ngeri
ermm..akhirnyaa..result peksa kuar jugak..though tak sebagus org len..but i do have sumthing to be proud of..first of all..i do pass the RAD paper..not wif d..but syarifah nie sgt generous orgnyaa...thanx dun have any D..whoaa..that's great..n paling cgpa..tak terusik sgt..just ade increase skit jek..hurm..alhamdulillah..(maknenye..agak sia2 aku takley tido selama nie)
walaubagaimanapun..takdelaa rase comfortable sgt ngan result actually..leh dpt tinggi tulaa..aku jenis tak sedar diri..susah sgt nak berubah..(nape benda tak elok..kite senang nak kalo benda baik..tuhan jelaa yang tau..jerihnye)..tulaa padahnye..kalo rajin tuang kelas + rajin tak anta esemen + rajin tak wat replacement kuiz..nway>>my mum..siap pesan..this final sem kena jaga2..sbb kena maintain cgpa tu..baik puan!! rase aman skit..leh tido ngan nyenyaknyee...n lehlaa balik awal..setelkan fyp..once again..syukur alhamdulillah..
p/s: mari delete folder july 2004..
walaubagaimanapun..takdelaa rase comfortable sgt ngan result actually..leh dpt tinggi tulaa..aku jenis tak sedar diri..susah sgt nak berubah..(nape benda tak elok..kite senang nak kalo benda baik..tuhan jelaa yang tau..jerihnye)..tulaa padahnye..kalo rajin tuang kelas + rajin tak anta esemen + rajin tak wat replacement kuiz..nway>>my mum..siap pesan..this final sem kena jaga2..sbb kena maintain cgpa tu..baik puan!! rase aman skit..leh tido ngan nyenyaknyee...n lehlaa balik awal..setelkan fyp..once again..syukur alhamdulillah..
p/s: mari delete folder july 2004..
Saturday, January 08, 2005
last nite..i had a big quarrel with my mum n bro..arghh..rase cam dah takley pk ngan betul skang nie..there were soo many things (problem..unfinished business..result peksa) running on my mind..ermm..i had enough of crying..hopefully things will get better..
nway..mlm td was terrible..i couldn't sleep..puas pk pasal guess>> ice blended cappucino..selalu lupe..that thingy ade cafein..which could caused me..stay awake for the whole night..hahaha..padan muke aku..after subuh baru aku leh tido..12 tgh baru bangun..sigh~
adeh..pas nie..mmglaa aku tak beli benda tu agi..pening pale aku..terpaksa tido siang..serik..
nway..mlm td was terrible..i couldn't sleep..puas pk pasal guess>> ice blended cappucino..selalu lupe..that thingy ade cafein..which could caused me..stay awake for the whole night..hahaha..padan muke aku..after subuh baru aku leh tido..12 tgh baru bangun..sigh~
adeh..pas nie..mmglaa aku tak beli benda tu agi..pening pale aku..terpaksa tido siang..serik..
Thursday, January 06, 2005
kul 7 mlm nie..ade cite naruto..hurmm..tetibe aku rase cam nak tgk pulak..though cam dah lambat..sbb my fren dah tgk episode beratus2..aku plak baru nak start tgk..camnepun..aku nak try tgk..ape yg best sgt..manelaa tau sangkut plak kat anime nie..
my fren dah balik dr berjalan2 kat london..actually die sms at about 6.30..bgtau dah sampai..i tot he alreadi at bayan lepas..alih2 baru sampai there nothing much to do..after subuh prayer..i decided to take a nap..heheh..konon2nye arr..about 11.40..tetibe my hp bunyi..aiseh..ingatkan my mum..rupenye die call..adeh..tak sempat kaver kate dah lame bangun tido..kantoi betul..(my sis punyelaa gelakkan i after i told her about this) sumhow..thanx to that phone call..kalo tak krn ade org call..rasenye..tah sampai kul bape terlajak..heheh..
p/s: anak dara abad ke-21..
my fren dah balik dr berjalan2 kat london..actually die sms at about 6.30..bgtau dah sampai..i tot he alreadi at bayan lepas..alih2 baru sampai there nothing much to do..after subuh prayer..i decided to take a nap..heheh..konon2nye arr..about 11.40..tetibe my hp bunyi..aiseh..ingatkan my mum..rupenye die call..adeh..tak sempat kaver kate dah lame bangun tido..kantoi betul..(my sis punyelaa gelakkan i after i told her about this) sumhow..thanx to that phone call..kalo tak krn ade org call..rasenye..tah sampai kul bape terlajak..heheh..
p/s: anak dara abad ke-21..
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
motivating myself
lately..feeling so depressed..the reason>> result peksa dah nak nightmare dah dtg balik..whoaa..byk kali gak..i kept questioning myself..why cant i do this better..why can't i do that tak jumpe jawapan die..n..just now..while browsing through my email..i came across sumthing that once i had read it..but never learnt from it..hurm..
what makes u 100 percent TheorY
Equals to
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K= 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98% only
K+N+O+W+L+E+D+G+E = 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96% only
L+U+C+K = 12+21+3+11= 47% ( most of us think that this is the most
important thing..)
Then what makes 100%
Is it Money? ........... Leadership? ........... Health?..........NO !!!
To get to the top, to that 100% what we really need to go
further... a bit more is....
A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E = 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100 %
So there we discovered it:
It is OUR Attitude towards Life and Work that makes OUR Life 100% is my attitude that causing me to keep doing the same mistake over n over again...i hope it is still not too late for me to change..might be hard..but..belum cube .. belum tahu..:)
p/s: inspiring theory..
what makes u 100 percent TheorY
Equals to
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K= 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98% only
K+N+O+W+L+E+D+G+E = 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96% only
L+U+C+K = 12+21+3+11= 47% ( most of us think that this is the most
important thing..)
Then what makes 100%
Is it Money? ........... Leadership? ........... Health?..........NO !!!
To get to the top, to that 100% what we really need to go
further... a bit more is....
A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E = 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100 %
So there we discovered it:
It is OUR Attitude towards Life and Work that makes OUR Life 100% is my attitude that causing me to keep doing the same mistake over n over again...i hope it is still not too late for me to change..might be hard..but..belum cube .. belum tahu..:)
p/s: inspiring theory..
january's personality
sumthing about the personality of ppl that was born in january..heheh..ade yg betul..n ade yg 80 percent matched me..hahaha..
Ambitious and serious.
Loves to teach and be taught.
Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses.
Likes to criticize.
Hardworking and productive.
Smart, neat and organized.
Sensitive and has deep thoughts.
Knows how to make others happy.
Quiet unless excited or tensed.
Rather reserved.
Highly attentive.
Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds.
Romantic but has difficulties expressing love.
Loves children. Loyal.
Has great social abilities yet easily jealous.
Very Stubborn and money cautious. those yg lahir bulan rabiulawal..
Rabiul Awal
Perwatakannya baik.
Mungkin dia akan mendapat pangkat besar, menjadi orangberpengaruh atau kaya tanpa diduga. Dalam pekerjaanramai yang suka.
Sifat negatif dirinya termasuklah kurang sabar, hatinya keras dan mudah marah.
hahaha...aku tadek bday semalam..tak wat papepun..ari nie..baru nak celebrate..(tadek mood nak celebrate pun)..hurmm...thanx for all the wishes..
Ambitious and serious.
Loves to teach and be taught.
Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses.
Likes to criticize.
Hardworking and productive.
Smart, neat and organized.
Sensitive and has deep thoughts.
Knows how to make others happy.
Quiet unless excited or tensed.
Rather reserved.
Highly attentive.
Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds.
Romantic but has difficulties expressing love.
Loves children. Loyal.
Has great social abilities yet easily jealous.
Very Stubborn and money cautious. those yg lahir bulan rabiulawal..
Rabiul Awal
Perwatakannya baik.
Mungkin dia akan mendapat pangkat besar, menjadi orangberpengaruh atau kaya tanpa diduga. Dalam pekerjaanramai yang suka.
Sifat negatif dirinya termasuklah kurang sabar, hatinya keras dan mudah marah.
hahaha...aku tadek bday semalam..tak wat papepun..ari nie..baru nak celebrate..(tadek mood nak celebrate pun)..hurmm...thanx for all the wishes..
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
i love oldies...esp..can't take my eyes off you n L O V E..hahaha..tetibe ade mood nak berjiwang ngan lagu ere..lyrics for L O V E..performed by nat king cole..gosh...i loveeeee oldiez..
L is for the way you look at me,
O is for the only one I see.
V is very, very extra-ordinary,
E is even more than anyone that you adore can...
Love is all that I can give to you,
Love is more than just a game for two.
Two in love can make it,
Take my heart and please don't break it,
Love was made for me and you.
L is for the way you look at me,
O is for the only one I see.
V is very, very extra-ordinary,
E is even more than anyone that you adore can...
And love is all that I can give to you,
Love is more than just a game for two.
Two in love can make it,
Take my heart and please don't break it,
Love was made for me and you...
Love was made for me and you...
Love was made for me and you!
sweet...sooo sweet..
p/s: hepi bday to me !! i'm 22 today..
L is for the way you look at me,
O is for the only one I see.
V is very, very extra-ordinary,
E is even more than anyone that you adore can...
Love is all that I can give to you,
Love is more than just a game for two.
Two in love can make it,
Take my heart and please don't break it,
Love was made for me and you.
L is for the way you look at me,
O is for the only one I see.
V is very, very extra-ordinary,
E is even more than anyone that you adore can...
And love is all that I can give to you,
Love is more than just a game for two.
Two in love can make it,
Take my heart and please don't break it,
Love was made for me and you...
Love was made for me and you...
Love was made for me and you!
sweet...sooo sweet..
p/s: hepi bday to me !! i'm 22 today..
Saturday, January 01, 2005
my first movie for 2005..
first of all happy new year..erm..n as usual..i dun celebret new year..i hate crowded places..n at the same time..i'm glad that this year celebration had been least..tak payah nak dgr berite about..botol arak tahun2 sebelum nie..sumhow..till today..still rasa sedih ngan bencana 26 disember tu..takziah.. decided to join my frens beronggeng kat klcc..heh..a treat to called pre celebration for my's the plan? tgk wayang..n chit chat all the way..sambil window shopping..sampai je kat biasalaa..punyelaa panjang org beratur..hey..small matter..already booked 2 choices of the fockers and ocean 12..sib baiklaaa..pas diskas2 skit..kiotrg decide nak tgk meet the kat kaunter tu..'pandai' sgt..die leh terdelete my booking information for that movie..haiyaa..geram b..ocean 12..ade plak booking info...nampak laa..rase cam tak bes plak..first day of the year..dah bengang2 kat org..
next..b4 the movie started..kitorg lunch kat food court..aku mkn charboiled black pepper chicken..hurmm..boleh tahanlaaa..then..lepak kinokuniya..aku sempat beli computer active ngan comp to the movie..ermm..rasenye tak perlu nak komen..ocean 12 is entertaining..after the chameleon..n aku sempat gi hush puppies outlet..saje tgk new arrival..hehe..eventually..aku sempat target satu kasut kat situ..which cost rm 139..whoaa..sape2..belanjelaa aku..
from klcc..aku gie sogo..actually nak jejalan kejap je..n later tapau prosperity burger for my the slipper leh terputus plak ..aiyaaa..abislaa duit aku..nak tak nak..kenalaa aku beli new sandal time tu jugak..hurm..puas aku belek2..last2 aku cekau sacha punye..rm 25 je..(lehlaa aku cekau carlo rino satu b4 balik utp nanti)..
later..gie mcD..kat sini..kesabaran aku mmg teruji..actually..aku kena tunggu kejap for the burgers..maklumlaaa..burger tu setahun sekali je adenye..demand sure'm ok with it..aku pun tunggu jelaa..after 5 minutes..burger tu dah bg kat ppl yg kat kaunter tu dulu..okey..takpelaa..aku tunggu lg..10 minutes after that..still tak dpt lg..wah..aku dahlaa berdiri menuggu..ngan barang2 yg agak berat..mase tu aku mmg dah bengang..aku gi tanya..n a few minutes after that baru dpt burger tu...wth..
took a cab..reached home by 7 p.m..sgt penat...n sis , Ana..balik dr shopping wif her bf..heh..guess what..dpt hadiah bday..thanx a lot ana..she gave me a lovely scented girl's diary..hehe..terasa cam budak remaja plak..walhal..this 4th jan..i'll be 22..( sis punye bday 10th tak beli pape lg utk die)
overall..ari yg best..dpt jumpe ex smstarian..dpt borak ngan member yg tgh kat paris..dpt hadiah..n paling best >> skoler dah masuk...hehe..alhamdulillah...
p/s: dun't take things for granted.. decided to join my frens beronggeng kat klcc..heh..a treat to called pre celebration for my's the plan? tgk wayang..n chit chat all the way..sambil window shopping..sampai je kat biasalaa..punyelaa panjang org beratur..hey..small matter..already booked 2 choices of the fockers and ocean 12..sib baiklaaa..pas diskas2 skit..kiotrg decide nak tgk meet the kat kaunter tu..'pandai' sgt..die leh terdelete my booking information for that movie..haiyaa..geram b..ocean 12..ade plak booking info...nampak laa..rase cam tak bes plak..first day of the year..dah bengang2 kat org..
next..b4 the movie started..kitorg lunch kat food court..aku mkn charboiled black pepper chicken..hurmm..boleh tahanlaaa..then..lepak kinokuniya..aku sempat beli computer active ngan comp to the movie..ermm..rasenye tak perlu nak komen..ocean 12 is entertaining..after the chameleon..n aku sempat gi hush puppies outlet..saje tgk new arrival..hehe..eventually..aku sempat target satu kasut kat situ..which cost rm 139..whoaa..sape2..belanjelaa aku..
from klcc..aku gie sogo..actually nak jejalan kejap je..n later tapau prosperity burger for my the slipper leh terputus plak ..aiyaaa..abislaa duit aku..nak tak nak..kenalaa aku beli new sandal time tu jugak..hurm..puas aku belek2..last2 aku cekau sacha punye..rm 25 je..(lehlaa aku cekau carlo rino satu b4 balik utp nanti)..
later..gie mcD..kat sini..kesabaran aku mmg teruji..actually..aku kena tunggu kejap for the burgers..maklumlaaa..burger tu setahun sekali je adenye..demand sure'm ok with it..aku pun tunggu jelaa..after 5 minutes..burger tu dah bg kat ppl yg kat kaunter tu dulu..okey..takpelaa..aku tunggu lg..10 minutes after that..still tak dpt lg..wah..aku dahlaa berdiri menuggu..ngan barang2 yg agak berat..mase tu aku mmg dah bengang..aku gi tanya..n a few minutes after that baru dpt burger tu...wth..
took a cab..reached home by 7 p.m..sgt penat...n sis , Ana..balik dr shopping wif her bf..heh..guess what..dpt hadiah bday..thanx a lot ana..she gave me a lovely scented girl's diary..hehe..terasa cam budak remaja plak..walhal..this 4th jan..i'll be 22..( sis punye bday 10th tak beli pape lg utk die)
overall..ari yg best..dpt jumpe ex smstarian..dpt borak ngan member yg tgh kat paris..dpt hadiah..n paling best >> skoler dah masuk...hehe..alhamdulillah...
p/s: dun't take things for granted..
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